

Ability to adjust amount of water with more flexibility

Ability to adjust amount of water for the food factors. (not only 250ml but maybe 200, 500 or 450)

121 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 13 November 2020 by user Lena B.

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  • 13 November 2020 Lena B. suggested this task

  • 16 November 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

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    Based on my usage pattern from other app, 3 maybe 4 configurable slot should be enough.

    20 November 2020
  • 11 December 2020 James @Bearable edited this task

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    It would also be useful to have this be an importable statistic. I’m currently tracking water through a Hidrate bottle that syncs with fitbit and then with Android health through FitToFit, it would be great if that was automatically imported into Bearable along with my sleep and heart rate

    22 December 2020
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    Would be lovely to be able to manually set the “default” water unit. I have a 40oz water bottle that I always use that I would love to set as the default size so I can track total refills rather than the smaller amount currently set up.

    30 December 2020
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    My comments on the Water UI: • I’m using my Fitbit for this data, and want to import its value in. • I’m not using the food dairy section because I’ve chosen to go with nutrients. To me, water is a nutrient. If you introduce a Nutrients section (a separate request), the feature should be available there too. • I need my entry in ounces, not ml. Same with any reports. • The idea of adding and subtracting a fixed value like 250ml doesn’t make sense to me. •• My intake varies based on the container I’m using. I’m usually using 8, 10 and 12oz containers. I usually reuse the same container all day long, making it easy for me to remember the size. ••I want to setup my preferred sizes (8, 10, 12) and tap on one for entry. •• I’ve found it easy to miss an entry in Fitbit. It keeps a list of all entries which helps. Its missing the time of day on those entries so its lacking another key piece of info to recover the memory of when I drank. •• As a result, I think the UI for water entry should be more like the Mood UI. Add each container separately, with TOD attached. Offer icons or buttons for each size choice, much like the icons of Mood.

    03 January 2021
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    Also let it track other things than water. I don’t have a problem with water intake but would love to use if for coffee or tea to see how much caffeine I intake.

    03 February 2021
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    I don’t know how difficult would it be to implement, but the possibility to specify a customised amount of water would be hugely helpful for me ❤

    13 March 2021
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    Water tracking is especially important for dialysis patients. Everything that helps tracking the water balance would be helpful. Some people are limited to 1000ml total fluid intake per day or less.

    26 April 2021
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    Ability to change unit of measurement would be helpful.

    07 May 2021
  • avatar

    Yes, please give more options for amount! My water bottle is 18oz and being stuck with only a 250ml (20oz) option makes tracking accurately basically impossible. Water intake is a big factor I want to track in relation to symptoms, so this is borderline breaking the app’s usefulness for me, which is a shame because I like everything else about it.

    17 June 2021
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    Seconding the suggestion for tracking intake of other liquids! It would also work really well if we could set the ‘maximum’ amount ourselves.

    22 June 2021
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    +1 as another Hidrate water bottle user who would love to import data, or else happy to be able to input exact amount instead of having to add in multiples of cups.

    07 September 2021
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    I use a 900ml bottle of water, so it would be useful to put on a text box so I can type how much water I’ve ingested

    12 October 2021
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    I use 350ml mugs and water bottles, would be so useful to be able to customise the volume in bearable.

    07 December 2021
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    My water bottle is 20 oz. It would be nice to set that as my default.

    08 June 2022
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    +1, I drink either a 32oz Nalgene bottle or 12oz seltzer cans all day long. Right now I’m just waiting til I finish some multiple of 8oz (4x8 -> 1 Nalgene, 3x8 -> 2 cans) and then plugging it in. But it’s very to lose track or forget entirely, and that’s usually what ends up happening.

    04 May 2023
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    I also use the Hidrate bottle and would love a sync option. I’d also like other fluid options and amounts. I drink energy drinks and currently just log yes or no under nutrition. And then gauge a little/moderate/a lot caffeine which is tricky to gauge.

    22 July 2023
  • avatar

    I really hope they add this. My bottle holds 20 ounces.There are no cups in my house that hold 8 ounces.Also if I measured by 8 ounces I couldn’t reach my goal of exactly 90 ounces of water daily and be able to log that.

    29 October 2023
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    Importing this from Fitbit or android health would be so clutch! I joined right when the other Fitbit integrations were added and am spoiled by them. I track automatically with my Hidrated Spark waterbottle, which pushes to Android health and Fitbit.

    09 November 2023
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    I use WaterMinder and it lets you set the sizes, units, and an icon for various beverages.

    Perhaps something like that for tracking beverage intake?

    For ex, my water bottle is 32 oz. With Waterminder, I tap on my watch two times - once to open the widget, once to tap the icon.

    10 April 2024
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    Ability to use glasses of water logged as a nutrition factors that affects symptoms, sleep and bowel movements.

    05 May 2024