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  • 25 January 2021 Kamil created this task

  • avatar

    Yes I would love this.

    15 May 2021
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    This would be awesome. Even if it was just for some of the more basic tracking

    28 July 2021
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    Yes! Like for poops and water and super quick entries

    24 August 2021
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    Please! Especially for quick mood recording

    04 December 2021
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    This would be amazing. I keep looking for an Apple Watch compatible symptom tracker to switch too but I’d love if I could just keep using Bearable

    27 December 2021
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    It’d be Really useful!

    03 January 2022
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    It would be helfpful

    09 January 2022
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    for medication, water, and mood!

    14 February 2022
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    I would be so much better at tracking consistently with this and a home screen widget!

    15 February 2022
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    I gave up on using the Bearable app because it’s too complicated to add entries, but with the Watch it would be much easier.

    25 March 2022
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    I just got an Apple Watch and there are absolutely no apps that allow quick entries or any kind of symptom tracking. I’ve considered using a habit tracker to track symptoms but they don’t allow to measure intensity and don’t give us interesting insights.

    I would love for bearable to be able to offer this feature.

    Is it something you are currently working on?

    19 April 2022
  • 10 July 2022
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    Yes yes yes! Half the problem with tracking is not having a phone in hand at all times.

    30 July 2022
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    This would be such a game changer for me! I was great about diligent tracking for mood vs sleep vs period cycle for about 2 months and then I completely fell off. I need to start tracking again and think this would help my ADHD brain so much! I have a tendency of getting distracted between noticing that I need to notate something and actually get the app open and the info recorded. A push notification on the apple watch with the ability to input quick items throughout the day would be wonderful.

    25 August 2022
  • avatar

    It’d be amazing to have quick entry reminders throughout the day for things like Mood check-ins that can be entered quickly on my watch in the middle of another activity, like a meeting, so that tracking my mood can be done more frequently

    09 September 2022
  • 11 September 2022
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    Yes please! This is the only thing stopping me from switching to Bearable from my existing mood tracker.

    07 October 2022
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    Yes please. I am on crutches and hardly ever have my phone to hand, being apple to track on my Apple Watch would make it so much easier to stick to

    13 October 2022
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    Please add!

    03 December 2022
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    I would loooove this update. My main hurdle to bearable (in part because of ADHD) is forgetting to input for multiple days, let alone being able to input as timed trackers occur (mood, energy, meds, pain type, etc). The other is that severe neck, back, and shoulder pain make it impossible to spend the time needed to enter all the data on my phone in 1-2 sittings. If I can even remember that much of my day, the pain deters me from tracking the symptoms in the first place.

    This is such a wonderful idea for people with executive dysfunction, people who can’t be on their phones for too long because of pain/eye problems, people that don’t bring their phones everywhere, and people with complicated, large list of symptoms to track. I would pay extra for this feature, if the only way it could be included was an add-on (although I appreciate the pay scale for bearable as it is :/)?

    23 February 2023
  • avatar

    I feel the same!! The whole adhd “out of sight, out of mind” thing adds an obstacle to the phone app. If I miss a day or two if tracking, it takes me months to be able to get back on track. Thinking “oh I’ll have to write this down later” and then not remembering (either what to write or to record at all) would be a thing of the past and people with executive dysfunction xan actually record the symptoms since a hurdle is removed.

    23 February 2023
  • avatar

    +1! New user and would REALLY love to have the ability to do quick entries on Apple Watch.

    13 March 2023
  • avatar

    Hear hear! The biggest weakness of Bearable IMNSHO is being limited to iPhone. I don’t always have my phone within reach so even basic entry on 🍎 Watch would be great. Being able to sync to something with more screen real estate to view insights and reports would also be VERY welcome.

    13 March 2023
  • avatar

    I really hope this suggestion picks up steam and gets added to the list of new developments. This is the only feature request I come back and check! I don’t have an Apple Watch yet, but I am saving for one in case this update ever happens. I struggle inputting all of my daily updates because of the complexity of my health issues, so I often don’t end up using bearable at all. I have a lot of health problems and would really benefit from tracking them, but it takes too long to input everything at once (whether that’s one, two, or three times a day). If I could add symptoms, moods, energy, and notes as they occur without need to hold my phone, look at a screen, or remember the details and times, I would have a more comprehensive ability to understand and care for my body.

    16 April 2023
  • avatar

    This is kind of how it is for me, including the ADHD part. Compulsive ADHD need to follow the path of least resistance + difficulty creating and maintaining routines/habits with ADHD + bearable’s current input system (especially if you have multiple health problems to track) =/= regular, easy use of bearable.

    16 April 2023
  • avatar

    This would be huge. Especially for symptom tracking. I use simple migraine tracker to do this for migraines, and it makes it far more likely I remember to log. I’d love to be able to do this for my other frequent symptoms in bearable.

    15 June 2023
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    This would be a game changer. So helpful

    23 September 2023
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    I use bearable for tracking to find factors that impact ADHD challenges and symptoms. The single greatest barrier to that is it seems perfectly designed to keep me from tracking. I remember to track in moments where I don’t have my phone or can’t access it readily. Being able to log quickly (even the basics) would significantly improve my experience and control over my symptoms

    21 October 2023
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    +1 to all of the reasons mentioned above. this would be a game changer

    01 November 2023
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    YES!!!! Tbh most the time I don’t put in many entries throughout the day. I do an overview at the end.

    But I have bowel problems. And I log every time I go. I don’t like to take my phone into the toilet. But I’m wearing my Apple Watch. To be able to add that at the exact time would be super helpful.

    To have a widget on the watch screen that can take you directly to a certain part of it.

    Sorta like you can sort cut to medication on the health app.

    01 April
  • avatar

    For a first version, I’d love to use the Watch for simplest things like Mood and Energy Level.

    Maybe like 3 factors and/or symptoms we’d pick in the Watch app? Eg, “time outside” - bc obvs I’d have my watch on if I left the house.

    This is also where time stamps vs time blocks would be helpful. It would be less complicated via Watch to tap various factors and symptoms if we didn’t have to pick a time block, it records the times we tap it.

    I’m all for a quick and dirty first version of the easiest things to code by the team! 🙌

    10 April
  • avatar

    Same here, I just need a way to track symptoms from my Apple Watch and I love bearable but I will have to get an alternative app unless they add it

    27 April
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    I’m looking for an app to let me timestamp (preferably from my watch) when i have pounding heartbeat for no reason and I ended up here.

    Apple Health for iPhone only lets you track “Rapid, Pounding, or Fluttering Heartbeat”, but I want to track them individually.

    03 May
  • avatar

    Yesss this! At least for mood, would be amazing, and make for way more consistent mood tracking.

    06 May
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    For mindfulness, using my phone less is important so this is a must for me to use an app like this!

    22 June
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    That would be the best. I don’t wanna take my phone with me every time I poop 😆 but it’s important to track

    15 August
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    its insane that this still isn’t a feature. what’s the point in paying for the subscription when this app is lacking so many basic features (like widgets?!)

    20 September
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    This would be awesome! But I’d also love a widget we can add to the home screen and Lock Screen

    09 October
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    Would love this

    10 November
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    The poop track would be great, maybe even symptoms in general. Just quick tap a symptom from a list you’re feeling when you’re at work

    21 November