

Medication countdown

A medication countdown so you know how much you have left before you need to refill. When you record your meds it takes away from your stock total.

Eg “you have X days of ____ left”. (Would need to be able to change how much you take each day so it has the right amount of days until refill for you).

I havent found a single app that does this and it’s infuriating 😂

161 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 11 November 2020 by user Tobias Jefferson-Towner

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  • 11 November 2020 Tobias Jefferson-Towner suggested this task

  • 16 November 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    This would be AMAZING

    29 November 2020
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    Yes please! I use medisafe app for this but I would love to just use this app for everything!

    29 November 2020
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    Yes please! I use medisafe app for this but I would love to just use this app for everything!

    29 November 2020
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    I use MyTherapy for that. It also allows me to enter all my appointments with physiotherapy, doctors, pain management, etc.

    29 December 2020
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    Opinion here

    As a programmer, I’ve been thinking a lot about this. There are SO MANY ways to expand Bearable. Medications, Nutrition, Diet, Exercise, Sleep, and Journaling are all elements of this app. If you look at the number of apps that cover each of these topics, you will see very extensive software in them. I don’t think its wise to try to either build replacements for them or to compete with them. (I know the request is for one feature, but it will be among a growing list.)

    As I understand the purpose of this app, it’s about gathering data related to health together in one place and using that data for analysis.

    So I hope this app approaches things a little differently from your request: make it easy for data from the other apps to appear in Bearable. Find your perfect Medication tracking app and talk to James & Co about integration.

    That doesn’t mean integration can’t be two way. Suppose you record taking your meds in Bearable. It could notify your medication tracking software accordingly.

    However, my opinion is that it shouldn’t take on the job of managing data not in its area of expertise.

    I hope this gives perspective. We all want Bearable to succeed. They have limited resources, and this recommendation will let them get there.

    09 January 2021
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    Just a curious. If there was a general counter, where you could enter, for example 90 days, would that work for you as well? That you would have to figure out how many days worth of dosis you have? Or do you want it to track how many times you’ve entered that you took the medication and count down in that way? So, i have an inhaler with 200 dosis that i take 2 dosis 2 times a day, so i have put a reminder in my calender that i need to change it every 50 days. I am not taking into account that i forget, but i so rarely do that i’d rather change it 2 dosis early, or in case of pills i would rather have a few to spare then be short.

    07 February 2021
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    This is all well and good but I am sick of having so many medical apps. It probably works very well if you only have 1 or 2 medications to just put a reminder in your calendar every however many days but I am on like 16 different medications full time and another 5 or 6 part time. Medication math is absolutely exhausting especially when you have to keep track of everythind yourself and then organise with a chemist to get new prescriptions filled and even more exhausting when you have multiple chronic illnesses. I think integration from other apps would be great but I don’t think it would be too much of a stretch to just enter how many doses you have/how many pills you have somewhere and then when you track your medications it takes off from your “stock” amount however many you took. I really love bearable and it’s helped a lot to track things for me but this is something I continually struggle with and if I need to track what meds I take on bearable for data purposes and to figure out interactions with symptoms etc then having to enter this data onto a second app to keep track of how much stock I have left if all becomes too confusing.

    08 February 2021
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    I am probably misunderstanding your comment but I meant a tracker that you enter how many pills you have eg 20 x 500mg paracertamol and then when I track that I have taken 2 x 500mg paracetamol pills the total stock would show as having 18 pills left. It would also be helpful to have like 18 pills = 2.5 days worth so I know oh I need to go to the chemist and get those tomorrow so I don’t completely run out.

    08 February 2021
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    I take a whole pharmacy for an exotic zoo of health conditions, so I can definitely relate. Even with a pill planner, keeping track of when to refill which meds can still be overwhelming when you’re in terrible pain, or constantly exhausted, or depressed/dissociated (or in my case, all three… 😓), and sometimes I’ll still lose track.

    And your request is definitely simple, only a simple +/- math formula.

    However, I don’t think Peter is trying to say that’s unreasonable. Just that we need to keep in mind the app’s started purpose, or else its code may become too bloated. And the more “moving parts” it has, so to speak, the harder it is for the devs to keep free of bugs and glitches.

    It seems he’s just nipping things in the bud before even bigger spreads of features are suggested. Because then that may become a case of “Well, your app can do this and this, so why not this too?” And it could get the devs in over their heads.

    He just wants us to keep that in mind, that’s all.

    That said though, I DID get this app with the impression that it would indeed be a consolidation of multiple health trackers, along with how all our conditions and lives intersect and affect one another. But my impression may have been wrong. That’s up to the devs to decide. But at least with Peter’s reminder, we’ll know not to feel hurt if the idea, great as it is, may be turned down. Slippery slope and all that.

    But as he said too, potential integration with existing apps can sometimes be a doable compromise, where your other med tracker still keeps your pill tally, but by being connected to Bearable, it can do the math itself every time you log your taken doses in Bearable. Then it can send you a notification when you’re low (if it’s set to), and you’ll only have to open it to report that you got your refill.

    But handshakes between apps can also be complex, it depends. So like I said, we’re not written off yet, but it’s good to not take it personally if this suggestion doesn’t work out.

    15 March 2021
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    i’m also using this app currently. i would love to be able to switch over to using bearable for this purpose. whether that’s through integration with another app and then using bearable as my primary interface, or allowing this to happen within the bearable app completely doesn’t really matter to me. whatever ends up being easier is fine - but it would be helpful to be able to integrate this information with bearable

    06 May 2021
  • avatar is the closest to that that i have ever found but being able to have it all in one app would be great

    09 August 2021
  • 19 November 2021
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    Monthly medication schedule option

    I use the nuvaring. That medication is used for 28 days. I would like the option of a reminder to take it out on that third week and put a new one in a week later.

    05 January 2022
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    I think this would be a nifty feature as well, but I’ve used MyTherapy Pill Reminder in the past (android). For those interested, and also as a reference.

    I really liked how you could set how often you needed to take the meds, such as daily, or as needed.

    19 April 2022
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    I use My Therapy as well. This app is quite good already but what I missed was the possibility to correlate symptoms and medication (this is why I am here 😉). Probably an integration as someone proposed into Bearable would be great. The countdown function is quite important. Especially if you have containers that don’t show how much product they have inside.

    21 April 2022
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    I’ve been using the My Therapy app, but Bearable does everything that My Therapy does except tracking remaining pills/doses (I don’t use My Therapy’s appointments, and the symptom tracker is sorely lacking). It’s annoying logging both when I take so many meds during the day. Breathable does a better job showing me doses/quantity and history (especially useful for supplements and variable doses) and syncs with all my many symptoms. All I need is to keep track of my inventory :)

    30 June 2022
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    This issue is becoming a k. o. criteria for me continue using this app. . Only because this feature is missing I have to monitor my medication in a seperate app with this feature. It becomes more and more unnerving. I believe this is an issue for every user monitoring medication - as specially if you have a dozen different meds and more. Today it is even more important than ever because many meds are hard to get and need to be ordered long time in advance. I really hope this feature will be implemented soon.

    18 August 2022
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    I would love this! I’d also live a timer for timed medications, like I’m supposed to take one every 4 hours so it’s nice that I can set notification times but I suck at taking it on time. So it would be nice if I could say I need it every 4 hours, then when I mark that I took it, it sends me a notification 4 hours from that time.

    24 October 2022
  • avatar

    I would love this! I’d also live a timer for timed medications, like I’m supposed to take one every 4 hours so it’s nice that I can set notification times but I suck at taking it on time. So it would be nice if I could say I need it every 4 hours, then when I mark that I took it, it sends me a notification 4 hours from that time.

    24 October 2022
  • avatar

    Echoing this reminder! So well stated!

    02 February 2023
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    Omg! As someone who has a literal pharmacy on their night stand this would save me so many headaches! The amount of times I’ve forgotten to refill a med is crazy. I’ve tried setting calendar reminders but that only works if the pharmacy isn’t out of stock and I end up getting it filled x days later. Then I have to go and adjust the whole calendar reminder repeats. It’s a pain in the backside.

    03 March 2024