Under consideration


Import local weather data

Similar to the suggestion of air quality data but also importing temperature, wind chill, air pressure, etc. I get disease flares when there is a change in weather and knowing the types of trigger, when it triggers, etc. would be helpful to pain management. At the moment, the factors are not helpful enough and require looking for external data to fill in. Since NWS weather station data has variable timestamps, it might require some coding to aggregate and summarize to standard time ranges.

834 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 19 November 2020 by user Gericke

Moved into Under consideration 06 October 2022

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  • 19 November 2020 Gericke suggested this task

  • 22 November 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    I’d love to see this. I’m curious if humidity, barometric pressure and dewpoint (not to mention temperature) might impact my symptoms.

    29 November 2020
  • avatar

    At least having the ability to input more precise information than just vague cold, hot, high pressure, low pressure, etc. that would take the subjectiveness out of it might be nice, even if parsing takes a while

    16 December 2020
  • avatar

    You can add, delete, hide, or change all of those markers in the weather factors section. I have mine broken down in 10 degree increments. So I have a more definite number for the day’s high and low.

    16 December 2020
  • avatar

    If you do add something to track degrees, please keep in mind there is Fahrenheit and Celsius. I don’t know how diverse the users are, but I only know Celsius.

    23 December 2020
  • avatar

    Also, don’t forget sunny / cloudy / foggy / rainy, for us people who are SAD sunflowers :-D

    31 December 2020
  • avatar

    As someone who-unfortunately-only knows Fahrenheight and wants to better understand Celscius, could both be displayed with each entry for user comparison? I think having multiple options for what unit the user inputs is essential, since most of the world does not use Fahrenheit.

    07 January 2021
  • avatar

    humidity, barometric pressure, and temperature would be useful to me

    09 January 2021
  • avatar

    I tried tracking weather features but it became tedious because I didn’t want to rely on my own opinion of the temperature (etc.) when a weather app could give me precise & accurate data so I was constantly having to check my weather app for the numbers & then input them. If we could have a factor section called ‘weather’ that we could set up to input data from a specific weather app and input only our chosen factors (such as temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, and clear skies/cloudy/partly sunny/foggy/rainy, etc.), that would be perfect! I’m not sure how to code such a thing but if it could be designed, that would be amazing. I really want to know how these things affect my symptoms & mood! I already know that waking up to sunshine puts me in an energetic and happy mood, but I wonder just how much waking up to rain does the opposite or might relate to a headache onset.

    15 January 2021
  • avatar

    I think alot of my issues are triggered by weather, pressure changes, barometric changes and so on. This would be an amazing feature. I’m still on the fence about buying the premium but more ideas and features like this would 💯% get me closer to doing it.

    29 January 2021
  • avatar

    Having this info tracked automatically would help a great deal regarding accuracy. In addition, as I do experience regular bouts of fatigue, it’s not always easy to actively input this info. It would help to lessen the stress that can impact fatigue/brain fog. Many thanks in advance 👍

    29 January 2021
  • avatar

    This would save so much time for me

    02 February 2021
  • avatar

    Yes, yes, yes! This is so helpful to track for migraines especially.

    03 February 2021
  • avatar

    Yes this could also include air quality info! Climacell offers an API which does both: https://www.climacell.co/weather-api

    04 February 2021
  • avatar

    I love this idea. I live in a state where the weather changes so much each day and it’s hard to link symptoms to weather.

    17 February 2021
  • avatar

    Would love this! Having ADHD, the more information is automatically syncd, the more I am able to maintain using an app. With migranes, weather would definitely help find additional triggers!

    23 February 2021
  • avatar

    I would love this. Practically could say it would better my chances of consistently using this app (my executive dysfunction and dissociation disorder make it hard for me to keep up). Having less to put in manually would spare me so much mental wall-climbing. Sunny vs cloudy days HIGHLY affect my mood and energy; I’d swear I’m a plant. And precipitation and cold weather hurt my joints so badly.

    Having some way to have a local weather feed automatically imported would be fantastic. Whether by the average majority-of-the-day conditions plus high/low temperatures, or by increments (pre/am/mid/pm), or sampled from at whatever time of day our moods are noted, are all a few possibilities I can think of, though of course the tech-minded may know best how to make such data both efficient for the app to use, and useful in terms of lining up our symptoms and mood entries with the weather.

    15 March 2021
  • avatar

    Really good idea Since I fill out these forms first thing in the morning the weather app will help me prep for the day

    22 March 2021
  • avatar

    I recently discovered that Accuweather produces risk indices for the following based on the forecast and location: arthritis, sinus, migraine, respiratory, flu/cold susceptibility, allergies, air quality index, etc. That would be a great shortcut for me as it is a combination of weather conditions that trigger my flares (I have actually tried tracking and unraveling it myself). It’s not easy to find those multiple factor correlations so perhaps the indices would be easier? Or at least make it an option with raw weather data.

    11 April 2021
  • avatar

    It would definitely be a nice option, with, why not, the possibility of geolocalization (depending on what is possible of course). I know that my condition does deteriorate or get better depending on the weather, climate and altitude. As such, it would help me determinate how much of a role it plays in it (instead of just entering “sunny” or “rain” by myself, since it would already be tracking the weather or importing it from another app by itself).

    25 May 2021
  • avatar

    this would be so helpful

    06 June 2021
  • avatar

    Maybe you could find a few good weather programs that can export data, so you can just hit add weather and everything gets pulled in, or have it done a few times a day. I think I’ve only bothered to enter weather data once. Or just program your own, or it doesn’t need fancy like most weather programs available, it only needs the raw data after all.

    11 June 2021
  • avatar

    I think temperature and humidity have a significant affect on my CFS too, would love to see this.

    Even better would be important data from my eve weather device which links into HomeKit

    11 July 2021
  • avatar

    Even just a slider so we can input our own temperatures, precipitation, humidity or barometric pressure. The barometric pressure is my worst enemy for my RA. No matter how much I do to control my symptoms it can throw me into a flare despite all my best efforts.

    12 July 2021
  • avatar

    I’m not totally certain how APIs work, but I know that the app Exist has this feature using Dark Sky and I’m pretty sure it’s open source. Would it be possible to look into how they do it and implement it here?

    13 July 2021
  • avatar

    Looks like not anymore https://darksky.net/dev

    The problem we are having at the moment with this, is that we think if this is on the homepage it would make app start up performance much slower.

    We’ll continue to think of ways to do this in the future

    16 July 2021
  • avatar

    What about using only one API call for each part of the day (night, morning, afternoon and evening).

    The first app opening will fetch the data and all app openings up to the start of the next day part will not fetch any data?

    This will remove some of the strain and possibly only cause longer loading times when opening the app for the first time in the morning/afternoon/evening.

    I don’t know if this could happen in the background but that would be even better. Fetch weather data at certain times and import them. The app will not fetch any data beside those times.

    21 July 2021
  • avatar

    Thanks for the update on where this stands. What if it required tapping a manual “sync now” button to trigger the import? Yes it’s more tedious than auto sync but I think many of us would be happy to do so in exchange for the functionality.

    04 August 2021
  • avatar

    I think that Open Weather is one of, if not the most affordable weather API out there currently. I’ve actually been contemplating writing a script using it to do my own comparisons with the CSV export from Bearable. Would love to see this added to the app in the long term, but will likely hack my own solution in the meantime. :) https://openweathermap.org/api

    05 August 2021
  • avatar

    I would second what Mattie said, clicking to initiate the import would work fine for me. I do this already with logging. Plus there are many times I don’t feel the weather is relevant so clicking to import would let me control when it matters

    08 August 2021
  • avatar

    There are other health tracking apps that can do this so I know it’s possible. Moodflow is one that I’ve used that has an auto weather tracking feature. www.moodflow.co

    30 September 2021
  • avatar

    I would love this. I always forget to manually add these factors and I know temperature and barometric pressure affect me physically.

    13 October 2021
  • avatar

    Maybe make weather an opt-in feature so only those who want it and for certain items will be making the API calls? Oooorrr only make the API call when someone fills out a symptom or medication so then it’s not tied to startup? Oooorrrr since a lot of people want to know how it correlates, only make the API call when someone asks for the Insights graph needing weather data?

    15 October 2021
  • avatar

    Yes, this could also include air quality data and weather data. Ambee offers an API that does both: Please have a look once: https://www.getambee.com/api/weather

    28 October 2021
  • avatar

    If the loading time is the problem may be you could set this feature as optional so users can decide if they want to wait. Also triggering it manually is a reasonable solution.

    12 December 2021
  • avatar

    This would be tremendously helpful. Perhaps offering a manual selection that specifies which metrics to import would mitigate loading speed?

    20 December 2021
  • avatar

    This! It would be so helpful for tracking relation to chronic pain, migraines, depression, etc. And having the ability to import from my favourite app (the weather network), would be incredible.

    26 December 2021
  • avatar


    Just checking in to let everyone know we haven’t forgotten about this suggestion. We are growing our small dev team and will make this a priority when we can.

    Thank you all so much for bearing with us, and keep the suggestions coming!

    The Bearable Team

    03 February 2022
  • avatar

    That’s great to know! Thank you for the update Eoghan :)

    05 February 2022
  • 05 February 2022
  • avatar

    If my diary app can auto import the weather for the day, I’d think you guys could too. It’d be so nice to have this recorded without having to do anything! I already have so many other things to manually track.

    07 February 2022
  • avatar

    Barometric pressure. Rate of rise and rate of fall.

    23 February 2022
  • avatar

    Please! I think there may be correlations between headaches/dizziness and pressure, and lower energy or mood with cloudy weather. But weather is an easy one to forget to add and I don’t understand weather pressure or how to read it, what’s high, low, a drastic change. My chiro had suggested the imcrease in pots symptoms recently might have been due to the changes back and forth between pressure. So maybe not just to track if it’s high or low, but how big of a change was made between days?

    09 June 2022
  • avatar

    Would it be possible to sync with an existing barometric pressure app? You guys know best… this is a huge deal for me- barometric pressure changes first, but even high winds or hot days. I know we all would be so thrilled. Tia!

    21 June 2022
  • avatar

    Air quality (or lack thereof) is of particular concern in my area (Pittsburgh), along with cloud cover, with their impact on health and well-being (such as asthma, and Seasonal Affective Disorder, respectively). There has to be a way to partner and sync with an existing reliable weather app! Please more forward with this!

    21 June 2022
  • avatar

    Please, I’m very affected by SAD and this will make a big difference in my ability to monitor myself.

    28 June 2022
  • avatar

    Imported local temps, barometric pressure, changes in barometric pressure, and humidity would all be extremely helpful for me.

    10 August 2022
  • 06 October 2022 James @Bearable moved this task into Under consideration

  • avatar

    Would also love to see this feature! I think some of my symptoms (esp. headaches) are weather-related. Thanks for your hard work! :)

    23 July 2023
  • avatar

    Local temps, barometric pressure (especially deltas for whole day and for rapid drops over a couple hours) and AQI would be especially helpful!

    25 August 2023
  • avatar

    This would be so incredibly useful, as I currently use a separate migraine tracker. I would love to just use bearable for everything

    04 September 2023
  • avatar

    Full weather data, in both F and c, would be great. I know it affects my mood and exercise, but have no logged way for correlating that

    20 September 2023
  • avatar

    Temperature, humidity and even AQI have definite effect on health. I would love to see a weather section with automatic feed from weather sites.

    30 October 2023
  • avatar

    Would love to see this. I am very aware of how my mood changes due to weather. Grey cold rainy days always makes me tired. I’d love to see the correlation.

    08 November 2023
  • avatar

    If support or reference is needed on the particular way to implement this, How We Feel- a simplified version of this sort of app, aimed at specifically emotional well-being- has this integration feature and could be used to aid the construction of this feature

    09 November 2023
  • avatar

    Ah this is brilliant, would love to have this pulled automagically as opposed to entered manually via factors

    27 January 2024
  • avatar

    Time of sunrise and sunset (day length) would also be useful factors to contrast with sleep habits.

    01 February 2024
  • avatar

    I like that bearable has pollen as a factor to include because I have year round allergies and I wonder if they affect other symptoms, but that requires me to look up the weather channel app every day and check the pollen levels. I don’t have the energy or memory for that, and that could be automated to save us time!

    17 February 2024
  • 18 February 2024
  • avatar

    Definitely would love this feature as tracking weather to see how things like temp and pressure correlate with migraines and other stuff is super important to me.

    17 April 2024
  • avatar

    both this suggestion and https://changemap.co/bearable-/bearable-roadmap/task/5155-synch-with-the-app-tracking/ <- this one could be combined - would love to see auto populated weather metrics based on location data, scientific studies have backed the impact of barometric pressure on pain levels

    18 June 2024
  • avatar

    I don’t mind having to find and manually input the data, but it would be extremely beneficial to have the ability to input the air pressure figure too.

    27 October 2024
  • avatar

    My nerve pain fluctuates so much with temp changes, especially cold weather, and the drs have such a hard time believing me. Having actual data in my hands would be a game changer. Also, having the sunrise/sunset data linked to my mood and mental health would be amazing as SAD affects me greatly.

    18 December 2024
  • avatar

    Hi there, I’m a new user and so far I’m liking the app a lot for managing my chronic illness. Weather has such a big impact on my health, but brain fog and fatigue make it difficult to manually look up and enter weather details every day. Could you provide any updates on when this feature may be added?

    13 February