

Improved Medication scheduling and grouping

Choosing things like As Needed or more specific schedules in creation. More shortcuts for taking lots of meds at once. See

Maybe also the ability to create custom groups to put all your meds in and also for their to be a take all functionality for each group.


240 votes

Tagged as Tweak

Created 06 October 2020 by James @Bearable

Moved into Completed 09 October 2024

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  • 06 October 2020 James @Bearable created this task

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    Is it possible to have an all medications taken button in insights similar to the total symptoms? It would be nice to see if the days I remember to take all my medications/supplements make a difference or not. Thanks for listening! And you folks are doing an awesome job on the app!

    08 November 2020
  • 30 November 2020 James @Bearable edited this task

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    Yes maybe we could add a “Taken all (apart from the as needed meds)” button. Although it would kind of defeat the point of Tracking, as it’s not really helping you to make sure you took them in that case.

    11 December 2020
  • avatar

    Thanks for your response James 😊 I’m not sure we’re talking about the same thing though? I was wondering if it would be possible to view in Insights the days when I took all of my medications (verses only viewing them singularly on the graph) to see if it made any difference on my symptoms. Compared to days where either I forgot to or was too tired to take them all. Was this what you felt my original comment communicated? The only way I know how to do that now is to search each medication individually and chart out what days I took them all. Is there a way to view what I took that I’m missing? My original post my not have been very clear. I apologize for that.

    I know you are working on a lot in the app. Everything you have done has made it so much easier for me to chart my symptoms and find correlations! Thanks for all your hard work; it is very much appreciated!

    12 December 2020
  • avatar

    Oh I see what you mean. Hmm that’s quite specific!

    For your situation I would actually suggest setting up factors saying “took all meds” and/or “didn’t take all meds”. I feel like that’s the best way currently of seeing what you want.

    28 December 2020
  • avatar

    Grouping medications the way you demonstrated on the reddit post would be my number one feature request

    01 January 2021
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    Would it be possible to add another dosage amount? Currently we have - 0.5, -1, 0, +1, +1.5. For my medication, one of them requires me to break it into 1/4 pieces, so maybe a - +.25 could be implemented?

    So far, I’m loving all of the improvements and work that you’ve put into this app. I’ve been following the progress since you first started creating it. It’s incredibly useful and simple to work with.

    01 January 2021
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    Hey Hannah, we actually intend to just have an edit button so you can put in the exact dosage for days you want to.

    02 January 2021
  • avatar

    YES having a grouping of “all my morning meds, at their usual doses, yes I took them” in one button click would be amazing.

    30 January 2021
  • avatar

    It’s also must-have feature to set up daily prescribed value. I.e 30 mg twice daily. Right now it is not visible how much should be taken in total. But grouping by the time of the day should help it.

    04 February 2021
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    Maybe a grouping like the pre, am etc would help. That way you can add each medication per time periods and have an added button there for ‘all’. Still with the time stamps and everything like it is now. Cause it works really really nice (for me). If something like that comes i would also like a catagory ‘as needed’ I thinkni’ve alreafy read it somewhere. But it would be nice that if you get a reminder and press on it you don’t just open bearable, but it emmidiatly opens to the medication (time period) you got the reminder for.

    07 February 2021
  • avatar

    Love it y’all! If there’s one thing I’d like to see them improvement on right now it’s this, being somebody that’s an avid biohacker I log quite a few supplements throughout the day, so the medication area ends up taking up quite a bit of screen space ☹️

    11 February 2021
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    Please could we have the ability to snooze reminders for set timeframes (eg 10,15,30 mins). Sometimes it comes up during a meeting for example, and by the time the meeting is over I have forgotten about it.

    14 March 2021
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    Would it be possible to implement an inventory, so we can keep track of the medication we have and when we need to get a refill?

    25 March 2021
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    I would like to see amount of medication taken in the insights as it relates to mood and energy. Like if I take 5mg or 10mg each day I’d like to see that called out on the graph.

    27 March 2021
  • avatar

    I’d love to see better functionality for changing dosages over time. As an example, I’m currently reducing a medication to 3/4 of my previous dose, but i can only record a reduction of 1/2. And if i manually change the dosage amount, it changes all previous records, so i can’t track when the dose changed.

    Also, it would be good to be able to “archive” a medication we are no longer taking (or a dose that is no longer applicable) so if something changes, we still have the record of past meds without a long list of redundant stuff we no longer need. Thanks 😊

    07 April 2021
  • avatar

    Agree with nadi, I’m in the same situation tapering a medication very slowly. Every time I’ve gone down to a lower dose I’ve created the same medication under a new name with a different dosage and turned off the old one, but not deleted it, so I can track tapering against my symptoms if I need to. Not an ideal solution

    07 April 2021
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    Yes! I thought since you can reduce the amount of medication that there would be some insights or way to track that but I realize there isn’t. It would be great if we could see a graph that related how reducing medication dosage may affect symptoms

    17 April 2021
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    I would appreciate it if there was a way to record exactly what date I start or stop taking a medication or supplement. It would help me see if something is helping or not, and also a way to record side-effects.

    19 April 2021
  • 20 April 2021 James @Bearable edited this task

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    I can’t wait for this feature, it will make tracking my meds and vitamins so much easier 🙌

    17 May 2021
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    @Rochelle I think there already is. If you add a medication, it doesn’t add to data before the day it was added, and I am pretty sure deleting the med doesn’t effect past data. That stays the same, so removing the medication from the list should do what your wanting.

    17 May 2021
  • avatar

    Would also be great to ‘take’ medication from the reminder notification

    21 May 2021
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    Would also be helpful if individual notifications stayed visible into swiped away or clicked on.... Sometimes I have multiple notifications, but when I click on one from bearable and enter the app, they all disappear and I have to try to remember which reminders I had.

    22 May 2021
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    I agree with both of Verity’s suggestions in the above comments. I would also love to be able to snooze a notification.

    26 May 2021
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    Yes, I agree with Karen’s added suggestion about snoozing a notification:)

    26 May 2021
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    I would really like to be able to select a medication and then see a calendar of the days that I have taken it.

    16 June 2021
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    Could you modify the medication reminders to include medications that are taken weekly, every 2 weeks or monthly? The current reminder schedule only allows daily or specific days of the week.

    For one of my medications, I take monthly, say on the 25th of every month.

    03 July 2021
  • 09 July 2021 James @Bearable edited this task

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    I’m splitting this into two stages. The first stage will be grouping ability, then eventually there will be more scheduling options

    09 July 2021
  • avatar

    Yessss thank you James!! And just since I didn’t see anyone mention this: About your first comment about negating the tracking aspect, many of us use pill organizers so they’re all in one box/pocket anyway. So for me, I have an “am” box and a “pm” box.

    13 July 2021
  • 22 July 2021 James @Bearable moved this task into In progress

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    Really looking forward to this =D

    23 July 2021
  • 23 July 2021 James @Bearable moved this task into Planned

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    Not sure if this is what you’re working on right now, but I second Jack’s suggestion for inventory and refill reminders. I also need reminders for a medication I take every other day (not currently an option). I currently use Medisafe for medication tracking, but if Bearable gave refill reminders and more reminder schedule customization, I could simplify my life and get rid of Medisafe.

    06 August 2021
  • avatar

    I agree with some people above.

    • Love to have a inventory and refill reminders.
    • Also being able to set time intervals for medication (every … hours).
    • Being able to tick off medication from the notification (also on Apple Watch)
    • Extra reminder when the medication isn’t ticked off in x amount of time, or being able to snooze the reminder.
    25 September 2021
  • 05 December 2021
  • avatar

    GROUPING!! YAASSS! 🙌🙌🙌 I created this account just so I could request a grouping-esqe feature so I can check off that I took a group of meds at one time and alter the time I did so AT THE SAME TIME! So incredibly glad that it’s already been requested and is planned!

    05 December 2021
  • avatar

    Hi! Do you think it would be possible to add a “Routines”-like feature for those of us that take multiple medications, multiple times a day?

    I have certain medications I only take at night, and some I only take in the morning. When I input my night medications, I have to individually tally them up each night (there’s like, 5 of them). I’d love a way to tap a, “PM medications” button and have the app input them!

    20 February 2022
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    I take up to 7 different meds at a time. Because of the refresh/sync of the app, it can take over 10 minutes to open and update each med - then I have to change the time for each one (a few meds have to be taken at least x-time apart). Is there a way to select all meds that I take at one time, and enter the time all at once, instead of for each one? I’m not sure this is the same as having AM and PM groups - if it is, I’m not sure how to set it up. Thanks!

    07 March 2022
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    I take 5-6 meds at night (depending on allergy season) and having to click each med is just ugh. My adhd makes the task seem so much harder than it is.

    I had been using a clump entry labeled “nightly meds” but I realized last night that I actually do need to be tracking the proper doses.

    I look forward to this being implemented soon.

    04 July 2022
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    I have meds that I take more than once a day and I take a lot of meds. I really need the “took morning meds” and “took noon meds” ability and they need to be able to both have the same medication in them.

    13 August 2022
  • 16 August 2022
  • 03 October 2022 James @Bearable edited this task

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    Just to reemphasize and add to what other people have said, here are the things I would want the most from the meds section (in order of priority):

    1. Medication groups that represent factors unto themselves. I want to know the effects of each specific sleep aid I take, but I also want to track whether I took any sleep aid on any given day. With my ADHD, it’s way too much mental effort to add an additional factor for each group on top of logging the med itself, especially since I use something from almost every category (sleep, pain, stimulants, laxatives, antispasmodics, etc.) every day.*

    2. Persistent medication reminders. I would really, really, really love to be able to have my medication log app provide my med reminders. But the current Bearable med notification system is nowhere near reliable enough. The effects of missing many of my medications or taking them too late can be absolutely devastating. It is WAY too easy to accidentally dismiss a notification by accidentally clicking or swiping, or through a phone restart or app crash. Because the Android notification system is so unreliable, the reminder app must be the source of truth for a dismissal. Each reminder has to be persistent (i.e., sticks on the notification bar; can’t be swiped away or dismissed normally) until a definitive dismissal is registered. A definitive dismissal should be one of two things: (a) full completion of the medication entry in Bearable, or (b) clicking a “Skip med” button (i.e., “I’m not taking this med today”) on the notification or in the app, which must require a confirmation (e.g., “Are you sure?”) before the notification gets dismissed. (If the notification is still there by midnight/end of day, I would want a “you missed this med yesterday” persistent notification with a similarly clear dismissal button.)

    3. Repeating (“pestering”/”annoying”/”nagging”) medication reminders. When I hyperfocus, I can easily tune out a single notification sound/vibration and forget it for hours. This is cruelly ironic because the medications that help me with hyperfocus are the ones I need to take as close as possible to the same time every day. I need my medication reminders to repeat their sound and vibration at an indefinite number of times at pre-specified intervals (I usually prefer every 5 minutes, but it should be customizable per medication) so that I don’t take meds too late.

    4. Bulk-add medication groups with bulk timestamp edit option. I have a set morning and evening group, but they won’t be taken at exactly the same time every day. So if I’m going to add all meds from a group, I’d at least like the option to autofill the current time or manually set a specific time for the whole group.

    5. Tracking medication timestamps in graphs and insights. Building on my previous point, when I end up taking a daily med noticeably earlier/later than usual, I want to know how big of an impact that has on my symptoms. Similarly, if I want to see how morning or evening doses of a specific med compare, it’s very difficult to find correlations looking day by day: it would be great to have dose times represented in some aggregate measure like a graph.

    6. More button options on reminders. I agree with Milla and Natalia that reminders need to open the app directly to the medication/med group in question, and have snooze options as buttons (ideally customizable snooze times), plus maybe the “Skip” / “I’m not taking this med today” button I mentioned earlier. Also, if med groups are implemented, they should definitely at least have the option to have a group-level notification (e.g., morning/evening groups).

    When it comes to the groupings, I just want to emphasize that it would be best to avoid boxing anything into a preconceived category like “daily meds” on the app itself. There are always going to be use cases you won’t anticipate, so flexibility is always better. “Group” should be a broad concept with a variety of options so that we can treat the groups however we need.

    *One thing that would be really useful, but maybe difficult, to add to med groups would be cross-referencing and subgroups. Examples: caffeine is both a stimulant and a laxative; pepcid is a daily med (daily group), but would also fall under the antacid group; a cannabis subgroup (comprised of different ratios/brands/strains of THC/CBD) within the broader sleep-aid group (cannabis, benzos, Z-drugs, melatonin agonists, etc.). You could allow us to choose a “main” group for each med for the logging interface, but include the same med in other groups in the backend for analysis. IDK, maybe this is a pipedream… I don’t have a good sense of how hard it would be to implement.

    22 November 2022
  • avatar

    I love the app!

    It’d be tremendously helpful to be able to categorize medications and supplements in a customized way, just like you can group and sort your symptoms.

    The user should be able to create the categories, such as herbal supplements, and prescriptions, or morning and evening, etc.

    21 December 2022
  • avatar

    Would it be possible for Bearable to read the medication data in Apple Health? I already have all my medications set up there and I prefer the very visual UI for this specifically. But Bearable is WAY better at symptom tracking and analysis, so it’d be great if Bearable could “see” that I took my eight o’clock medication at ten and include that info in its analysis.

    23 December 2022
  • avatar

    I think we can implement just groups quite easily (and a take all button for each group).

    However given how many of you say you will use it (e.g. to create a Morning, afternoon and evening group), won’t it be a problem that you can’t have the same medication in multiple groups?

    Or is it super important to you that you can actually have the same medication in multiple groups? In which case we’d have to think of the best way to do this.

    Let me know - the more feedback the better :)

    24 January 2023
  • avatar

    I was one of the folks who asked for the ability to create medication routines with nicknames and time stamp them all at once. I stopped using the app entirely in the meantime, it was too cumbersome. I’m am very eagerly anticipating this change.

    I am one of the millions, if not more, patients who takes several medications many times per day. There’s barely a diagnosis on the planet that doesn’t call for a more than once per day administration of a med, even down to antibiotics.

    It may take extra finagling, but the only practical way to ensure accurate tracking is to go whole hog and make it so meds can be listed in more than one routine per day.

    25 January 2023
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    In my case, the feature only adds value if a medication can be listed in multiple groups. Anecdotally, I think taking the same medication once in the morning and once in the afternoon/evening is way more common than having totally different sets at the different times of day.

    25 January 2023
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    My use case: I have roughly 8 medications I take twice a day (one of which has different dosage AM and PM), about three that I only in the AM, and about 7 that I only take a night. I have one that I only take 5 days a week, and several that I have for “as needed”.

    So, I would want to have an “AM” group and a “PM group, where medications could be in either group or both groups - and where I can either click “taken all” and set the time on a group or select “skipped” on an individual medication.

    I have found that the recently implemented medication tracker in Apple Health functions very well for how I take and schedule my medications, particularly the feature that if I reschedule one of the medications in a group it gives me the option to reschedule the entire group, rather than having to do them individually.

    In a perfect world, Bearable would be able to import the information from Apple Health regarding medication tracking. However, being able to have separate “groups” of medications that I can select as taken individually or collectively as a group would be infinitely helpful.

    25 January 2023
  • avatar

    Yes, having the same medication in multiple groups would be useful/important for medications that are taken multiple times a day, but also at the same time of day as multiple other medications.

    27 January 2023
  • avatar

    Exactly!!! Extremely critical for psych med tinkering

    14 September 2023
  • avatar

    Agreed, came to comment this. If I could have. Maybe each group could be named (ier morning) and if you flipped that switch to taken, then all the meds would flip as taken (kind of like when selecting no symtoms). Then of you needed to you could unselect a particular medicine (like of you ran out, are off it temporarily ect). I really really really hate having to put in times everytime. Maybe that should be an optional setting? Also it should be on the health checklist and at the very top!!! So weird that it is in the last place of “what else happened factors”

    14 September 2023
  • avatar

    Really need to put medications at the top of the list. Part of being a person with chronic conditions is understanding that some days you have more spoons than other days– and having a plan for when you have not a lot of spoons and when you have more is crucial in keeping habits (like using Bearable). To this end, while having so much information you can possibly track is lovely theoretically, it’s not great on a low spoon day. On a low spoon day I want to he able to open the app, rate my mood, check off my medications (preferably with one click), note any symptoms I care about and leave. Now since medications is sooooo far down the list, if the medication section is blank for an entry there’s a 50/50 shot I took mu medications and just didn’t go through the whole app and full it out because I was just doing a quick entry

    From a design POV, I think it would behoove you to try to keep in mind that there are two kinds of entries for most users. A deep involved entry and a quick entry. If your app can accolade both it will be a more successful habit for people to do. I have to do this for all habits I try, especially if I’m trying for no 0 days. I have to think “what could I do to keep up the habit on a day I have nothing”. That might mean that even a single push up counts for “working out” Some scribbles count for “draw everyday”. A grocery list can count for a daily poem. It sounds silly but it works. Because doing a little is better than doing nothing. The UI needs to understand this or it will lose people in the overwhelm of how much data there is to potentially put in.

    16 October 2023
  • avatar

    I’ve posted a new design for this here:

    Please let me know your thoughts, thanks :)

    21 March 2024
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    The ability to enter medication with more than one strength and those that are not taken every day of the month, such as birth control pills, would be great. For instance, I take Estarylla® (Norgestimate and Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets, USP) STRENGTH 0.25 mg/0.035 mg, but I cannot enter this into the application because it only allows one strength to be entered. A birth control schedule would be great, also. For instance, my schedule is to take a pill for 21 days and then take placebos or nothing for seven days. Having the ability to customize and track these data points would be great. Also, adding notes, such as do’s (take with food) and don’ts (do not take with alcohol), would be great. Finally, allowing more characters in a medicine name would also be great.

    07 June 2024
  • 12 August 2024 Julian moved this task into In progress

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    I’m really looking forward to this feature. I have 3 meds I take daily, 1 of them I usually split the dose for morning and late morning/noon, and also have 2 other meds that I take from day 14 of my menstrual cycle, having the ability to track each of those more easily will be super helpful

    17 August 2024
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    Thirding the inventory feature. I’d like to move all my symptom and meds reminders to bearable, but without the function of seeing how many doses i have left without manually counting them, i’m not sure i can

    02 September 2024
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    I’ve been using the beta of the new medication grouping feature and I just wanted to say I’m loving it. Thank you so much for doing this. It’s fantastic and I use the group feature for entering 80%+ of my meds.

    15 September 2024
  • avatar

    I might join the beta just to see this, I’m really excited for it! I take a few supplements that have multiple medications in them, and having to manually enter the individual dose of each ingredient gets really tedious.

    21 September 2024
  • 09 October 2024 Julian moved this task into Completed