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I’d like to rate my memory, attention, language fluidity, and other customizable cognitive states on a 1-10 scale

103 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 01 December 2020 by user Michael Mason

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  • 01 December 2020 Michael Mason suggested this task

  • 04 December 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    Perhaps you could add these to the symptoms section?

    e.g. forgetfulness instead of memory etc and rate the severity?

    04 December 2020
  • avatar

    I added ‘things dissapear/forget’ to the factors😂 that way i can add the specifics of what dissapears or what i forget and see if it is the same everytime or diffrent thing. When we can group symptoms that way i might move it there. I do have a symptom ‘chaos’ but i do not know if they are connected yet

    10 December 2020
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    I have all those in symptoms, it works fine that way although for some a on/off toggle for the day would be very useful instead of filling in 4 slots

    10 December 2020
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    I’m very interested in using Bearable to observe my memory too.

    I think the discussion covers the concerns well, but I’d like to state it from my view:

    • I want to group symptoms into areas like “Sleep”, “Memory” along with corresponding factors, medications, and health factors. At the end of the day, when I look for gaps in my data, I work one group at a time.

    • Symptoms have a single rating scale. Need more flexibility, including 0 to 10 and simply different words that “mild”, “moderate”, etc. “Unbearable” is not a good description for forgetfulness

    • The 4 slots of data entry are not good for all symptoms. There are often several events to monitor within the time ranges of those 4 slots. We also need to relate any symptom relative to another (before or after and by how long). That’s lost in the 4 slots when there are multiple for the same slot. The UI used for Mood is much better. Allow entries on demand for any given time.

    James, these changes would have the biggest impact on my ability to track data in Bearable, for any of my areas of interest (sleep, memory, nutrition, mood, etc).

    09 January 2021
  • avatar

    I endorse this suggestion—very well thought out

    17 January 2021
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    I would also prefer to time stamp my specific symptoms and use a numeric scale.

    17 February 2021
  • 13 April 2021
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    I agree with this, a great suggestion

    21 April 2021
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    Completely agree with the comments and the suggested ideas.

    04 June 2021
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    Yes, this is what I’ve done, then I rearranged the order of symptoms so the cognitive ones are grouped together so they’re easier to find.

    15 September 2021
  • 15 September 2021
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    Wow, thank you for the idea of ‘chaos’ symptom!

    21 June 2022
  • avatar

    +1 for this.

    I have things I’d like to record on a 1-10 scale, and similar to the mood module - as a single score (though being able to add more if you submit multiple scores during the day)

    01 July 2022
  • 07 March 2023
  • 16 October 2023
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    Even just cognitive ability or focus would be great

    12 September