

Medication Notes to add reactions

Separate notes section (similar to significant events without the date feature) to keep track of reactions to medications - useful if trying multiple medications to be able to quickly refer to which ones had positive/negative effects rather than trying to remember.

As effects can take days/weeks to show it’s not necessarily relevant to record this under a particular day.

83 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 30 December 2020 by user Cate

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  • 30 December 2020 Cate suggested this task

  • 02 January 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    This would definitely make me more apt to use it because I’ve been on so many and can’t remember which one caused which reaction anymore.

    13 April 2021
  • avatar

    I already voted for this one, but I’m coming back again to add further support. I’ve had several bouts of antibiotics this year and I’m allergic to a stupid number of them, so it’d be really helpful to have a way to track various effects and severity of medications so that it’s easier to weigh up which ones are absolute no-gos or which might still be doable if necessary.

    16 December 2024