Custom Activity Types
I really like that I can see how much I cycled in which month, and that I spent x hours in a car.
Now I’m asking myself: Which bike did I take? How many km did I cycle with this rental bike, and how many km did I use my roadbike? How many km did I spend in my own car, and how long did we use my friend’s car? What’s the percentage of Uber rides in comparison with public taxi companies when looking at taxi rides?
This goes a little bit in the direction of the tagging system proposed elsewhere. I can, voluntarily, enter a manual tag for each activity. This is a bit tedious.
It would be cool to put constraints to the tagging system, such as “Every car ride has to be labbeled with a carname-property”. This way, the app could actively help me achieve a complete tagging state. (Same as “unconfirmed items”).
It could also make proposals as it learns where and when I typically use which vehicle.