

Hunger Level Section like energy levels

I would love the ability to rate my hunger at different times in the day to learn if it correlates with certain foods or factors. It would be great if it was just like the ‘energy level’ section with time stamps and severity.

87 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 03 February 2021 by user Leiane Thornton

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  • 03 February 2021 Leiane Thornton suggested this task

  • 05 February 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    one could just add hunger to digestive symptoms.

    12 April 2021
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    But that wouldn’t include time stamping would it?

    13 April 2021
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    I’d definitely benefit from this. Right now I have “hungry” has a mood option (so I have a time stamp) but there’s no way to mark severity. I’m really bad at discerning when I’m hungry and how hungry up until I hit Hangry and even then it takes me a minute to put together that angry+irritable+dizzy+shaking+lightheaded = I think the last time I ate was 8hrs ago, oops. Being able to track severity and time and then cross reference with mood and other symptoms would allow me to start learning to recognize my own symptoms of hunger.

    06 August 2021
  • avatar

    Being able to put in any custom [blank] level would be super helpful. for example appetite/sex drive/focus/etc. I want to track my “good symptoms” more intuitively

    03 November 2021
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    My mood tends to vary greatly depending on my hunger levels, it would be good to have this set out the same as the mood and energy levels so you can input hunger at specific times - I.e. 14:30 very hungry, 16:00 satiated, 20:00 somewhat hungry. It also may help monitor metabolism -Ellie Keeley

    02 February 2022
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    YES, THIS! This is what I came here to add.

    12 December 2023
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    This! Some of my medications nuke my appetite and I would like to be able to track for how long

    21 December 2023