

Treat factors and symptoms like sleep and mood

My favorite feature of the app is the mood feature because you can log how you are with both tags and a numerical scale for a specific time point. (Since I can retroactively go add in past moods, I don’t feel I need a duration like how the sleep feature does. I can just assume I felt one way until there was a new log.)

I would love to see symptoms being treated the same way.

Similarly, factors could be treated with the same time stamp, scale, and tags ability. However, this may benefit more to be like the sleep feature in that you can add duration. It’s almost like you’re really building a calendar for the day than listing what happened.

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Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 07 February 2021 by user Medical Mystery Snail

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  • 07 February 2021 Medical Mystery Snail suggested this task

  • 13 February 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    Yes!!! I think these are two basic types of things that can be logged, single-time and duration events. I think being able to look at most of the features in Bearable (from factors to food to symptoms) as one of those two things would be really helpful, since seeing a lot of these different categories as similar could simplify things, and right now some things don’t fit the logging method of their category!

    Like with Factors, some things like Chores could be single time events but instead we have to place them as either occuring “all day” or in time blocks. Same with Food being restricted to three meal blocks when you can have a snack at any time. And with some symptoms it makes sense to have durations or all-day settings like body aches but others its better to record as single time events like panic attacks or seizures.

    Maybe we could have the option to set individual or categories of symptoms/factors as single time or duration events… Or for more flexibility just have the option to add an end time to an event during/after logging it to turn it into a time block.

    26 March 2021
  • avatar

    This is the only major issue I have with the app. My symptoms can vary wildly from one moment to the next and having to summize overall 4 times a day isn’t helpful. I LOVE how the mood tracker is set up. If there was an option to set up symptoms like that it would be PERFECT.

    21 September 2023
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    Same here. In a way it can be helpful as it encourages me to schedule my PT, but in reality my approach to pain management is very here and there, and I’d benefit greatly from custom times for symptom tracking, especially with identifying correlations.

    09 September 2024