Under consideration
Change food diary entries to timestamped meals rather than split by am/mid/pm.
Also maybe some kind of auto complete when typing foods you have already used.
Also maybe some kind of auto complete when typing foods you have already used.
Lose It! has a beta API program (https://www.loseit.com/partners/). I’m not sure how easy or useful it would be to use or get into.
I would love the food logging to work like it does in the app I currently use, Diet Diary - it automatically stamps the time when you enter the food in the diary (giving you the option to change the time if doing it later), and it remembers what you’ve logged before so entering even whole meals or things with long names is very quick and easy. Currently I’m using that to log food and Bearable for symptoms/meds, would love to just use Bearable for everything
Love that this is a planned thing! As I’m suffering from eating disorder it’s hard for me to fit my meals or snacks into the three boxes. But it’s still important to me to monitor when I eat, and what. Agreed though that it should be just an additional feature, not a default thing. (And while I’m at it, thank you devs!! You’re making life a bit easier!)
What time did you eat that??
Almost everything in the app can be timestamp…but not the food ! For my part, I struggle with binge eating and separating my food intake this vaguely, isn’t really working. It would be nice to have the timestamp on the food/drinks too. * this could be added to this other suggestion I saw, to separate water/beverages intakes ! *
Add meal time slot
Could “pre” become a valid 4th time frame separate from “am” the same way factors and symptoms are divided up into 4 sections to help those of us frequently awake during this time? It messes with my data to think all of that food was eaten over the same time 6hr frame as “mid” and “pm” when it was really 12 hours worth of food
I also would like to add to how important the time slot iption would be. I am cuurently tracking stomach pain which is randomly trigger. Could be food factors (eg gluten) but also timing on meals. Pm meal is something that can be eaten in such a wide time range it doesnt give the details. I have added my custom factors but ability to specify time WITH specific factors would be much more usable for my situation.
With eating disorders, medical treatments, specific diets, medications in mind: 3 meals a day may work for some, but does not work for all.
It causes a lot of anxiety for those who struggle to eat when it is set up this way. It’s a backwards schedule for those who are on overnight hours and makes it incredibly difficult to track when meals actually were eaten.
The current set up is inefficient if you also struggle to remember to eat. It’s incredibly difficult to track when a meal was, and what it consisted of when there is no set up other than 3 meals.
A food diary section sounds more inclusive. Sections to select a time when something was consumed, solid or liquid. Options to add what the meal was. Options to track stats or add tags/notes.
A more open approach
I’m not sure why the food section is not more of a priority for Bearable. It seems like you all had a substantially improved redesign 2 years ago per this Reddit thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/BearableApp/comments/nc68aw/food_diary_redesign_making_it_more_like_factors/ For me the clukiness of the Nutrition section is the largest drawback of Bearable.
Specific timestamps are definitely crucial for tracking food correlations imo. I’m someone who doesn’t necessarily eat 3 basic meals at normal times. Instead I tend to eat smaller meals/snacks throughout the day, making it hard to track what might’ve caused a reaction if they’re not specifically timestampped.
Bearable is so slow at listening to its users with features. This thread has been open for four years, but was moved to “under consideration” for two with many people saying food is important, and there’s no updates.
I guess this isn’t a priority because the authors of this app eat three square meals a day and expect their users to? Many of your users don’t eat meals, need to track what they eat when they eat, track water as more than “glasses” because water is not something everyone can drink easily and need to write notes on their meals.
You’ve got users with diagnoses like IBS and allergies who need to look for reactions or triggers in their food. You’ve got users with eating disorders, users with autism. There are SOOOO many reasons why tracking food is important.
Give your users what theyvre been asking for for YEARS. LIsten to us. Give us more than “i ate three meals at these three times and had this glass of water”. Otherwise whats the point of your app and whats the point of us commenting telling you this is what we need?
I’m with you on this! There are a handful of suggestions that have strong user approval without frequent or recent updates. I really like the fact that bearable has this website for app input and requests, but lately, it doesn’t seem to have been super helpful for getting updates or streamlining the app’s input processes. Bummer :/
I’m very much looking forward to an improvement on this feature. Bearable is so amazing at tracking so many things. I came across it because I was mainly looking for a food journal for my IBS, and while other apps implement this feature better, I’m sticking with Bearable because the rest of it is so great. I can’t wait for the nutrition section to catch up!