

Ability to set "Intensity" level for each Factor

Make it like symptoms so that the more you press the more intense it is.

Maybe one tap is normal, then two more intense taps.

Perhaps there could be an option to turn this on/off when you create/edit a factor. Could even edit the amount of notches on the intensity scale.

286 votes

Tagged as New feature

Created 12 December 2020 by James @Bearable

Moved into Completed 31 October 2024

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  • 12 December 2020 James @Bearable created this task

  • avatar

    This would help A LOT. By far the most important.

    18 December 2020
  • avatar

    Then there could be a chart if we rate it on a numerical scale. Visuals are extremely helpful

    27 December 2020
  • avatar

    I would really like this feature. I noticed that most of my factors just boil down to “none of X”, “some of X”, “a lot of X”. It would be nice if it was just streamlined into a simple numerical value.

    02 January 2021
  • avatar

    I have appreciated this feature on “My Symptoms” app, though Bearable is so much more of a pleasure to use, it’s the one I’m actually tracking in.

    06 March 2021
  • 15 April 2021 James @Bearable moved this task into Suggestions

  • avatar

    I’m also tracking many, none, much, for the same factor and it’s not working well with insights. It should be optional on a per factor basis because some factors are there/not there.

    26 April 2021
  • avatar

    Agreed with this. Example of where the current settings give unhelpful information: My insights currently say that a “hot” weather day increases my mood. But that’s only because all the other days where my mood was worse, I had clicked on “very hot”. If it was simply a temperature scale, then it would tell me that heat decreases my mood, but the way it is now it could be interpreted as the opposite.

    16 June 2021
  • avatar

    I agree with Jens. For factors where we measure quantity or intensity with separate choices (like no, some, a lot of social media, for example), it’s hard to get good analysis from it. This is related to a bigger challenge of mutually exclusive factors - I’m still exploring the roadmap, so maybe it’s on there already.

    23 June 2021
  • avatar

    I have been searching for an hour for this feature / be able to customize it to be that way. Hopefully, this is still on the to-do list for future updates!

    A follow up to this - customize how you input date (for features or otherwise) in terms of time-of-day, scale type, etc. I’d love to be able to customize it so that I can record some in the same way Symptoms are recorded, and some in the same way Mood/Energy levels are recorded. Or at least have the option for all of them to be changed.

    18 August 2021
  • avatar

    This would also be useful for supplements or medication dosages which I currently have as factors but need to create a completely new factor for a different dosage

    11 November 2021
  • avatar

    Yes, I was thinking of a similar thing so that I could record the amount of time I do an activity for, as I have ME and need to very gradually increase times eg that I spend doing hobbies, or walking etc. Less about intensity of factors, more about amount done.

    28 November 2021
  • avatar

    Yes please! This would make it much easier to track the relationships between factors and symptoms

    23 January 2022
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    Just checking in to let everyone know we haven’t forgotten about this suggestion. We are growing our small dev team and will make this a priority when we can.

    Thank you all so much for bearing with us, and keep the suggestions coming!

    The Bearable Team

    03 February 2022
  • 16 February 2022 James @Bearable moved this task into Under consideration

  • avatar

    Yes, yes, yes! I just downloaded the app last week and started using it, and this is the only major frustration I had. Being able to track factors be freqency/intensity (optionally–some factors do only need a yes/no toggle) would dramaticlaly improve the analysis.

    18 April 2022
  • avatar

    May I ask what would be the main benefit of this for you over simply creating factors for each frequency/intensity level?

    25 April 2022
  • avatar

    Hi James! Having 3-4 separate factors to represent one factor makes it very difficult to make associations. For example if I think that level of physical activity has an impact on my mood, I need to be able to convert this to ordinal values to see if increase in activity is associated with increase in mood. Currently I have it split into four different factors (none, low, medium, high) and I have to just toggle between these and eyeball it. Thank you for all your work!

    26 April 2022
  • avatar

    Is this seriously a genuine question? You’re asking what the advantage is of not having to create, scroll through, and select between 3-4 times as many things??? And, as Jenna mentioned, have to search each different level of the same factor independently in insights and try to interpret that? I think you should maybe mark “brain fog” as a symptom today…

    27 April 2022
  • avatar

    Anna, I think we all appreciate the work that the Bearable team does, and James is simply trying to clarify what is being asked of here and if there are alternatives. I think the tone of your response, as a user and “community member” is uncalled for. I understand first hand how frustrating chronic illness can be, but James is here to help us.

    27 April 2022
  • avatar

    Thanks so much James for what you do. For me, as someone who has ME I have to slowly increase my activity levels over time, so if for example I’ve done some sewing, I currently can’t say how long I’ve done it for - is it 2 minutes or maybe 30 minutes? - it’d be really helpful to have a record of this as it makes a big difference to knowing how well I am pacing myself and then progressing in activity levels, or having a crash. I can look back and see that I did too much of that activity, or might be ready to increase it. At the moment I still note these things down separately by hand.

    27 April 2022
  • avatar

    That would be so much better than separate options like “low smartphone use” “medium …” “large…”

    01 May 2022
  • avatar

    Hoping to see this. Would be easier to visualize on a graph how more or less of X, affects mood, anxiety, stress and so on. Instead of shifting between 3-4 different factors. Please consider it 🙏 and have a great day

    25 November 2022
  • avatar

    Agree, this would make the data make more sense. From one perspective, currently you could have ticked ‘Caffeine (None)’, ‘Caffeine (Low)’, and ‘Caffeine (Moderate)’ for the same day which doesn’t make sense yet it’s technically possible. So having factors behave similar to symptoms makes more sense. Plus this will also reduce the number of ‘columns’ in the database (instead of Boolean data type for ‘Caffeine (None)’, ‘Caffeine (Low)’, etc, it would be one column of data type string with the values ‘None’, ‘Low’, ‘Moderate’, and ‘High’). I can acknowledge this would mean significant changes in the backend and analytics, but I think a sustainable change and the later the change, the harder it gets.

    04 December 2022
  • 23 December 2022 James @Bearable moved this task into Planned

  • avatar

    Great to see it to planned. Definitely one of the necessary features to make this app the best. Congrats to the devs.

    16 January 2023
  • avatar

    This will be fantastic. It would reduce clutter and prevent doubling up on things as Wesley mentions. As it is, I admit I find it confusing to decide which of the set of three options I want to track and I would really rather it was not a decision I had to make.

    I imagine it could be done with the same tap-to-increase mechanism and the same color gradation (but maybe yellow to purple or something, since red is kind of a “bad” color). Perhaps this could connect to the function of the habit tracker feature in that a Factor could be set as either scaled or increasing: either on a “none-some-medium-lots-tons” with the colors or tap-to-increase with a number from zero (clear to null by tap-and-hold).

    09 February 2023
  • 02 November 2023 Julian moved this task into In progress

  • avatar

    Another thing that’s kind of like this is pressing one button if it’s worse than it was yesterday, another if it’s about the same, and a third if it’s less bad. I often second guess my rating system, and my pain scale sometimes changes, so this would be helpful for me.

    03 November 2023
  • avatar

    I’d love to see the Factor-scoring scale look more like the Symptom-scoring scale.

    18 January 2024
  • avatar

    I’d prefer that as well. It would give a better overview having scales in the section ‘Other factors’. By now I have to choose every single possibility (low, medium, high, none) from a long list. In addition, it would make it possible to link e. g. activities to the time of day.

    27 January 2024
  • avatar

    This looks awesome. What’s the status of this?

    I think in reality everything in our life has a time and quantity associated with it. I don’t think there should even be a distinction between “symptom”, “factor”, “health measurement”, and “meds”. There’s a higher level of abstraction that’s available. These are all just “measurements of events” (maybe not the best term, hopefully you get the point). The power of thinking in these terms is that it’s likely easier to code the correlation algorithms this way.

    I still think it would make sense to organize these events the way they’re currently organized. However, for Insights - I should be able to choose any two “things” and Bearable tells me their correlation coefficient. Currently it only allows me to correlate Factors with “Symptoms”, “Mood”, and “Sleep”.

    13 September 2024
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    I agree with David. I really want to love this app but I feel this feature is necessary for me to want to go all in.

    Hoping it gets done soon!

    04 October 2024
  • 31 October 2024 Julian moved this task into Completed