remind me what I'm grateful for
I’m entering things I’m grateful for but then it never really comes up again. it would be lovely to have a notification or something that reminds me, at random, of some of the entries I’ve made.
I’m entering things I’m grateful for but then it never really comes up again. it would be lovely to have a notification or something that reminds me, at random, of some of the entries I’ve made.
I’d love to be able to just open a page of all my gratitudes all together. Or by the week or month. Just. Being able to scroll through them in aggregate would be so lovely! I love this feature for encouraging me in the moment, and I’d love it even more if I could go back.
I’d also love if they had a bit longer character limit like the notes. I almost always run out of space on Really Good days when there is just so much to be grateful for.