

Allow multiples of identical food

A way to mark the quantity of a particular item we ingest in a singular time period would be very helpful. As of right now, there doesn’t appear to be any differences between a day when i only have one average snack versus say i binge and have 5 whole packages of the same junk food in the same time period. Or say I am unable to eat a “real” meal, and try to make up by having multiple snack bars or meal replacement drinks, it still looks like i mostly starved instead of simply could only get down one type of food.

194 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 14 October 2020 by user Hana

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  • 14 October 2020 Hana suggested this task

  • 29 October 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    I’d like to be able to log fluids more accurately in the drinks part of food. I suppose I could do it in the new measurements section but this means logging the same thing twice. My coffee/tea cups hold 300ml and they’re fairly standard.

    02 November 2020
  • avatar

    I’d like to log liquids in ounces instead of liters.

    07 November 2020
  • avatar

    I agree with both requests- measure fluid intake in US units - ounces.

    08 November 2020
  • avatar

    Yes being able to use the measurements you’re used to is important I think.

    09 November 2020
  • avatar

    Yes! Ideally you could both have multiples of the same thing (e.g. 2 protein bars) as well as an ability to indicate quantity (e.g. 1 cup of peas).

    04 December 2020
  • avatar

    Agreed! the whole food diary itself is basic and locked in simplicity at the moment.

    16 May 2021
  • avatar

    I eat a lot of things more than once during the day because I don’t really eat meals. I “snack” throughout the day, so I’ll make a sandwich eat half now, and half later.

    17 May 2021
  • avatar

    I would also like to customize the cup size. I use a 20oz water bottle, doing math to track my water intake isn’t ideal.

    17 May 2021
  • avatar

    Yes! I found this to be problematic on my first day using the app. Being able to control quantity and different unit types would make it easier to use

    02 September 2021
  • avatar

    Agreed, a handful of almonds multiple times in the morning or even two alcoholic beverages on a weekend are hard to track won’t naming them snack1 snack2, or beer1, beer2. If we could do quantity to see how that affects moods and symptoms that would be very helpful.

    05 September 2021
  • avatar

    In the same vein, associating calorie count with an item so I don’t have to keep looking it up / putting that in both food and my customized health measurement

    17 September 2021
  • avatar

    I totally agree. Please give a separate mechanism for entering both the food itself and the amount. Also add custom fields to the food e.g. oxalates, salicylates, histamine level etc to help with tracking amounts of whatever diet the user is on.

    24 October 2021
  • avatar

    Track multiples by quantity and size of same item (ie how many cups of coffee I drink per day) and calorie tracking (I don’t mind putting in the calories manually if needed) would be great additions to the food diary.

    06 January 2022
  • avatar

    I’ve been wanting this for ages, I often have multiple of comfort foods on a bad day so what I do is just put a X2 such as “Jam donut x3”

    16 January 2022
  • avatar

    This would be great! But it would satisfy my ED too much I think…

    16 January 2022
  • avatar

    This would be great! But it would satisfy my ED too much I think…

    16 January 2022
  • avatar

    Yes, that would be great (with me for sweets, vegetables,… - right now, I just see I ate eg sweets, but not how much of it).

    25 February 2022
  • avatar

    It could be like in the medication section, to increase, decrease the amount of a specific food/food categorie.

    25 February 2022
  • avatar

    I think since inputting what you eat doesn’t generate any insight, it might be sufficient right now to put the amount in your entry? Like “5 servings of potato chips” or something like that. But I would love the ability to input a number of servings directly. I agree that I would like calorie tracking, but it’s sort of a complicated situation because a lot of people with mental illness use the app and calorie-counting is not always good for those of us with eating disorders.

    20 June 2022
  • avatar

    I’d love to be able to measure how many coffees I had in a day (eg 1x, 2x etc), so I can track impact on energy and things like headaches.

    01 July 2022
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    This would be very beneficial for those with eating disorders, undergoing treatments or in my personal experience: are autistic.

    As an autistic adult I often eat the same foods, sometimes all day or for multiple days to weeks.

    Being able to input the same food multiple times is a FANTASTIC suggestion

    16 July 2022
  • avatar

    I very often (daily?) eat 2 of the same things on the same day at different times. I am never able to input say, a blueberry muffin once and then another one later. Would be much easier if I could simply hit the item (from recents or favorites) again.

    I do have a quite limited diet, so perhaps others aren’t affected by this, though I would imagine some not insignificant subset is. Or they aren’t tracking as closely as I am.

    To clarify, this seems to be a problem only when trying to to add another item in the same time-frame (am, mid, pm), but that’s a lot of hours to cover, for snackers!

    26 March 2024
  • avatar

    Agree with other users! The ability to enter quantities would be super helpful. I drink numerous coffees in the morning and would like to indicate the number in the app.

    26 May 2024