

Rating system for people interactions

An interaction rating system that the user can input to rate interactions they had with other significant people in their life. Like spouse, kids, parents, friends, etc. It could be something simple, like a + or + + for positive interactions, and a - or - - for negative interactions. Kinda like in The Sims games when it would show over their heads.

It could be designed with a list of everyone’s names you want to record interactions with, and then you just hit plus or minus next to their name to record an interaction. Maybe a field for notes. And then there’s a number on the right recording how many interactions you’ve had that day and it’s green for mostly positive interactions and red for mostly negative ones.

I think this would help better correlate the effect of our social interactions on mood, and be a good tool for inter- and intrapersonal reflection. We could see the people in our lives that make the most positive impact and the people that might be toxic to our well-being. It could also better describe how an interaction with a certain someone impacts our mood more than others.

This could be really beneficial for those needing an objective way to analyze their relationships, like those with social anxiety, depression, etc. and could be talking points for people in therapy. It could also help people with difficulties in evaluating a healthy relationship.

107 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 09 January 2021 by user Rachel S

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  • 09 January 2021 Rachel S suggested this task

  • 12 January 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    I love this idea, i’ve used the social factor group a bit like this just too see the effect on mood, but this would be a simpler way of viewing that data!

    18 January 2021
  • 06 March 2021
  • avatar

    This would be amazing especially for those of us with BPD. It would allow us to start recognizing patterns

    13 April 2021
  • avatar

    this is great! as someone who is autistic, it’s really helpful for me to track my moods in relation to how certain people make me feel. if i frequently feel negative after being around someone, i know it’s because of them and i can avoid spending more time with them. sometimes it’s hard to see this correlation though because so many things (energy, food, locations, etc.) and other factors can also impact my mood. i’m currently using the symptoms section to track shutdowns and meltdowns but it’s sometimes really difficult to tie those to factors. being able to track specific contacts would be immensely helpful.

    05 May 2021
  • avatar

    Yes! This would be really helpful. They’re could be organized by groups and by individuals. As well as including a notes section.

    Another option, would be like how we have foods and factors. Could be adding a factor to moods. Such factors might be adding an interaction with a person.

    13 July 2021
  • avatar

    I love this. I have “argument” in factors and then I describe it in the notes section, but this would pick up on nuances.

    21 August 2021
  • avatar

    This is an excellent idea! The section could look similar to the current “self-improvement” section with a rating system of 1-5.

    30 September 2021
  • avatar

    AMAZING idea! I have terrible social anxiety so this would be so helpful for seeing how anxious I’ve been. Plus, sometimes when I see my best friend it’s great, and sometimes we argue–so the effect the factor “with best friend” has isn’t very reliable, if that makes sense.

    20 June 2022
  • avatar

    I don’t like calling it a rating system for people interactions.

    But this works well for people that are in complicated relationship or bad relationship. Simply writing down how a talk or fight, conversation went. Reminding yourself.

    09 August 2022
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    REALLY want this!

    05 December 2022
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    I like this idea as well. Currently I use the Social category to track this in a more general way rather than by each interaction.

    So all my frequent friends and family are listed in this category - I will add someone if they become a more regular presence in my life such as meeting a new person or starting a relationship, but I don’t keep track of acquaintance levels by name. The format of contact is another type of factor I include in this category (videocall, phone, chat/text, visit in person) and then my overall sense of socializing for that day: reached out, supportive, connected, very sociable, quite sociable, little social contact, feeling withdrawn or lonely (even if I interacted with others), conflict, date night, etc. I typically remember who I had conflict with, but if I want details about the subject or topic of supportive connections, I’ll add this in the notes section.

    It’s very doable this way to see trends without having a separate rating for individuals/ positive and negative interactions. Logging my data this way has helped me see that I tend to be in a better mood or feel more connected when I visit in person or have videocalls as well as determine which people make the most appearances in my circle of support. Like my sister calls irregularly and mostly those are positive talks, but sometimes they’re tense and I’ll record that. Whereas interactions with my husband are majority positive and make me feel connected or supported. It gives me a chance to also look back and see when friendships are in a lull or fading in frequency.

    Hope this helps for those interested in tracking relationships like this!

    02 February 2023
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    Having ADHD this would be really helpful to track. I often get overwhelmed with large groups or very chatty, energetic people (like when grocery shopping, etc.) and it will usually result in a lot of emotions expressed towards people close to me. This would be a helpful thing to track the severity of the symptoms/emotions vs. The amount of interactions I have had that day.

    29 March 2023
  • avatar

    This would be cool. After an outing with the dog, I was tailgated relentlessly on the way home. I later had a mental meltdown. The effect came from a stranger, but it’s nice to identify if stress factors come on a regular basis from a person, team, or regular entity. Gets my vote!

    12 October 2023
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    Moodflow, the mood tracker I used before Bearable, had this feature, and it REALLY helped me see that the relationship I was in was toxic and detrimental to my mental health. I knew it was bad, but seeing it laid out on a calendar/in charge and graphs, was super important for me.

    I’d love if Bearable incorporated this in a future update. 💗 I know we can track general categories, but I’d love to be able to track interactions with specific people and rank the quality and/or how the interaction with that person made me feel.

    05 June 2024