Not currently planned


Ability to mark symptoms on human body image

It would be nice to have a human figure and different colors of marker too show the intensity and place of pain from day to day for those of us that have traveling pain.

407 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 21 November 2020 by user Sierra King

Moved into Not currently planned 04 March 2024

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  • 21 November 2020 Sierra King suggested this task

  • 22 November 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    I’d like this feature as well for tracking localized weakness/loss of function/fasciculations based on region of body.

    01 December 2020
  • avatar

    Yes, and you could like press and hold or tap multiple times to show severity

    02 December 2020
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    I could stop using a different app for tracking where I’m feeling pain/symptoms and the intensity of Bearable had this option.

    16 December 2020
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    This is the thing that would have the biggest impact on my use of Bearable - at the moment I struggle to keep up with 2 different apps, and as a chronic pain/fasciculation sufferer I have to prioritise the one which has this feature even if it’s otherwise not as good as Bearable!

    29 December 2020
  • avatar

    A question to everyone who wants this feature. Now that we can group symptoms, can’t you make groups for the body parts? I now have my symptoms devided over whole body, mental, face, mouth, airways, back, arm, chest, etc.

    Within the group mouth I have have mouth, lips, tongue, gums, palate. Specifics like itchy or swollen I am adding as a nite (though I am not sure where the notes come back yet).

    Would that not also work? Or am I missing a definite advantage of having the image?

    30 December 2020
  • avatar

    Your suggestion is a work around but would add a ton of extra scrolling both inside the opened group and to the symptom section as a whole. The more scrolling in the app the more overwhelming it feels.

    30 December 2020
  • avatar

    I’d love this. And being able to mark when / at what time, for how long the symptom lasted, would be great. Keeping it so you could edit the symptoms would be good too - I’d use it to mark different types of pain (sharp, stabbing, cramping etc…)

    30 December 2020
  • avatar

    For me it’s about visualisation of my pain. E.g. Sometimes it’s in my left hand, up to my right elbow. Other times it’s all the way up to my shoulder. Marking each individual body part off as a location of pain on a list doesn’t provide the same visualisation tracking ability of the travel of the pain. Because I have body wide nerve pain, it also means that I would have to have literally every area on my body in that list, meaning a never ending scroll to find the bit I’m looking for.

    01 January 2021
  • avatar

    Yeah, I get that. I have one group for my right leg with symptoms for each part because, like you said, sometimes it’s just my foot but it can go up all the way to my groin. And the right side issues I have are different from the left.

    Would it work if for pressing an area on the image you get a list of those body parts (if you press the arm you get fingers, hand, wrist etc) then you can select those parts. Then maybe get a list of the symptoms to also select. And then score and time periods as they are. That way it would still be standardised in the list for the graphs etc. But also visualised.

    In my head the picture would be divided in in the smaller parts, fingers, wrist etc, so if you select only wrist only that part would get the colour. But selecting it by selecting the arm i think might be easier. Also in being able to select the multiple body parts and symptoms might save time.

    03 January 2021
  • 03 January 2021
  • avatar

    This seems to start with the need for Factors under symptoms. Factors would be the body parts. The image is just a way to select factors visually.

    For me, I want symptoms to have factors. I’m more than happy to use that without the body image graphic to achieve this data collection.

    I know that symptoms have a data entry metaphor that does not allow additional data per entry. I have many reasons to want all data points by time of day, not by period. So if I was to see this feature realized, it would look like Moods, except it rates the level of pain and includes a body image to tap.

    I am CERTAIN that other pieces of info can be attached to a symptom data point. Here we are talking about factors added. Notes per datapoint, sure. What about a connection to another relevant data point, taking a medication to manage the symptom? (Not requesting that here, just showing how a symptom data point is a lot richer than a rating and time period.)

    10 January 2021
  • avatar

    This would be really great. Sometimes my idea of where a pain is may be different from a doctor’s. It would be nice to show and not tell.

    07 February 2021
  • avatar

    Also, for it to be similar to the way moods and energy are, with different points in the day. Or how sleep has a duration. Like having a “stop” button so it auto calculates the time. Furthermore, having saved regions that you’ve mapped out on the body. It could really still be connected to that list of symptoms in this way. You have a named, preset region drawn out since many pains are recurrent.

    07 February 2021
  • avatar

    I just rememberednthis site! Thought it might be helpfull to have a possible example.

    09 February 2021
  • avatar

    Yes! Tracking chronic pain has my lists so long!

    17 February 2021
  • avatar

    I was going to suggest this feature, so another yes vote!

    18 February 2021
  • avatar

    This is certainly more doable than a body image.

    The only concern here is user interface. It will start to look very cramped. So I guess your suggestion is that the factors would then only appear once you’ve made an entry? Even so, if you have a big list of symptoms already, this can look very cramped and overwhelming.

    Maybe there could be a certain button to press if you want to go into more detail and then it would appear in a pop-up, but this is also not such a sleek UX if they keep having to open pop ups to make entries.

    We’ll have to give this some more thought, but I think factors seems like the best idea.

    16 March 2021
  • avatar

    An image could be used to indeed monitor symptoms of pain but it could also serve as visual navigation tool; as a way of indexing the factors. Something similar to this page from the Dutch General Practitioner’s association

    For me it would furthermore make sense to group factors (by default) with corresponding WHO standards or international guidelines (as in international classification for functioning [ICF], international classification of diseases [ICD], international classification for primary care [ICPD]). This to facilitate the use of data by health care professionals. The default categories as they are now, do not feel intuitive to me.

    Yet that’s from the perspective from a user who also happens to be a healthcare professional. I think the default (grouping of) settings in Bearable will never be able to serve every user’s needs. But maybe the default settings can invite/convince all users to discover how highly adaptable Bearable really is. Visualisation might be a useful tool to do so and an anatomical representation could come in handy.

    17 March 2021
  • avatar

    I’m a fairly new user so am conscious I am not as familiar with Bearable as others are. For me, I want to take something to my rheumatologist that shows exactly when, where, and what pain I’m experiencing. I’d love a 3D human body that I can rotate+zoom and tap where I’m feeling pain, then specify what kind of pain it is (stabbing, burning, throbbing etc), severity and longevity. Timestamp can default to now and allow me to override (e.g. if I want to note down pain I felt overnight).

    I feel like having factors for each body part would be either too coarse-grained or too noisy. “Where in your hand?” will be the first question from the rheumatologist, and I simply won’t remember.

    Moreover, capturing the raw data (when, where, what) would open the door for all sorts of useful visualisations: heatmaps of different pain types and periods of the day, animations showing pain over time etc.

    Again, just my 2c as a new user. I know app dev is hard because I’m an app developer 🙂 I actually found Bearable as market research when considering writing my own app to track my health. Loving it so far, but key things missing for me are bowel movement (work in progress - yay!) and pain tracking.

    Love your work! ❤️

    27 March 2021
  • avatar

    Thanks so much for the super duper app! I would also love a body graphic, like front and back where i could just scribble where the pain is (like a paint app) though I know that could be difficult to implement. Just touching a pre-defined muscle group would work for me, too. I usually draw a body outline in my journal and color in the pain in different areas, but I have limited mobility in my hands currently, so it would be super nice to have a feature like this to show at the doctor’s! Thanks again for all the work y’all do!

    24 April 2021
  • avatar

    Agreed. Would be nice to track pain levels as well as time to show change.

    12 May 2021
  • avatar

    Yes I do this, but considering that holding the phone itself on some days is painful it takes a lot more time to find the specific area etc than just clicking on an image. My symptom list is about 80 things long and there is no way of alphabetising it so even when I have sort of managed to group them now (which took time), scrolling through them still takes forever…

    20 May 2021
  • avatar

    Body graph and pain intensity level (like the energy option right now) would be great additions!

    20 May 2021
  • avatar

    I’d like the body image for myself, even if you couldn’t do much with it as data points. maybe the insights could just be a colour gradient of how often a spot is selected. as a side note, having a visual just for the breasts, for keeping track of breast exam changes would be good, from a self screening for cancer perspective (not a priority i get that but since I’m using the app for everything else I’d find it handy)

    14 June 2021
  • avatar

    I would also love the body image thing. My goal here is also to have something to take to my doctors, being able to tell them exactly where the pain is/was, duration, frequency, ect would be very nice

    I would also love to be able to notate if there was anything that relieved the pain. I have so many pain medications and stretches, I’d love to be able to make a note of what worked most often.

    01 July 2021
  • avatar

    This would be a very nice feature

    27 July 2021
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    I was just thinking how helpful this would be! My physical therapist actually has one of these images that he has his patients fill out on their first visit and after so many visits afterwards. The body is broken into front/back images and then seperated into what amounts to major muscle groups. EG: hands, wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, shoulder, trap, right side of neck, left side of neck, etc. If I remember correctly there are three color options: white (no pain), pink (pain), and red (high pain). I think doing something in the red-orange-yellow-green-blue set up that is used for tracking mood levels on a scale of 1-10 would be more helpful. Maybe a press and hold would open a note window for writing the symptom manually rather than picking from a list? This would also allow users to make a note of exactly where they felt the symptom on that body part if they need to. (Pick the right forearm and then write “cold and numb on the upper half” for example.) This would be especially helpful if we could track it multiple times a day and get an average for each body part. Kinda like we are able to pick our mood on a scale of 1-10, then select a number of moods and emotions and add a note if needed, just maybe not as many times since I’m sure that would be a lot of info to store.

    06 August 2021
  • avatar

    A gradient bit around the symptom spots would be amazing! Sometimes while one thing can hurt, it radiates to other parts of my body. Not the best at telling things apart, so that visual would be very helpful

    30 August 2021
  • avatar

    I would not like this feature, so I would like to see this as optional you can turn off from settings.

    05 September 2021
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    It would also be great for those of us with severe brain fog. When my brain won’t brain it’s a LOT easier marking a picture than spending time trying to recall the word for this body part or that body part. 😂

    01 October 2021
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    Just checking in to let everyone know we haven’t forgotten about this suggestion. We are growing our small dev team and will make this a priority when we can.

    Thank you all so much for bearing with us, and keep the suggestions coming!

    The Bearable Team

    03 February 2022
  • 07 March 2022
  • avatar

    Need a place to track daily asthma symptoms and peak flow readings. Currently using “Peak Flow” app, but it is basic and could use a bit more. Thx!

    14 March 2022
  • avatar

    Need a place to track daily asthma symptoms and peak flow readings. Currently using “Peak Flow” app, but it is basic and could use a bit more. Thx!

    14 March 2022
  • avatar

    Need a place to track daily asthma symptoms and peak flow readings. Currently using “Peak Flow” app, but it is basic and could use a bit more. Thx!

    14 March 2022
  • avatar

    Need a place to track daily asthma symptoms and peak flow readings. Currently using “Peak Flow” app, but it is basic and could use a bit more. Thx!

    14 March 2022
  • avatar

    Need a place to track daily asthma symptoms and peak flow readings. Currently using “Peak Flow” app, but it is basic and could use a bit more. Thx!

    14 March 2022
  • avatar

    Need a place to track daily asthma symptoms and peak flow readings. Currently using “Peak Flow” app, but it is basic and could use a bit more. Thx!

    14 March 2022
  • avatar

    Tap for intensity and option to finger draw on the body the offended area round be brilliant

    23 March 2022
  • avatar

    I agree! This is something I would like as well. And perhaps the ability to designate different meanings for different colors. For example: blue is dull pain, red is sharp stabbing pain, green is numbness… etc

    22 April 2022
  • avatar

    This is something I would really like, I currently use versus arthritis for the body map feature they have. Select different joints and then select severity - red= bad, yellow/orange=ok, green=good. Very useful tool.

    28 April 2022
  • avatar

    This would be very helpful, a traffic light system for areas of the body back and front would be amazing.

    14 May 2022
  • avatar

    The app Nanolume is a great example of charting symptoms/pain on a body map - maybe you can partner with them or draw inspiration from their model

    30 September 2022
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    Just seeing this thread and wanted to contribute GeoPain as an example of another app that did the 3D pain mapping well. Unfortunately it’s no longer available for public use and has switched to being a provider based tool. The things I found helpful were the ability to color rate pain (0 to 10) gradually darkening from white to dark red depending on the number selected & specifying locations on their model. I think the app was set up as a migraine symptom tracker so they included teeth and tongue where you could highlight on the 3D grid if the roof of your mouth had pain or a tooth in particular hurt. I found it especially nice to visualize when pain ran from certain parts of the head, skull, and jaw (TMJ and migraines) or when pain from plantar fasciitis hit in the middle of my foot and went up my leg to my hip. It gave the option of zooming in on locations and groups (ie the arm, then hand, then areas of the hand and fingers) which was super precise. After selecting the areas of pain it followed up with a survey of kinds of pain (numbness, weakness, tingling, sharp, aching, etc.) as well as any factors that might have contributed to the symptoms or pain relief - screen time, dehydration, injury or illness, menstruation, etc for contributions to pain and relief factors like exercise, medications, mindfulness, and more. It could be overwhelming in terms of the amount of information when you wanted to add a quick note, but it had a feature similar to Bearable where you can select “copy previous entry” and then edit to refine changes. Been using Bearable since it was a beta, and love it so much! GeoPain had a nice 3D visualization model that might benefit what other users are requesting, but also I want to remind others that it’s so much programming and tweaking to create something like that it was its own app. What we’re requesting takes a lot of time and effort to set up to work properly. Thank you to the developers and whole team for pursuing this tool in any format!!

    02 February 2023
  • avatar

    Have 1 body (front/back/Lside/Rside) per day Different icons (with different colour for severity) to tap as needed.
    Would make a real nice ‘summary’ piece. Easier than typing out a description of the issue(s) and where each, especially if meant for someone else (doctor etc).

    09 February 2023
  • avatar

    Me too. I have in my symptoms list now, different pains (joint, muscle, neuropathic) for most of my body including my face and spine. It’s becoming quite a task to go through it all three times a day (I’ve always logged in three times a day). Having a body map plus more detailed optional maps for troublesome parts like a limb or face would be great. Like having a world map and then more detailed ones of individual countries. This would be so helpful. I note the original post is from 2020, it’s now 2023, has there been any progress on this? In the meanwhile, some advice on how to simplify things would be most welcome. Thanks all x

    24 March 2023
  • avatar

    Me too. I have in my symptoms list now, different pains (joint, muscle, neuropathic) for most of my body including my face and spine. It’s becoming quite a task to go through it all three times a day (I’ve always logged in three times a day). Having a body map plus more detailed optional maps for troublesome parts like a limb or face would be great. Like having a world map and then more detailed ones of individual countries. This would be so helpful. I note the original post is from 2020, it’s now 2023, has there been any progress on this? In the meanwhile, some advice on how to simplify things would be most welcome. Thanks all x

    24 March 2023
  • 04 March 2024 Julian moved this task into Not currently planned

  • avatar

    I was going to comment this, too! It would be a great addition. The adaptability of this function would be great for people with variable pain/symptoms. Here’s hoping it gets moved out of the “Not Planned” section :/

    09 March 2024
  • avatar

    It’s a shame this was moved to not planned as this is a feature I would find very useful. I’m currently trying to figure out what is causing some skin symptoms, and would love a way to visually track each new lesion and their healing progress to see what might be affecting them.

    I loved the suggestion above that mentioned being able to draw on top of an image, as that would offer a lot of user-side customization: we could create our own drawn indicators for whatever we want to track.

    Or if this feature isn’t doable at the moment, a possible workaround that could work for those of us who want it would be a way to attach photos to symptom entries? Then we could draw what we need to on whatever image we want, or even use a photo of ourselves/any wounds we want to track, and add that.

    17 April 2024
  • avatar

    Yes! The never ending scroll is a PITA. A body map linking to the symptom input would be so quick.

    18 October 2024