Under consideration


Separate Drink/Water Section

I would like to have a separate water homepage widget. Some features I would find useful: to be able to add different kinds of drinks and different cup sizes, and set the amountof water you want to consume per day. (The app ‘Plant Nanny’ has good examples for these features, but i stopped using it because of the games and ads.) It would also be nice to have the cup be full when we reach our water goal and not just at the default 2 Litres.

188 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 18 December 2020 by user Ava B

Moved into Under consideration 18 December 2020

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  • 18 December 2020 Ava B suggested this task

  • 18 December 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • 18 December 2020 James @Bearable moved this task into Under consideration

  • avatar

    Yes, with a chronic illness where what I drink (especially electrolytes) is as important as the quantity, I’d love the ability to track type of drinks that make up my total hydration.

    27 December 2020
  • avatar

    This would be great! I currently track drinks in the snacks/drinks section of the food diary but that means that I’m not tracking quantity. For instance, rather than simply adding that I drank coffee I would be able to say I drank a 20oz espresso, or rather than simply listing Mt. Dew, I can list a 16oz Mt. Dew. But I do use factors for drinks as well, such as soda, caffeine, wine, etc. I want to be able to keep those if we move drinks & water to a separate drinks section. Including a water goal, or even a total hydration goal would be awesome!

    15 January 2021
  • avatar

    Yes, it would be great to be able to track the quantity of drinks other than water (or the quantity of certain foods for that matter). For example, if you want to track the number of coffees you’ve had each day, and be able to add that to the graphs, the only way to do so right now seems to be to enter coffee as a medication.

    02 February 2021
  • avatar

    Great idea,I currently miss this group as it doesn’t work for me.

    23 February 2021
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    Fluid Management is important for nephrological patients. Some need to drink huge amounts and others must count every drop to not exceed their limit. For some patients every fluid counts, (including some foods) others can only count specific things like water or tee to reach their minimum.

    26 April 2021
  • avatar

    It would be awesome to have as with the water glass a glass for alcohol to fill up. So I keep track of how.much alchik I’ve been drinking and can correlate to sleep and feeling the day after

    08 June 2021
  • avatar

    Yes, I’ve put water and coffee under medicine for now so I can track quantity…

    19 June 2021
  • avatar

    Love all the ideas except the second section part - or at least, keep the existing entry point on the main page in addition to any separate section.

    24 June 2021
  • avatar

    THIS!! I’d love to track my water but I have two issues 1. 8oz at a time is really not enough. I drink multiple 1 liter bottles a day and having to tap the glass 4x each is not something I enjoy doing or find convenient. I tracked water for about 2 days before I gave up. Please let us customize the water size per tap!!

    1. I’d love to separate water and not bury it in the food tab. I have an eating disorder and even suggesting food or components be tracked is a little triggering.


    17 July 2021
  • avatar

    I wholeheartedly agree with this. As a Bariatric surgery patient, it’s important to differentiate between water and other fluids, like electrolyte drinks. I also would prefer variable measurement. I’m so glad you finally added ounces, but I usually consume in 12 ounce increments, not 8, and my goal per day is 60.

    18 July 2021
  • avatar

    Yes I don’t track my water well on this app as I have different bottles and mugs etc with different volumes, I don’t drink in 250ml increments. My favourite bottle is 600ml so I am either under or over when I log it

    20 July 2021
  • avatar

    I came and signed up for here just to request water counting. I am having surgery next week. I can make do but it would be great to have it in the measurement section

    30 July 2021
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    Maybe better tracking of caffeine consumption (in mgs) here too, instead of just the caffeine tag/factor?

    14 December 2021
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    I think it would be helpful to track WHEN I drink water as well as potentially using the same section/function to track caffeine and alcohol. I often experience “crashes” in my energy levels and know that things like when I hydrate and/or have caffeine can be a factor

    28 January 2022
  • avatar

    Yes I’m using a separate app just to track fluid intake. Adding by 8oz at a time is so annoying. I have POTS, so I have to drink electrolytes and 80-100oz of water so I track water with my 32oz water bottle, not by 8oz cups. The other apps for fluids are helpful but having it here would be so great! Plus ability to track different beverages and caffeine, which is so crucial for sleep quality. So much better it it was all in this app! (For record it’s called the drink water app, I like your interface better but it’s great for fluid intake.)

    04 July 2022
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    and pls sync with apple health

    08 September 2023
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    Yes, I came here looking for a suggestion to change the water quantity! I almost always drink from a 20oz water bottle, so only being able to count per 8oz cups isn’t super helpful.

    11 December 2024