Monday 03 February Leonid Shevtsov created a task in Suggestions :bulb: Variable ping schedule 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov created a task in Planned :bulb: Adjustable ping interval 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov created a task in Planned :bulb: iCloud sync 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov created a task in In progress :tools: Automatic backup to iCloud 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov edited a task :bulb: macOS app 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov created a task in Planned :bulb: Apple Watch app 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov created a task in Planned :bulb: macOS app 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov created a task in Planned :bulb: Multi-ping tagging 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov edited a task :seedling: Beeminder integration 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov created a task in Planned :seedling: Beeminder integration 0 0 Leonid Shevtsov edited the map for Ping! - stochastic time tracker