

Add withdrawl function to

I would recommend the addition of a withdrawl button/page for users that wish to cash out. input field for the amount they want to withdraw and a form for entering a contact email/number, and any other information Mike would find helpfull (Drop down for selecting a payment method, etc…).

The main purpose would be to provide a more prominent notification for Mike when a withdrawl request is made and to help avoid withdrawl request emails being filtered into junk or sent to the wrong address by mistake.

This would allow Mike to become aware of a request right when it comes in, enabling him to more promptly respond to said request. This would hopefully reduce anxiety for both Mike (not needing to worry as much about missing a request) and the person/entity cashing out (As Mike can quickly comumunicate to inform them the request was recived and when he expects to be able to complete it).


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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 13 September 2023 by user Austin