Under consideration


Better way of seeing what game is being played

I’m not a huge fan of the new addition of the game thumbnails in the corner of each stream. They feel pointless from a discoverability standpoint. They’re too small to be able to tell what game is being played unless you already know what that cover is.

I feel a much better solution would be to move the viewer count (with a little red dot like the twitch player has) in the corner where the game thumbnail is and then have the tile’s subtext be “SoAndSo playing SuchAndSuchGame”. This would be much more in line with the official twitch app as well, which displays thumbnails with a view count in the corner and then the full name of the game as subtext.

I’m sure there are people who still like the game thumbnails so I’d be perfectly content with this being an option instead of a straight up change in design.

3 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 13 August 2018 by user Steve

Moved into Under consideration 16 August 2018

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  • 13 August 2018 Steve suggested this task

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    We’re considering this too. Thanks Steve.

    16 August 2018
  • 16 August 2018 Michael W moved this task into Under consideration

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    Thumbnails in corner of each stream

    I think you mean the main view (not player view)? Imho the size is just fine.

    One coudl argue you’re not going to discover much about a game just because there is a large picture. Sometimes you can’t even tell what the game is from the picture really (some odd choices). Some games I’ve seen also changed picture over time.

    On the other hand you do get to quickly recognize the usual suspects: call of duty, hearthstone, “just chat” etc. In that sense it works.

    Viewer count

    I definitely agree there. The red dot and view count in bottom right of the thumbs as seen in the official app works well.

    This brings to mind some earlier critique that maybe I can explain better:

    • there is def; something that can be improved about the typography and the formatting of the text below the thumbs.

    • the main issue I see comparing to the old app, is there is no font size contrast+ and/or font weight* contrast whatsoever. You see two lines of text that are both same size, and same semi-bold weight. It seems like a minor thing though if you can still run the old app (i didn’t update my ATV yet), you immediately feel how the old app even if it looks dated, has a clearer vbisual hierarchy:

    • you have the scrolling title in the larger type

    • you have the streamer name a bit smaller
    • and then you have “playing Some Game” in the smallest size

    I’m not saying 3 lines of text here is an improvement, but drawing attention on the visual hierarchy. If you look at the old app, then the new app you can sense that much better. There’s just no “instant’ visual differentiation between the two lines of text under each thumb. The color I think doesn’t do as well a job as would font weight or size.

    So long story short Steve’s suggestion would also address that. “889 viewers on djarii” is just not as suggestive or meaningful as the viewer count

    01 December 2018
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    re: the game thumbnails

    In general I agree with Steve’s first suggestion , since I can tell the games from the stream’s capture, and when it’s different from the usual suspects in “top streams” (cod, dota…) .. then i’m curious and I check them out so it works without game thumbs.

    01 December 2018