

Make random notes on the calendar

I want to make notes on my calendar for random stuff that could happen everyday, like like low energy, excessive hunger, sad event, etc., spotting or bleeding in between periods. Not everything is about the symptoms, but other factors. That would be aweseme! Tks

3 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 19 July by user Yerane

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  • 19 July Yerane suggested this task

  • 19 July Belle Health approved this task

  • avatar

    That’s super interesting, Yerane! Thank you so much for sharing this ideia.

    19 July
  • avatar

    Would also like the ability to add notes to the day. For instance, if I had a panic attack, would like to have a note to remind myself of the circumstances around why I had to report that symptom that day. And to make notes for the good days 😀

    20 October
  • avatar

    Yes! I need a placeto capture a little unstructured data.

    05 November