

Tally Metric With Custom Increment (e.g. Medication Dose)

User request:

“I’d like to track medication using a tally that is tied to a dosage so that I can quickly record whether I’ve taken a pill while also maintaining a numerical dosage. The use case is that I want to track how much I’m taking numerically but the dosage may change and I don’t want to have to enter the exact dose every time. Example, I currently take 50mg, twice a day. I want to record a tally of having taken the pill. But if I later switching to 25mg twice a day, I want to still be able to tally “one” dose but have the data reflect that I took 25 mg rather than 50mg.”

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Tagged as Tweak

Created 25 October 2024 by NTL

Moved into Completed 12 November 2024