

Sleep update: add multiple sleep times (for people who awake often and/or for long periods during the night)

These times are important for me to track, I need to share this with my doctor as well and as it is, it would give her the wrong data on my sleep. It feels wrong to add times that are incorrect, and adding the total sleep would still require me to calculate with brain fog.

As a nice example of how you could implement this: apple health has a good way to show this visually: you can manually add + “in bed” period (signified on a graph with a purple bar) and multiple + “sleep periods” which get placed on the purple bar as a pink color. (this could be a simple addition of the same time tracker in bearable I think.) For healthy people who sleep well the bar should be mostly pink with a little purple at the beginning and end, but my bar is mostly purple with lots of big breaks in the pink. The visual result is very easy to see how scattered the sleep period was, and even when looking at monthly view you can see better periods and worse periods.

Insights: When it comes to insights I would love to get a good grip on my average time awake while trying to sleep, what (medication/factors/symptoms) affects waking up more and less during the night, average time before falling asleep the first time, average time I need before getting out of bed, the amount of sleep that works best for my energy and symptoms (it changes in cycles, currently 9 hours seems best but it has been as much as 12 in the past), I’d like to see what the best time for me to go to bed might be (best chance of sleeping quickly), if there is any patterns in the times I wake up, and would like to see a visual in weekly and monthly view, and also notify me if changes in my sleep patterns seem to happen

540 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 16 December 2020 by user Frankie

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  • 16 December 2020 Frankie suggested this task

  • 16 December 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    Would definitely use this

    30 December 2020
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    Plz also upvote it if you havent already

    30 December 2020
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    Up voted, I definitely need this too. I have to take scheduled naps during the day and often wake up at irregular hours at night due to pain or anxiety. So being able to add extra times would be super helpful.

    01 January 2021
  • avatar

    I’m also using Bearable for Sleep tracking.

    Even if we don’t split up our sleep times, I still want to track the time awake. So make sure such a value (in minutes) can be manually entered.

    Also this value is available from my Fitbit app, so don’t overlook it when both the field and Fitbit integration are implemented.

    09 January 2021
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    Ditto to Hannah Davis

    18 January 2021
  • avatar

    This will be so great!

    09 February 2021
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    This is a definite need, I sleep for 2 hours at a time so the sleep length currently is not really applicable

    23 February 2021
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    I’m a night owl so this would be v helpful! also the ability to change the pre, am, mid, and pm categories, since my day starts between 1 and 5pm

    06 March 2021
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    I have this problem too :) I sleep in at least two parts every night.

    19 March 2021
  • avatar

    Definitely voting for this. My sleep is completely erratic, so being able to take in chunks is important. True, Google Fit (usually???) sends both chunks to Bearable and it adds them up, however it can give an illusion of good sleep if two or three chunks add up to 8 hours, when in fact that wasn’t good at all.

    My suggestion to convey and visualize this: a thin little timeline for when we slept would be nice at-a-glance in the regular or journal view; like, a thin horizontal line that has times notated at intervals, and on it there can be little colored parts of that line to represent when we were in bed, and an additional color for when we slept.

    (And/or perhaps brackets over each time span with tiny notes of, for example: “slept” on top with brackets marking the sleep periods, and “in bed” on the bottom with brackets marking the time shared between those sleep chunks, so colorblind people don’t struggle with it.)

    Bearable being able to display more than one sleep span, then a Total Hours Slept total, would be useful, and putting those spans into a visual format would help us be more sure that we’re filling in details right.

    Additionally: While my Google Fit integration doesn’t allow my Sleep As Android records to fully reach Bearable, Fit DOES contain data for WHEN I slept (the timespans). It would be a VERY useful QOL addition, if Bearable would automatically use that sleep-span factor as a default to fill in the “Time in Bed” section. Then rather than having to go back and forth between the various tracker apps to put down the hours I spent in bed, I’d have a baseline minimum right there, which I could then add onto as it jogs my memory. Allowing us to then adjust the existing time as needed, rather than starting from scratch.

    If there are multiple sleep spans, then maybe it can have a cutoff point, like an internal rule of “If time between last wake and next sleep is longer than: 2 hours, then offer separate ‘Time in Bed’ suggestions for each entry.”

    Just random suggestions, there may be much simpler ways to go about this, but I really find visual indicators on a visible timeline far more useful for tracking my irregular sleep, than just a flat total number regardless of when/how that sleep happened. And the “time in bed” can definitely be estimated from that existing data, and would be super useful. ^_^

    27 March 2021
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    I tend to wake up multiple times a night as well, and being able to add notes to nightmares would be awesome

    13 April 2021
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    I recently was going to bed, getting up again after a couple of hours sitting downstairs for a while then going back to bed. I would wake agin within 2 hours to take meds, it would be good to suspend the reading rather than stop & start each time.

    15 April 2021
  • avatar

    As a continuation of both this and the other service integrations, being able to integrate with CPAP data would be super useful as well.

    19 April 2021
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    My day is shifted – I’m mostly sleeping late after midnight long into the day. I have the feeling this is affecting analysis in bearable since it’s starting a new day at midnight and in fact most symptoms and medications loose impact during my sleep time. It would be great if I could add some offset to the day.

    26 April 2021
  • avatar

    I really really really really need this. I sleep for 2-4 hours at a time but usually get 8 hours a night

    17 May 2021
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    This would di my friend kelly who is on this app as she has a health condition called POTS which makes her sleep in day time so this might be helpful for her to track these episodes

    10 June 2021
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    This would make a TREMENDOUS difference for me. I’ve had chronic sleep problems since I turned 18. I’ve gone through so many meds, supplements, sleep schedule alterations, etc.

    Since I was 18, I’ve had chronic nightmares. Often multiple a night that are so vivid I don’t know the difference until I wake up. Even if I realize it’s a dream, I can’t wake myself up or influence it. The themes are often terrifying or extremely emotional. Lots of death, chasing, violence, and pain. Sometimes they repeat, but most often they are all unique, there are definitely running themes and fears.

    I just can’t stress how impactful it is. I wake up crying, gasping, often sweating and my back is in incredible pain from tensing up.

    Over time, it has progressed through sleep talking, twitching, acting out dreams, and trouble sleeping through the night. Worst of all, in the past 6 months I developed a tendency to microsleep. The problem being, I can’t control it. It goes on for hours, even at work.

    Point being, being able to track my sleep more would be invaluable to me. Even understanding possible patterns would help me plan and adjust. Sorry for the long-winded message, this just hit a really important spot for me.

    If you read to the end, thank you for listening. I await more sleep results investigating the microsleeps and nightmares.

    I hope this resonates with others, no one is alone.

    11 June 2021
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    I wake throughout the night.

    12 June 2021
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    I’d really like this

    10 July 2021
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    I’d love to have this especially with specific times, rather than just am/mid/pm. I have horrible insomnia, and sometimes only survive by taking multiple naps throughout the day.

    BTW, I love being able to add Notes for each sleep period. It’s super helpful figuring out my triggers.

    18 July 2021
  • avatar

    Would be great to have some kind of insomnia specific graph… see how many times you woke through the night and for how long with factor overlays to try to find correlations.

    18 August 2021
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    This would be awesome!

    22 August 2021
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    Incredibly restless insomniac here, this feature would be sosososo helpful!!!

    30 August 2021
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    Would also like to suggest on the topic of sleep, a section for dream logging 😴💭 Something along the lines of: -how intense a dream felt -quick note taking -patterns

    30 August 2021
  • avatar

    This would be so helpful. Sleep is one of the main things I need to track, and sleeping through the night is very rare anymore. “Hours asleep last night” isn’t very helpful either because it doesn’t have details. I don’t know when I was actually asleep I only know when I went to bed, when I woke up, and if I fell asleep fast or not. If we could add more than one “time in bed” per day instead of only one time in bed and one nap, that would be helpful. Bonus points if we could add notes (or factors, but I figure that would be harder) for each of the times in bed.

    31 August 2021
  • avatar

    Ditto! The “nap” selection for sleep is woefully inadequate. I have migraines and have to sleep when I get one, but will often sleep for 3 hours, wake up to use the restroom or take more medicine if needed, and go back to sleep. I need a way to track that sleep too show my doctor how my well-being and quality of life is being affected.

    15 September 2021
  • avatar

    I second these suggestions from ZaCloud:

    1. “Bearable being able to display more than one sleep span, then a Total Hours Slept total, would be useful.”

    2. “If there are multiple sleep spans, then maybe it can have a cutoff point, like an internal rule of ‘If time between last wake and next sleep is longer than: 2 hours, then offer separate “Time in Bed” suggestions for each entry.’ “

    15 September 2021
  • avatar

    Definitely the current sleep set up doesn’t work well for painsomnia or night shift. Being able to input sleep in blocks would work better. Some days I only get 3- 4 three hour blocks of sleep

    03 October 2021
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    This would be a more inclusive feature for parents who have to wake for baby feeds in the night

    15 October 2021
  • avatar

    Yup, I really need this too.

    16 October 2021
  • avatar

    I badly need this. No other app I’ve tried has handled this well. I am a shift worker so my sleep is never stable. (Seriously; I also use Sleep Cycle and it shows me at 0% Regularity.) I would really like to be able to adjust what each “day” or “night” is for me personally, down to the minute. Sometimes my “day” starts at 10 am, sometimes it doesn’t start until 6 pm, sometimes I even have to wake up at 2 am. I really need this app to have the flexibility to account for such a changeable schedule, not just with sleep, but with all the other things affected by the day/night cycle. (Meds for instance.)

    22 October 2021
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    Be great to have sleep data from Oura Ring and Apple Health

    22 October 2021
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    This is CRUCIAL. I mean, does ANYONE have a regular, undisturbed sleep cycle? If we are to learn what helps us sleep better, having this additional feature would be fantastic.

    25 October 2021
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    As someone who lives with Narcolepsy, knowing my sleep patterns and the effect they have on my life is crucial! One of the treatment t aspects for my condition is taking naps throughout the day. Being able to see my productive sleep would be very helpful!

    04 November 2021
  • 14 November 2021
  • avatar

    This is my situation as well … I haven’t found an app yet that allows for anything other than traditional work/life schedules

    14 November 2021
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    I work 3rd shift. Work days and days off choices would be great.

    29 November 2021
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    Sync or Manually input extra sleep data

    For example, sync with our ring or fitbits more detailed sleep sleep stages to see what affects deep sleep and rem. Or at least the ability to manually add sleep stage times.

    -Eshe Boyette

    05 January 2022
  • avatar

    Thank you all for upvoting and commenting on this suggestion.

    We are a very small team and releasing new features has been a lot slower than we anticipated.

    We know waiting is frustrating, but as our team grows in 2022 we hope to be able to move faster.

    Thank you all for your patience, we haven’t forgotten, and will get to this suggestion as soon as we can.

    03 February 2022
  • avatar

    Kind of the opposite, I would like to be able to track how often or how much I am trying to sleep but can’t. Right now I just have “interrupted” or “uninterrupted” as factors. Being able to log times when I couldn’t sleep(and why, Ie pain, insomnia, ect) would be helpful.

    28 February 2022
  • avatar

    Apple Health tracks this very well, my watch will show periods I was asleep and awake at night, it would be super great if Bearable could track it with the same precision

    13 April 2022
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    as i suffer from insomnia, would love to be able to save multiple periods

    03 May 2022
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    Thank you for the update and considering this suggestion!

    20 June 2022
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    I have narcolepsy too and would like to track medication times and doses and compare them to sleep quality, frequency of naps, etc.

    29 June 2022
  • avatar

    There was an app called sleep bot that is no longer made that was very useful for this. You could punch in and punch out for sleep times. I have a fair amount of insomemia mid-night so I could use this feature too.

    09 July 2022
  • avatar

    I didn’t read through the miles of long posts above. Basically, I just think it would be Great, if when Bearable syncs w/Fitbit, it recorded the sleep phases as Fitbit does. With awake & asleep times. As everyone has mentioned, you can spend a lot of time in bed but if you wake 5 times, you still wake feeling like rubbish. Or perhaps add a button to the sleep section for how many times you woke. Thanks!

    07 August 2022
  • avatar

    I didn’t read through the miles of long posts above. Basically, I just think it would be Great, if when Bearable syncs w/Fitbit, it recorded the sleep phases as Fitbit does. With awake & asleep times. As everyone has mentioned, you can spend a lot of time in bed but if you wake 5 times, you still wake feeling like rubbish. Or perhaps add a button to the sleep section for how many times you woke. Thanks!

    07 August 2022
  • avatar

    Sleep as Android does sleep tracking better than any other app could dream to… and it has an API. Instead of trying to build something yourself, please consider integrating with Sleep as Android. Do one thing, and do it well; Talk to other programs that do their one thing well. The Unix philosophy is extremely relevant here.

    08 February 2023
  • avatar

    Yes please! As a shift worker being able to add multiple naps and periods of sleeping would be so helpful. I just can’t really use it how it is now. Also the ability to add a note to the sleep section would be incredible.

    10 February 2023
  • avatar

    I logged on here specifically to suggest this - I just woke up, I’ll probably be up for about an hour and then I’ll go back to bed

    09 May 2023
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    I have been dealing with reflex Sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) aka CRPS for 30yrs I’ve had chronic sleep disorder form sleeping excessively (first 5yrs) of the 30yrs due to medication regulation. The next 25yrs I’ve have broken sleep to insomnia due to pain. If I can track my sleep history I feel I can get a better handle on how to help myself and not have to rely on medication for sleep. I want a more holistic/western way to sleep

    10 August 2023
  • avatar

    I need this desperately. I hardly sleep and I need to be able to track how many times I do fall asleep and for how long. Like someone else said it could add them all up but that would be viewed as good sleep. Please please please do this !🖤

    20 September 2023
  • avatar

    I would also love this. But I’d like to add specifically for naps, instead of just selecting the time of day for the nap, to be able to add the specific time frame of sleep for the nap that automatically adds into the full day’s sleep. As a person with narcolepsy, I will sometimes need multiple naps a day and being able to see how long each nap is and when is crucial.

    23 September 2023
  • avatar

    The fact that you can’t log multiple sleep chunks makes the app basically useless to me. Being awake for multiple hours in the middle of the night is literally one of the main things I downloaded the app to track. I was even willing to pay for premium, if that’s what was necessary to get the feature. But I’m certainly not willing to pay now, for an app that’s only half useful to me. I’m honestly shocked that this was suggested so long ago and still hasn’t been implemented.

    26 September 2023
  • avatar

    I have sleep apnea so this would help.

    07 January 2024
  • avatar

    I came here to make this exact suggestion!! I’m desperate for this feature, and honestly most people with chronic pain have interrupted sleep cycles. The fact that this has been suggested since 2020 and the change still hasn’t been made concerns me…this small update would make a HUGE difference in the apps usability. Please make this change!

    23 January 2024
  • avatar

    I agree with this 100%, I don’t understand why it’s been almost 4 years of requesting this with no change 😔

    23 January 2024
  • avatar

    Please simply make multiple entries possible for sleep, perhaps only for premium since it’s such a good price anyway. I have sleep disruptions at night, like others, plus additional time in bed due to health problems that would be nice to track— not just normal naps. So I think you could formulate the sleep entry as either capable of multiple entries or formulate it similar to the bowel movement tracker (which is excellent btw). I hope I don’t need a separate sleep/nap/downtime tracker bc I’d like this app to be my one and only. Thanks

    25 February 2024
  • avatar

    100% yes!! Even just entering number of times awake in the middle of the night would help too! Since I can customize hours slept

    26 February 2024
  • avatar

    I would so love this! My sleep tends to be broken up be either insomnia or additional naps. The biggest problem with just a running total is that the factors often change with each section of sleep. For instance I may not use my cpap for every stretch (I know that I should but that’s another matter), but if I include that factor then it’s as if I used it the whole time. A lot of factors are affected that way and currently there’s no way to record this in a meaningful way.

    18 April 2024
  • avatar

    YES YES YES… tracking multiple sleep sessions a day/night, with totals for each and a daily total, would be huge.

    I’m also not clear how to use the Sleep Story feature, but I’m very new… doesn’t appear to be in the Support index of terms/questions.

    01 May 2024
  • avatar

    Glad to see I’m in such good company! And sad to see this suggestion was approved over 3 years ago, but still not implemented 🤨

    The original post discussed how 🍎health does this, so I wind up toggling back and forth between the two apps. I have maintenance insomnia & daytime fatigue from medications, so both displays often show me with 7 or even 8 hours of sleep. With no indication of how disrupted the night’s sleep was, it is lacking in meaning. I created a sleep factor labeled “Up before twilight” to tag the worst nights, and that’s been helpful but feels rather cumbersome.

    It’d be great to see what factors influence how broken my sleep is! I hope this is in truly in the queue.

    05 May 2024
  • avatar

    Yet another vote for this. Having two sleep chunks added up into one doesn’t help me track related factors at all.

    08 May 2024
  • avatar

    I see this was an approved tast 3.5 years ago. I’m not going to hold my breath that this will ever happen

    08 May 2024
  • avatar

    Upvoted as my Apple Watch tracks my core, deep, rem sleep and awake time, but to correlate with other symptoms and factors etc would be great.

    12 September 2024
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    I’ve up voted as well. This would be great for tracking my hypersomnia and recognizing good days from bad days and (hopefully) find possible correlations that could help me manage better!

    08 October 2024
  • avatar

    As a night shift worker and with perimenopause induced insomnia I really need a better way to track my sleep. I would love this feature to be updated to help myself and others with non-standard sleep schedules.

    19 October 2024
  • avatar

    Just wondering if there’s an updated timeline on this?

    06 January
  • avatar

    I am kind of surprised this has not happened yet, I don’t think adding at least an option to put in more than one sleeping sections shouldn’t be as difficult? So I would at least be able to see I didn’t sleep in one piece when looking at data retrospectively

    18 January
  • avatar

    Please add this one ! I just subscribed to premium to get back on my health journey and I sooo want to be able to track my sleep and I’ve got a baby so I’m up multiple times per night for months now and I know that it impacts my mental health but I would love to know how with more details ! I need to register every times up during night

    24 January
  • avatar

    I also need this, but since I already use my Apple Watch + Autosleep app which tracks and writes this data to Apple Health, I prefer that this info is auto populated into Bearable.

    Also, since I have to manually change my sleep data daily, I need the ability to just input the time (I.e. type in “11:47”) rather than using the mind-numbing, time consuming scrolling wheel to find the exact time I’m looking for, which is super frustrating and distracting.

    The option to decide which way we want to input time data (scrolling wheel of frustration vs. typing in actual numbers) would solve this issue.
