In progress


phone home screen widgets!

I’d love to be able to add things like mood and medications (especially medications!) From my phone’s home screen without launching the entire app. As someone who takes lots of medications at different times of day, I’m more likely to track it right away instead of putting it off and having inaccurate logs if it’s right in front of me instead of tucked away in the menu of an app

582 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 22 November 2020 by user Sarah

Moved into In progress 31 October 2024

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  • 22 November 2020 Sarah suggested this task

  • 27 November 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    I think this would be helpfull for water intake as well

    10 December 2020
  • avatar

    I think this is an important update because I am reminded to use apps that have widgets. I would love a widget!

    23 December 2020
  • avatar

    I’d probably create half page of my home screen made up of larger sized widgets. Those are harder to miss than an app icon.

    01 January 2021
  • avatar

    Widget / watch app would be great for some quick stuff like mood tracking. Would drive app engagement, too.

    04 January 2021
  • avatar

    Yes! Widget with options for mood, health measurements, water intake and such, would make an already great app (actually the only tracker app I’ve found useful at all) even better.

    09 January 2021
  • avatar

    Absolutely yes! Customizable widgets would be fabulous! For instance, a widget that is just an add button for mood that launches only the mood factors, or weight, or water intake, or medications. Or a widget that displays the timestamp (hopefully coming soon) of all logged symptoms or factors for the day.

    15 January 2021
  • avatar

    I love me a good widget XD

    18 January 2021
  • avatar

    Yes please, and don’t forget Ipad support!

    I’d use energy and water the most. This will work extra well when factors and symptoms become timestamped!

    28 February 2021
  • avatar

    Definitely this would help my ADHD butt so much to keep up better. Perhaps a resizable scrollable board with buttons to specified categories, as well as the option to make individual buttons. Just a quick Water button, or mood rater, or pain level tap tap tap? My brain loves to erect walls between me and tasks, but the quicker and simpler the task, the smaller the wall. ^_^

    15 March 2021
  • avatar

    This would make the app soooooo much better

    26 March 2021
  • avatar

    Yes! I would love to be able to quickly add meds, water, food, energy, (refurbished anything with a time stamp) quickly. Even if it’s a whole phone screen full of 4-6 widgets.

    12 April 2021
  • avatar

    I like this idea, but for Insights. Seeing at a glance my top 5 mood boosters or symptom spikers or factors to avoid or something like that, as a constant reminder on my home screen.

    12 April 2021
  • avatar

    Widgets are definitely my top request. I forget to track things - a widget on my front page would make that less likely.

    15 April 2021
  • 18 April 2021 James @Bearable moved this task into Under consideration

  • avatar

    I would love a button to directly log something that’s happening at the moment. Example: Press the symptom button, select symptom from automatically ordered list (selectable by: most often logged / recently logged / alphabetical) or enter a few letters to filter the list. Select severity. Done. The app would select the correct time slot and add or update it.

    Currently logging something takes too much time if you have a long list.

    For something like mood or energy you could add a widget that shows the last selected value. You could directly change it and the app generates a corresponding log entry with current timestamp.

    21 May 2021
  • avatar

    PLEASEEEEEE!!! id love widgets

    06 June 2021
  • avatar

    Totally agree. I originally got a habit tracking app simply because it offers a functional widget (didn’t simply open the app, but actually let me input data on the widget). This would be extremely helpful for this app especially for the things that need to be tracked throughout the day! Having the same option on Apple Watch would be amazing too.

    28 July 2021
  • avatar

    Having a widget so I could quickly track my mood throughout the day would be so much easier (and more accurate). Then I can go in and add explanations later.

    11 August 2021
  • avatar

    Yeah I need to be able to add a widget for tracking factors, symptoms, meds, etc.

    15 August 2021
  • avatar

    This would be amazing! With being bipolar and having boarderline personality disorder, my mood can change rapidly. It would allow me to quickly track my mood (and hopefully factors, depending on the widgets options). Hope this happens sooner than later!!

    18 August 2021
  • avatar

    I use an app called Pill Logger that has widgets like this, where all I have to do is tap the widget and it adds the pre-selected (during widget creation) meds to the tracker. It’s super useful, and I’d love it if Bearable had this!

    26 August 2021
  • avatar

    Me too! I love pill longer. The graph are helpful too.

    I wonder if I could (mis)use pill logger to track other things, but i doubt it would be terribly useful.

    27 August 2021
  • avatar

    Yes, this would be very helpful!

    27 August 2021
  • avatar

    I came here to add this suggestion myself. The day I can click a widget on my Android home screen, to register medication (with custom amounts per widget, e.i. one widget with 2 pill of X, and another widget with 3 pills of the same medication X), is the day I will consider the paid subscription.

    01 October 2021
  • avatar

    +1 I also have ADHD (which I need to track to see if meds are working etc) and widgets would make or break me being able to keep up the use of this app.

    When I recently had a 24hr pH study, they sent me home with a device hooked up to the machine where I could press a different button for each symptom as they happened (e.g, nausea, vomit, cough, burp…). I remember thinking ‘imagine I could log symptoms by just pressing a button in everyday life!’. Would be great to just have a tick-box that you could press on home screen which would keep a log of the time pressed to indicate you’d taken a medication/experienced a symptom. I’d personally love a ‘brain fart’ button so I could log every time I made a dumb ADHD mistake and then assume how well meds are working is inversely proportional to how many button presses I get (unfortunately when my ADHD is out of control I forget to log symptoms even harder). Then to log retrospectively you could go into the app.

    I guess you could make it so people could choose a/some symptom(s) to have a/some widget(s) for. I’d find it easiest if it were a ‘press if’ with a different button for each thing, personally.

    04 October 2021
  • avatar

    I love this app, and I want to continue to support it, however as it stands that app is almost unusable for me without phone screen widgets. Any data that I do remember to input is then useless and inaccurate from all the times I forget. If they aren’t added soon I will have to stop my subscription

    18 October 2021
  • avatar

    I continue to forget I even have this app. I’d REALLY LOVE a widget or two so I actually USE it. I love the app when I actually use it.

    13 November 2021
  • avatar

    I have switched over to Pill Logger because this app doesn’t even have something as basic widgets, and yet it asks for a monthly fee.

    14 November 2021
  • 05 December 2021
  • 24 January 2023 James @Bearable moved this task into Under consideration

  • avatar

    Widgets would be amazing, especially if they could make it so I could log: 1) without waiting for the whole app to load up, and 2) without having to scroll through all of the sections of the daily log

    21 November 2023
  • avatar

    Adding onto this. A widget capability to just track my mood in the moment would be a game changer. I use this app so on and off because I get distracted with life. The reminder push notifications don’t help. We’re busy and we need a functional and easy to access widget. I love this app when I’m consistent and I really hope after the almost 4 years of this feedback we’ve made enough of a case

    07 December 2023
  • 28 December 2023 James @Bearable moved this task into Planned

  • avatar

    I just re-subscribed to Bearable after about 2.5 years away and I’m surprised that this still hasn’t been implemented! It definitely does seem like an essential feature for a tracking app, otherwise my data will be pretty inconsistent. I hope this feature comes soon!

    04 January 2024
  • avatar

    When are you planning on integrating this? Would be such a game changer. It’s one of the few missing features that are making me consider whether to re-subscribe or not.

    06 May 2024
  • avatar

    When will this be implemented? It would be a serious game-changer for this app, as I love so many features about it.

    Integrating Apple Home Screen widgets into your app offers a powerful way to enhance engagement and convenience. Widgets provide users with quick, glanceable information and functionality right on their home screens, reducing the need for them to open the app for frequent tasks. This can significantly improve the user experience by providing immediate access to key features, notifications, and real-time updates. Additionally, widgets can help increase app visibility and retention, as they keep the app top-of-mind and readily accessible, fostering more frequent interactions.

    18 May 2024
  • avatar

    +1 for iOS widgets. Otherwise kinda perfect app.

    19 May 2024
  • avatar

    When is this being implemented? This is seriously the only mood app I’ve ever had that doesn’t have widgets. It’s planned but not in progress? Is there a timeline for when it will be worked on? I actually regret buying premium and won’t re-buy it if these aren’t implemented by next year.

    A lot of people who use these apps are neurodivergent and with that comes “out of sight, out of mind.” It’s incredibly hard to remember to go into the app, meanwhile other apps are so easy since there’s a big widget on my screen to remind me. Widgets also make it so much easier to quickly jot down my current mood. This is the best mood tracking app I’ve ever found but it honestly just doesn’t really work well for me (and obviously a ton of other people) without widgets. I get that it’s a small team but I don’t understand why this isn’t a higher priority. People have been asking for this since 2020, it’s been 4 years.

    It’s really a shame that such a great app has such a huge con to using it. I really hope this is implemented soon. A shitty temporary implementation is much better than nothing for years on end. Love the app, love the team, really wish it had widgets because honestly it makes the app not really usable for a lot of people.

    11 June 2024
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    30 July 2024
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    Yes this will be a game changer ! Widgets for water(timestamped!) and medications would be especially helpful.

    07 September 2024
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    how is this still not a thing?? this was suggested 4 YEARS ago! what’s the point in paying for premium when this app is lacking so many important features. Paying a premium subscription is usually to help developers make changes by giving them money to work with, but barely anything changes in this app year to year. honestly it’s depressing… definitely canceling my subscription for next year

    20 September 2024
  • avatar

    Hi Bella, seems you had a really bad day, one of these days everything is too much or too little. Oh I know these days too. Hope your are better now! I recently changed my mobile and with Google Pixel Mobiles there is the NOVA Launcher and - oho! - there is a function to set an app on the homescreen-button. Go to gestures and then to startbutton. You can choose any app you want to open tapping on den homebutton (with or without on the homescreen). So now I can tap once on the homebutton and either the app (Bearable) opens directly or double tap to come to the homescreen and then to the app. It is so helpful! Perhaps you try this until the software developers are trying to fullfil all of our wishes ;-) Hope you have a good day and very good week! Susanne

    22 September 2024
  • avatar

    symptoms widget please!!! connected with reminders- that would be great

    30 October 2024
  • 31 October 2024 Julian moved this task into In progress

  • avatar

    We have started work on the first widgets, which will be for marking Mood on iOS

    31 October 2024
  • avatar

    I came here to suggest this, and I’m so happy it’s being implemented! I often forget to add in my symptoms, and it would be great to be reminded through a widget!

    13 December 2024
  • avatar

    Waiting for widgets on Android!

    26 December 2024
  • avatar

    I wanna be able to add symptoms as I get them and have time stamps so I can see how long after meds did i get a symptom

    09 February