Confusing display of items in History
Total newbie to the app (so, sometimes we might have the best UX feedback since we’re trying to figure it all out from a blank slate).... When I went to the History tab, I was immediately confused looking at the calendar because I looked at today and saw “4”, yesterday is the 13th, and the day before is the 12th. Then, I noted that other days were completely wrong and the calendar didnt even make sense. “How could a calendar not know what days were which?”
Turns out, it has nothing to do with the dates, its the number of items tracked each day. Super confusing.
I’d personally vote to have this removed entirely (when I click on the day, I see everything below). Second option for those that might love it, is a settings on/off choice somewhere to disable this. Third option, would be to flip flop the txt styles… To me, the date should be more prominent since it’s a Calendar I’m looking at. If the date had been in bold blue, and the number of items in small light gray, I dont think I would have had a problem.