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  • 07 February 2018 Belle Cooper approved this task

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    I have some thoughts on Pocket <-> Larder integration.

    If I tag something a certain way in pocket, like lardr/devops then I want the article to be linked to the devops folder in larder.

    Likewise, when i put something into the devops folder in Larder, i’d really like it to be saved to Pocket.

    I would love it if larder could surface a click to open in pocket archive button too!

    Archive feature is quite valuable to me! Chances are, if it’s a technical bookmark, then i’m very motivated to have access to the link even if the link rots, server is down or the article or solution cant otherwise be seen.

    I know that the last annual survey you did was not super helpful, but the few people that did write in made it clear that they wanted archival support.

    That’s a really hard job (and your storage costs only ever grow, non linearly!) and i dont think it should be your job to do this.

    Pocket is my choice for archival, but there are other services that do very similar things.

    I’d prefer that you guys keep on doing what you / larder are best at and I’ll value the freedom to choose which archival service i use.

    And this brings me to my last point:

    please consider adding Zapier support.

    See: here:

    13 June 2019
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    The issue behind your plans here is that I’m almost certain pocket doesn’t archive the content of a post, it only keeps a short excerpt and just points to the original URL of the article.

    13 June 2019
  • 06 August 2020 Josh Sharp edited this task