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  • 24 November 2020 Marion Leduc suggested this task

  • 27 November 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

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    The current times are very locked into a real time of day, and not necessarily how I use my days. We all have phases of a day: startup, routine until second meal, routine until third meal, routine until sleep. If I work from 2PM - 10 PM, my startup is at noon. The term “morning” doesn’t really apply. So let us define the names of these.

    However, DON’T require them to be assigned specific times and durations. Even if I work the 2PM shift, come my weekend (which could be a Monday), I may have a day shift and different times for these periods.

    As a result, I strongly recommend period names and their order related to others. Reporting can recognize all “first meal” data even if its in different times of day.

    Give us the ability to provide a short hand name in addition to the full name. That way, the user can provide a 2-4 character identifier to appear in the small boxes of the Factors data entry screen.

    IMO, we should have these named periods available to anywhere we input a time of day. I expect to enter a separate comment.

    03 January 2021
  • avatar

    This would be excellent! I’m tracking my 5yo to see how foods, activities and social activities affect his behavior. None if this happens after 9pm or before 7am. Is greatly benefit from 2 or 3-hr increments throughout the day to really pinpoint correlations.

    14 January 2021
  • avatar

    Yeah, I go to bed around 2.00 and sleep until 12-14.00. It would be awesome if I could keep my notes and symptoms on 1 page of my day instead of always having to spread it over 2 pages

    09 February 2021
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    I have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, so similar to Frankie’s example, this would be hugely helpful for me to get everything together in one “day” according to my circadian rythm

    06 March 2021
  • avatar

    YES! I also have Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome and Narcolepsy, this would be so helpful.

    I would add on to this, allowing the limits of each day to be adjusted too, Medisafe Pill Reminder does this with its Pillbox Setup, so that the main menu remains on the previous day even at 2 or 3am rather than midnight, for example.

    26 March 2021
  • avatar

    Not sure that simply renaming time periods would be that helpful… overall more flexibility in marking activities by time would be helpful. Currently the app allows the possibility to mark Factors by either on/off, or 6-/6-12/12-18/18+. How about letting us pick an activity from a list (like with mood) and then define start and end times for each activity (like with time in bed)?

    27 March 2021
  • avatar

    Activity monitoring is central to ME/CFS management, so it would really help to time activities more precisely.

    27 March 2021
  • avatar

    Absolutely. My day time frame is such that I go to bed at 3am & wake at noon. The set 4 timeframes under the factors tab don’t leave any flexibility.

    Ideally I’d love to be able to create custom timeframes, not only for different time periods but also more of them.

    10 April 2021
  • avatar

    My day is shifted – I’m mostly sleeping late after midnight long into the day. I have the feeling this is affecting analysis in bearable since it’s starting a new day at midnight and in fact most symptoms and medications loose impact during my sleep time. It would be great if I could add some offset to the day.

    26 April 2021
  • avatar

    The timeframes are too restrictive. I would love to see customization here.

    02 July 2021
  • avatar

    I was going to make this suggestion too! Having the first time period be <6am makes me wonder what the developers sleep schedules are like… We’re not all Jocko Willink.

    07 September 2021
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    I agree; I’m never awake before 8am, so I don’t have any symptoms to log or moods to track in the first section, but if I put “none” it messes up the data. It’s not that I’m not experiencing symptom A, B, or C; in just not aware of it because I’m sleeping.

    15 September 2021
  • avatar

    Completely agree!!! I’ve been using the times as pre work - start to mid of work - end of work and getting home - evening which is very different than those time listed 😂 who the heck gets stuff done before 6!? That’s when I wake up and even I think that’s early! I would love to be able to change this!

    30 September 2021
  • 27 October 2021 Eoghan edited this task

  • avatar

    Ability to customize/consolidate time settings

    Right now, I can’t find a way to consolidate the time segmentation in “symptoms” into one unified 24 hour block. It sounds like other users wish they could break the time segmentation down into smaller increments. It would be great if this was something we could customize. (I imagine ideally folks would want to be able to toggle unique time segmentation per symptom, instead of having to go with one overall method of time segmentation.)


    27 October 2021
  • 01 November 2021 Eoghan edited this task

  • avatar

    Splitting up the day into the specific -6 6-12, 12-18, 18- blocks is not especially helpful for me. I’m sure I’m not the only person with a chronic illness who works on a slightly… adjusted schedule from the rest of the world. For me especially the ability to split out symptom severity differently between the hours of 12 and 18, as I feel wildly different at 12pm vs 6pm and I am literally never awake at 6am. Just the ability to set my own time blocks would be really helpful I think.


    01 November 2021
  • avatar

    Jumping on the Narcolepsy/delayed sleep phase syndrome wagon, as well as mentioning that I work night shifts. I agree that it is frustrating that my “days” are split up because of the specific time blocks. However I do love having the blocks for easy tracking. In other apps I have used that require individual symptom and time input I don’t typically stick with it. I love the easy interface of Bearable, but I wish I could alter the blocks to cover my personal 24 hr periods with typically begin around 12-14 not 06.

    04 November 2021
  • avatar

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ADD THIS FEATURE. I would love to be able to have different time periods; like with the moods, it would be good to have a symptom check-in instead of disctinct time periods. Or like with my ADHD, my symptoms vary during the pre-determined periods that are built in.

    24 November 2021
  • avatar

    Add me in as someone who needs more customization in the time periods available. I need to track symptoms at a much more granular level than 6-hour increments.

    03 December 2021
  • avatar

    Yes! To me, it would be ideal if we could simply change the time ranges, both in terms of start/end, and in terms of how many time ‘chunks’ we’d like to differentiate.

    10 December 2021
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    Hey Everyone!

    We really appreciate all of you taking the time to vote up, comment, and suggest new features for Bearable. We haven’t forgotten about you. Due to a number of factors we haven’t been able to add new features as fast as we would’ve liked over the last year.

    We are growing our dev team this year and hope to start getting through your suggestions as soon as we can.

    Thanks again for taking the time to make Bearable better!

    02 February 2022
  • avatar

    It would be great to have time intervals available of one hour and fill those in similarly to what is currently feasible. As a patient and also as a healthcare provider, this would be key in helping identify patterns and diagnoses

    25 March 2022
  • 14 April 2022 Eoghan edited this task

  • avatar

    Specific timestamps for symptoms I’m trying to figure out which symptoms I’m feeling after certain activities, foods, sleep, etc. but can’t figure out if there’s a way to choose a specific time for each symptom. like, I had a headache at 7:30am but it’s just showing that I experienced that symptom during the day at some point which isn’t helpful for me -Kelly McCann

    14 April 2022
  • 04 May 2022
  • avatar

    Yes, I have just been looking for any settings to change the timings. I don’t really need the pre-6am graph as I’m usually asleep!

    16 May 2022
  • avatar

    This. 100%. Having time stamps fire symptoms would also allow for more accurate correlations. For instance, right now, Bearable it’s telling me that taking a hot bath makes my symptoms worse, to which is inaccurate, because I take hot baths to ALLEVIATE my symptoms. Etc

    24 May 2022
  • avatar

    Please… I really hope you get rid of the am/mid/pm system someday. I have tics, so I technically have them all day, but I would really like to know at exactly what time of day I had it, how many times I had my tics during the day, what other activities I could be doing during that time (factors help with that, but sometimes I only do an activity for a little while, not for 6 hours…), and how bad the tic was. Right now I just use the mild-severe to track how many tics I have during each time period which isn’t particularly useful. I also have migraines, and sometimes I can have one migraine in the mid time, and another one at the pm time - and sometimes I can have a migraine that lasts the entire day! And there is no way to differentiate between the two (or how my medications can affect pain levels). It would be just so helpful to have specific timestamps not only for symptoms but for factors. Please!!!

    25 June 2022
  • avatar

    I would also love this! I was coming here go suggest it. My sleep schedule is all out of whack so it would be nice to be able to set my own times Sometimes my symptoms come in short eaves that don’t take up a whole time block, I’d like it be able to say my pain was unbearable for the 1-hour after I had physical therapy rather than it was unbearable during the 3 hour window, ya know?

    24 October 2022
  • avatar

    Please try to make this happen! The am/pm doesn’t really make sense for me, and it makes it harder to get a granular view of how things affect your affect things. For example if I eat lunch at different times I want to know how that affects other things, but currently I can’t time track my meal

    08 December 2022
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    Would really like to see this come to fruition! Not everyone has the same schedule.

    18 January 2023
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    Considering the demonstrations that have been shown, I don’t understand why this hasn’t been prioritized to finally be implemented.

    18 February 2023
  • avatar

    Top needed feature. I usually wake up after 1 pm and I think my correlations with medications are wrong due to it. (they have a timestamp while symptoms and meals don’t) I will buy premium when you add this feature

    04 March 2023
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    This has been a big issue for me. Mood and energy levels can already be logged at arbitrary times — I’d love to see the same approach applied to symptoms.

    12 March 2023
  • avatar

    Yes! My daytimes are weird as well, and it would be great if we could customize them or something.

    13 April 2023
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    I’ve already bought premium but adding this would go a long way to ensuring re-subscription time and again!!

    14 July 2023
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    Yes,it would be amazing if we could costumise the time slot as our day is not divided the same way for everyone. Maybe they could be the option to select from what time to what time this factor was there so it’s more specific.(if we do sport all morning, it’s not the same than only 20 minutes). I also rarely use the space for before 6am and I think the morning is large so if we do something the all morning or just when we wake up, it’s not the same .By the way, I like that we have the option for the symptoms to clic on the left and acrivate it for the all day. It would be nice if the same would be available for the factors and other category . So, if for exemple, if it was cloudy all the day, we can clic only once and not four time to select all the time period.

    20 August 2023
  • avatar

    This is the only major issue I have with the app. My symptoms can vary wildly from one moment to the next and having to summize overall 4 times a day isn’t helpful. I LOVE how the mood tracker is set up. If there was an option to set up symptoms like that it would be PERFECT.

    21 September 2023
  • avatar

    Yes, this! Gives new meaning to the phrase “correlation is not causation.”

    15 November 2023
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    Using Bearable for health tracking is a positive experience, but the absence of timestamps for all the things that can be measured is a notable limitation. Especially since Bearable seems to be fast becoming a quality qs tool for tracking many aspects of our lives. Even if the features aren’t on the immediate horizon, having timestamps for all data that we can already export now would be welcome, in addition to offering backward compatibility for any future capabilities. Although I really believe in the dev team and don’t want to move, the lack of this one feature is unfortunately making me contemplate it. It has the potential to unlock Bearable’s full power, making it a one-stop shop for countless individuals on their journey to making positive lifestyle changes.

    05 December 2023
  • avatar

    The lack of timestamps on any entries made is the only thing stopping me from buying this app.

    I want to log the exact time I had a symptom instead of the rough AM PM ballpark.

    Everything else I can work around.

    27 February 2024
  • avatar

    Returning to add to this as I’ve again been frustrated by not being able to incorporate specific timestamps into every entry.

    As a symptom tracker, I want to track what time I get what symptom to see if there is a trend. I use this to monitor ADHD medication and trying to figure out the logistics of if any other factors affect side effects is difficult without timestamps for any entry.

    The ability to submit a symptom multiple times a day with automatic timestamps would be a game changer.

    17 March 2024
  • avatar

    Add another ADHD (and autistic) person here!

    Would love this for tracking symptoms throughout the day for ADHD and autism.

    Many things can impact the symptoms besides medications, such as activity level, sleep the night before, showered/self care, etc.

    It would be so helpful to see, for ex, how various symptoms such as brain fog or difficulty concentrating are correlated through the day with factors like

    • when I was active
    • time(s) I took my medication(s)
    • when I ate (not necessarily what but that I ate something at all)
    08 April 2024
  • avatar

    Thinking on this more, I’d like to be able to tap the factor or symptom and have it make a timestamp, as many as needed. Kind of how Mood works.

    08 April 2024
  • avatar

    How is this not a feature yet? I log my first status when I wake up not midnight last Night. As is this feature is almost useless as it won’t be able to correlate meds with how much they improved my pain or not.

    This could be as easy as with meds - just record the time I logged it

    20 April 2024
  • avatar

    I think Siobhan is totally right. All symptoms should optionally work like mood/energy, where the value is timestamped the moment you click a value.

    19 June 2024
  • avatar

    Customizable timestamps would be sooo helpful. Especially for symptoms and factors. Please think about this feature. 🙏

    22 June 2024
  • avatar

    Adding that I would love to be able to switch to an exact timestamp mode, I need to know what time I ate specific things and what times other symptoms started as a result.

    09 July 2024
  • avatar

    I just started using the app and so far this is my only complaint. Everything is perfect except for this. I NEED to be able to change my time frames on factors to get the most out of it. I see that this is from 2021, but I hope this is still seen by the devs. Thank you!

    25 July 2024
  • avatar

    For me the app is perfect except from that Symptom score, Other factors-folder, Nutrition, Nutrition factors , Custom ratings and Gratitude lack time stamp feature. I can overdose on caffeine one morning or one afternoon, and then not have coffee at all the rest of the day.

    I want to see if my medicines and the time I take them are correllated to for example symptoms or productivity levels after my medicine intake. As well as day-after effects of alcohol or sleep medication. Same with screen time, right now all my days have ” lots of screen-time”. But there are variations of screen time: screen time when I’m being productive (work/chores), social media scrolling or playing games late at night has different effects on my mood and sleep than work-screen time for example.

    27 August 2024
  • avatar

    For me, I’m trying to track water intake and expel, so it would be best to just have a “just did this” button for events I could click as many times as I wanted and it would save the time, maybe even a version that’s a widget

    04 September 2024
  • avatar

    Agree with those recommending that Symptoms can have multiple entries per day that are time stamped like Mood and Energy Level

    03 October 2024
  • avatar

    I just joined Bearable subscription and this is the biggest hindrance for me so far. The auto selected times are counter intuitive to my second shift schedule and I really meed a method of tracking symptoms multiple times a day. For example: If my burning pain resolves by (time block 2), I don’t have the option to show how meds/therapies are helping without removing the symptom entirely from the day. This was actually the main feature I was looking for.

    07 October 2024
  • avatar

    Yes! This!

    A- the auto selected times don’t really fit my schedule even of working 8-5 mon-fri and it’s frustrating that pain when I wake up and in the morning only counts for one instance/tick of pain score.

    B- when I have pain or a symptom in the -6 block and 6-12 block but take my med and it changes from severe to low for the 12-6 and nothing in the 6-, the connection between my change of pain levels after taking my meds isn’t tracked and the level of severity for that symptom is only ever marked for the high rate.

    08 October 2024
  • avatar

    Exactly. 😥 I totally get/respect the team is small and working on these things take time, hard work. 🙏🏻But this feature being non existent years after request and not placed in the “in progress” or even accepted category of this changemap website kinda seems like it will be a long time away. Im glad others can get good use of the app still; but for me Ill be needing to cancel unless and until they update an announcement stating this specific feature is finally in the works. 😥

    08 October 2024
  • avatar

    I totally need this too. I feel like all the features of the app are AMAZING and I can’t believe everything I wanted are in one app, but not being able to enter the symptoms in time intervals that make sense to individuals kind of renders everything else useless.

    26 October 2024
  • avatar

    Is there any update on this one? I am not using the app very much only because of this missing functionality

    21 November 2024
  • avatar

    I downloaded it again today and am disappointed to say that no, this has not been updated/changed. I deleted it again immediately since the app doesn’t do what I need without that feature.

    21 November 2024
  • avatar

    Sadly not! I deleted my premium subscription & stopped using the app as the lack of this basic feature makes this functionally useless.

    21 November 2024
  • avatar

    Yes!! Time periods are useless to me as they are now because I’m asleep for two of them! I want them to just say morning, afternoon, evening, and night. I get up late and go to sleep late.

    30 November 2024
  • avatar

    Another member of the community recently made a similar suggestion:

    “Symptom score make the 6hr times (6am, 12pm, 6pm, 12am)customizable because not everyone is up at 6am… etc. I know its a range but some.”

    03 January
  • avatar

    Another member of the community commented on a related suggestion:

    “I know its a range but some of use might need to be specific. I have an autoimmune disease and in a perfect world for me, mine would be set up (8am, 12pm, 4pm, 9pm). If there was the option to “add” I would have the 4 times listed above and the 5th would be “sleep” so I could note if a symptom Woke me up during the night.”

    03 January