Under consideration


Sync with period tracker

Allow syncing of data between bearable and period trackers such as Clue for symptoms, cycle phase, and cycle length.

351 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 21 November 2020 by user No Li

Moved into Under consideration 31 January 2023

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  • 21 November 2020 No Li suggested this task

  • 22 November 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    This would probably be easier than creating a period tracker from scratch, as some users have requested. Most people who menstruate already have a favorite tracker for that, so if this app could import their data that would be amazing.

    14 December 2020
  • avatar

    +1 for syncing with Clue, Clue is pretty awesome.

    31 December 2020
  • avatar

    Yes! I use Clue as well and this would be fabulous. As it is now, I just input all of my data into both apps.

    15 January 2021
  • avatar

    Yessss please

    25 February 2021
  • avatar

    This would be really helpful. I use Flo.

    23 March 2021
  • avatar

    Oh yeah, this would be great. Especially if it can also auto-fill my PMS and menstruation days by importing the period app’s entries I fill in over there. I use both Clue, and My Calendar - Period Tracker.

    (I’m testing them against each other to gauge each of their accuracy, but of course if Bearable would offer syncing, I’d only do one of them depending on which one wins by then. So far they both seem super accurate though!)

    31 March 2021
  • avatar

    Since Clue disabled user access to local backups (thus deleting local data on update, without notice) I am not optimistic that this will be implemented. I switched to Bearable for this very reason, and it would be great if it included more period tracking features such as a calendar or a horizontal cycle bar.

    05 April 2021
  • avatar

    Maybe it can be synced with Apple Health which is also synced to whatever cycle tracker app we’re using.

    08 April 2021
  • avatar

    +1 for Clue!

    23 June 2021
  • avatar

    Another +1 for clue

    24 June 2021
  • avatar

    Another +1 for Clue! It’s a great menstrual tracker and I’d love to not have to enter the data twice. :)

    07 July 2021
  • avatar
    • 1 for Clue also. This would be such a great addition as my cycle affects my headaches, migraines, pain and mood. Periods are such a major part of a female’s health.
    21 July 2021
  • avatar

    This might even be “free” if we just get richer integration with Apple HealthKit and Google Health.

    Most solid period-tracking apps write to those services, and this way the Bearable developers can avoid having to maintain a connection for each app

    19 August 2021
  • avatar

    I stopped using Clue because they made a number of UI changes that totally threw off my usage of it, and were for a long time quite broken, for me. I’m now using OvuView, but it hasn’t stuck as a routine like Clue had. I’d love if Bearable had one built in, it would make things much easier.

    26 August 2021
  • avatar

    +1 for Clue integration!

    07 September 2021
  • avatar

    I suggest Glow app

    15 September 2021
  • avatar

    https://www.fitrwoman.com/ integration could be helpful, as this also gives scientific input for our wellbeing (and can be linked to strava).

    16 September 2021
  • avatar

    +1 for further healthkit integration - I use clue and sync it to Healthkit, so it would carry over! HealthKit is also doing a pretty good job with their native period tracking these days, which I didn’t realise until recently.

    20 September 2021
  • avatar

    Please sync with Clue or Flo

    20 September 2021
  • avatar

    +1 for Clue. Have been using it for years & would be nice to be able to view how various symptoms/moods correlate with one another.

    29 September 2021
  • avatar

    I’m using readmybody and before was using Kindara. Readmybody syncs with a few different basal body temperature devices.

    04 October 2021
  • avatar

    Please please can we get Bearable linked with the Cycle Tracking in Apple Health? I think it is really important and useful to see how our cycle affect energy levels, symptoms and other factors throughout the month. I have Lyme disease but would like to see how my cycle interacts with symptoms and energy.

    22 October 2021
  • avatar

    A way to import information from another period tracker app (like my calendar) or sync the info into bearable. I have certain unknown health issues I’m trying to compare info with and going back and forth between two apps can get frustrating. I’d love to be able to see all info conveniently in one place! :)

    24 October 2021
  • avatar

    Seconding Kate’s request! Love having as much native sync with Apple as possible and they’re doing a great job with their native tracker through the watch.

    04 January 2022
  • avatar

    +1 for Flo integration! Would be so much easier than building a new category like I did!

    12 January 2022
  • avatar

    Thank you everyone for upvoting this suggestion.

    We haven’t forgotten about this! We will definitely look at adding more integrations.

    As our dev team grows we hope to get around this suggestion as soon as we can.

    Thank you all for bearing with us!

    The Bearable Team

    03 February 2022
  • avatar

    I’ve been using OvuView for almost ten years. I consider it the Bearable of period trackers with it’s ability to customize symptom tracking and view correlations and frequency of symptoms by cycle day.

    (I have had a history of very varying irregularity and OvuView has always done a better job at predicting my cycles. You can turn on and off many, many different algorithms within based on what seems to be most accurate for you.)

    It is also integrated with the TempDrop wearable basal thermometer for way easier temp tracking, even if you breastfeed or work alternate schedules.

    They have great support and responsiveness, which souns like is lacking in some of the other apps.

    06 February 2022
  • avatar

    Sync with Eve please!

    10 February 2022
  • avatar

    +1 for Clue integration. I’ve been tracking there for over 8 years, I’d love to either be able to import previous info to get bearable up to speed (and phase out Clue) or get integration so I can use both with ease.

    13 February 2022
  • 13 February 2022
  • avatar

    I would like if I could import my data from Period Tracker. I have been using it for 5 years

    20 February 2022
  • avatar

    +1 for clue, the reason I made this account was to suggest it but can see so many others have too, would be so helpful!

    22 February 2022
  • avatar

    I use Flo, it syncs to apple heath, it would be great if I could see it on bearable, it would be easier to see symptoms that relate to the menstrual cycle.

    26 February 2022
  • avatar

    Just to follow up on this, are people looking for the ability just to sync when they are menstruating, rather than selecting it as a factor in the app manually? As being able to sync other specific menstruation info would be trickier.

    01 March 2022
  • avatar

    I would really just like it to sync from apple health the same way that sleep does. Seems like this would allow the greatest integration of apps on the iOS side since most apps seem to write to health. That to me would mean that apple health tells bearable I’m having my period and I could just add symptoms.

    01 March 2022
  • avatar

    i can’t speak for others but personally I would like it to sync with the other app entirely so you can track the whole cycle, rather than just when you are actually menstruating as then you could just add it in as a factor. It’s much harder to track a whole cycle using factors, which is why I think being able to sync clue, flo etc would be so helpful

    01 March 2022
  • avatar

    Yes I would love for it to sync with the Health app since I already track my menstruation there.

    02 March 2022
  • avatar

    Hi James, and thanks for taking this up. I would need more info than just the time/period i.e. follicular phase of the cycle. It would be great if Bearable could additionally sync cycle-related symptoms also during e.g. ovulation or luteal phase as entered on Clue or Health - it’s the stage in the cycle that directs hormones and therefore overall wellbeing. Agree, that’s tricky :) it’s a key factor for physical and mental states though.

    02 March 2022
  • avatar

    Yes for sync with Clue!

    18 March 2022
  • avatar

    For me, it’s not enough to only know when I’m menstruating. I use Flo and already added some things I track there to my factors. But still, most important for me is the correlation between my cycle and period-related symptoms. I also find that Flo tracks and analyses more detailed than Clue

    20 March 2022
  • avatar

    I’d like an option to track my cycle overall because symptoms usually aren’t correlated directly with my period. PMS and ovulation cause different symptoms, but I don’t always know when these are occurring without a native tracker.

    13 May 2022
  • avatar

    I use Fitbit for period tracking so linking up with this would help me a great deal. I have a lot of past data on there so backdated would be even better.

    14 May 2022
  • avatar

    Better to sync it with a universal aggregator of health tracker — meaning Goggle Fit. Many other trackers people use sync with google fit. (Unfortunately, not mine, Ovuview, so I have to input my data twice).

    21 June 2022
  • avatar

    Syncing to an external period tracker is an adequate solution until you finish your software. It’s just not a medical or even a wellness tracker until menstruation is integral.

    29 July 2022
  • avatar

    Another vote for syncing with Flo or Apple Health’s information regarding expected and actual period dates as well as flow intensity.

    08 August 2022
  • avatar

    +1 for Clue !

    30 August 2022
  • 14 October 2022
  • avatar

    I’m old so I have a lot of historical data in Period Plus. Would be great to move it over.

    12 November 2022
  • avatar

    +2!!! I wouldnt changed clue for a y app, sin mce it has so many data analysis, predictions, alerts and informative articles… If both apps could sync, Itd be great. One spend a lot of time tracking info in diferent apps…

    22 November 2022
  • avatar

    Apple health has a menstrual cycle tracker. It would be great to include that data as part of the sync with apple health function. Same with the new(ish) medication tracker in apple health.

    30 November 2022
  • avatar

    Or just have the ability to add where you are at in your cycle without having to sync to an app

    03 December 2022
  • avatar

    +1 for ptracker as it also has ttc and symptom tracking

    28 December 2022
  • 31 January 2023 James @Bearable moved this task into Under consideration

  • avatar

    I believe Flo is the app that is most in line with Bearable. As it’s focused on providing insight based on the time of your cycle and based on the symptoms selected. Combining those insights into bearable would be amazing! I’d be happy even if I had to pay for both subscriptions to use it if a collaboration were to happen but it’d be super super helpful!

    31 January 2023
  • avatar

    I use Flo. This feature would be the best 🥹

    13 August 2023
  • avatar

    Now that Bearable syncs with Fitbit, could it also bring in period info? (Cycle day, phase, symptoms, etc)

    14 October 2023
  • avatar

    Please this! It’s the feature that is missing most from bearable. What id be looking for ideally is mensuration, ovulation, luteul and follicular, but honestly even if it just had luteul and follicular that would be fine.

    03 December 2023
  • avatar

    +1 for Clue, or at least the ability to input cycle days/ have cycle day start from the first day you mark bleeding etc. I can track a lot in clue but being able to export data from both would make it easier to find correlations

    19 December 2023
  • avatar

    I use Stardust so it would be great if that was integrated, too!

    09 January
  • 17 January
  • avatar

    Stardust would be my request

    17 January
  • avatar

    I would love it if Bearable would since with Clue, which I used to use, and Flo, which I now use. Or with Apple Health’s tracker since it’s synced with the other apps. If bearable built a good menstrual tracker so I could get rid of the others that would be cool, but I’d be afraid that it would lose the data from before.

    Either way, tracking cycles is really important for tracking symptoms for me.

    28 January
  • avatar

    Seconding this suggestion. I’d love to see auto-sync with Apple Health (and other apps others might use).

    17 April
  • avatar

    Another vote for Apple health integration. Medications and cycle. This would be super helpful, and most apps sync with it already.

    30 April
  • avatar

    It would be great to at least be able to sync with Apple Health!

    06 May
  • avatar

    Either a sync or a very minimal tracking of cycle time, flow amount, mood (already there), cravings, and predictions after a few cycles. It would be very helpful to open Bearable up and see, hey you may crave x, y, z so be vigilant!

    07 May
  • avatar

    Sync w/ Natural Cycles data would be great!

    21 June
  • avatar

    Ability to input and predict periods and period phases would be great. As this has a big impact on female health and how your body responds to things.

    10 August
  • avatar

    Agreed on all of this - being able to track symptoms against day of cycle is so important and I was surprised Bearable doesn’t already have cycle day as an option. Read/write from apple health would be great.

    24 November