

Ability to plot symptom group total scores

I have my symptoms separated into two groups. I would love the ability to compare them in the Advanced insight graph. Having the ability to also selected whether each plot is a bar or line graph would be helpful.


71 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 29 December 2020 by user raynorshine

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  • 29 December 2020 raynorshine suggested this task

  • 29 December 2020 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    Absolutely this! I’m using this to track several unrelated conditions that are affected by very different things and it would be VERY useful to be able to graph Group Symptom Scores (and honestly get the insights for a group symptom score) not just total symptom score or individual symptoms :)

    Especially because partly how this helps is I can track individual symptoms of each so I can answer cogently about how frequently each is occurring when my doctor asks because my memory for this sort if thing is very bad (which is also a symptom unfortunately :p ) but breaking them down like that also makes assessing the whole for improvement or worsening more difficult, which is why I was so excited to see groups implemented! So this feels like a logical next step after that. :)

    (As a note, thanks for adding the ability to group symptoms!)

    01 February 2021
  • avatar

    Yes this would be awesome! For one i would be able to see when i am having symptoms from my migraine group and see if they really mostly happen together, and if my diffrent types of leg pain are correlated with the same things

    07 February 2021
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    This would be awesome. You could use it to group symptoms that correspond to researched tools (like the Fatigue Severity Scale or the Vanderbilt Orthostatic Symptom Scale or PHQ depression scale)

    17 February 2021
  • avatar

    100% agree. I’m trying to discern if my two symptom groups are related or unrelated, and it’s really hard to do that without the ability to view them separately. I also think this would be really helpful in the calendar view–right now you can highlight specific symptoms, but not groups of symptoms. So I have to look at each one separately and try to add them up in my head.

    11 April 2021
  • avatar

    Absolutely need this.

    19 April 2021
  • avatar

    That would be amazing. It would be super helpful to track if my physical symptoms are impacting my mental ones. Right now I have to check each pair individually and that’s not giving me a full picture.

    22 May 2021
  • avatar

    This would be incredibly useful!

    08 June 2021
  • avatar

    Absolutely this! The group function serves very little purpose otherwise. It would be so useful to check my pain symptoms against my migraine symptoms and cross reference against fatigue symptoms, for example.

    05 October 2021
  • avatar

    I really really need this! As I’m tracking for two very different conditions, the overall symptoms score is a bit useless to me and doctors

    15 October 2021
  • avatar

    Absolutely need this. I need to know how an exercise program affects all of the symptoms listed under tje Arthritis Group, not each symptom. Having started to track the symptoms, the current graphs are actually useless. 😭

    28 October 2021
  • avatar

    I think a bar chart would be helpful. I’m also a fan of stacked area charts.

    20 November 2021
  • 04 January 2022
  • avatar

    100% please please please! My symptom groups are unrelated diagnoses. Currently I must add the individual symptoms and plot them in excel.

    13 April 2024