

Ability to start filling out the next day.

Mostly so I can note a bedtime and not try to remember in the morning, but also sometimes I’d love to add a bit of expository to my symptoms or other areas.

100 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 26 November 2020 by user Amy Riess

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  • 26 November 2020 Amy Riess suggested this task

  • 27 November 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    This would also be nice if i have a busy week planned so i can already add the plans (factors) ahead of time and only need to add the symptoms as they occur. Maybe a calender vieuw option below the significant events in the ‘more’ section would be handy. That way it doesn’t clutter up the ‘home’ screen. But it is easely available if you have the time.

    10 December 2020
  • avatar

    An alternative would be the ability to set default items that can be deselected on any particular day. This would save time if you do something most days

    02 January 2021
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    Similar to Robert, being able set recurring factors wound be cool. Like my weekly appointment.

    13 January 2021
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    Being able to have recurring factors would be incredibly helpful!

    23 March 2021
  • avatar

    Recurring factors is my most-wanted addition. It would be great if I could set what a “default” day looks like, or even better if I could pre-set defaults for each day of the week, and just press a button to confirm it all every day (and then manually change anything unusual).

    27 March 2021
  • avatar

    Yes on the bedtime thing! I’ve been taking a screenshot when I lay in bed, so I can enter the time when it becomes available at midnight. It’s a frustrating quirk

    14 May 2021
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    More along the lines of Andrea’s comment regarding bedtime.. Since the sleep section refers to the previous night (understandably since it’s about how you feel the following day), but not being able to enter sleep factors for the next day mean that I have to remember and add them the next morning when the day is available. Allowing 1 day ahead would avoid this..

    24 August 2021
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    Being able to set recurring appointments would be super helpful.

    05 December 2021
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    This would also be great for tracking things that you’re certain about, like appointments or other plans, so that you have a little less to track the next day. It would be really helpful when I know I have a busy day coming up and won’t have as much time to track things.

    20 June 2022