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  • 06 October 2020 James @Bearable created this task

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    I just found out about this feature from reading it here!

    08 November 2020
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    So, i added one and see that it shows your mood for 30 and 60 days after. I find it very difficult to define my mood and am using this more to see my symptoms. So i would be more interested in seeing if my symptoms score has changed.

    08 November 2020
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    Ditto on Milla’s response. I am testing the addition of a new medication to see if my symptoms improve (score goes down).

    19 November 2020
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    I agree with you, Milla! It would also be cool to see what your mood/symptom score was before the event, to see how it’s changed

    20 November 2020
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    I would like to see the impact of events on symptoms as well as mood, and to see data for the 30 days before incident/event too. I want to use this section to track the impact of medical procedures (eg, nerve blocks and botox) on my symptom severity, which can take a few weeks to have impact so don’t fit with the main app symptom functions. Thank you! As others have mentioned, this would be useful for starting new medications too and I think adding symptoms would be really very useful.

    03 December 2020
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    I agree, mostly I would want to see the effect on my main symptoms, sometimes even sleep, next to mood. So maybe when adding a new event we get to see a checklist where we can check on the things we want to keep track of for this event?

    07 December 2020
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    I’d just like more time blocks. So far there’s 30 and 60 days. But I’d like 90, 180, 365 as well. I’d be fine with it stopping there at the 1 year mark.

    18 December 2020
  • 20 February 2021
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    Love Milla’s idea!

    13 April 2021
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    agreed, i would like to be able to click on the event and see mood before vs. after or compare symptoms before vs. after. super helpful when starting new medications and therapies

    06 May 2021
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    Can we please get significant events in the data export? Will create another suggestion too, but wanted to mention here as well.

    29 June 2021
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    It would be great to be able to add an event in the future as well. For example I have a medical procedure coming up and anticipation / worry about it are definitely impacting my mood. Then after the event I would want to see the effect for prior 30 days for example. That would be cool to see on the chart over time.

    28 September 2021
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    I think it would be best if you could choose the length of the time blocks yourself, because depending on the event different time blocks make sense.

    26 January 2022
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    I agree with some others here that being able to select a time period (versus a single day) would be helpful and also seeing insights for BEFORE the event, as well as after, would be helpful

    06 March 2022
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    I have ME which is a fluctuating condition. Being able to track current symptoms & connect them to previous events is exactly what I need as my symptoms can appear the next day, or sometimes 2 or 3 days after an event. I’m looking for connections between my activities over a few days & the severity of my symptoms following.

    01 May 2022
  • 03 October 2022 James @Bearable moved this task into Under consideration

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    It seems weird since the primary use of bearable is to see how medication increases and decreases are affecting you that it is difficult to mark that on the events. When I up my Lamictal it’s not clear that it understands that the increasing of the Lamictal makes it a separate data point from the days before. In other words

    08 January 2023
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    It seems weird since the primary use of bearable is to see how medication increases and decreases are affecting you that it is difficult to mark that on the events. When I up my Lamictal it’s not clear that it understands that the increasing of the Lamictal makes it a separate data point from the days before. In other words

    08 January 2023
  • avatar

    It seems weird since the primary use of bearable is to see how medication increases and decreases are affecting you that it is difficult to mark that on the events. When I up my Lamictal it’s not clear that it understands that the increasing of the Lamictal makes it a separate data point from the days before. In other words

    08 January 2023
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    I agree with Mila. I want to be able to use significant events to track the impacts of new medications on symptom score. I’d love to see a high level avg score over time like maybe avg 30 days before, 30 days after and 60 days after. I don’t find the mood score helpful at all, especially because it doesn’t even give a reference for what the mood was prior to the event.

    15 October 2023
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    Adding a similar suggestion from another member of the community:

    Add significant events. “I’d like to be able to log significant events as they happen. Like how I can log my energy levels through the day. For example, if I have a fainting spell I would like to log it at the time it happened. Rather than in groups of AM or PM.”

    17 January 2024