

More neutral colors for mood, energy, etc

Although I do like the green to red color scheme, sometimes I think the yellow as neutral for energy and mood brings a negative slant to things.

I would like to see a more neutral middle point. If my mood is a 5 or 6, that really isn’t bad. It’s just content. I think the yellow makes it seem like I’m on the negative end though.

23 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 07 February 2021 by user Medical Mystery Snail

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  • 07 February 2021 Medical Mystery Snail suggested this task

  • 13 February 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    Agree, a 6 is above middle point it should not be yellow. If my health professionals see all the yellow dots they assume I’m feeling down because it’s not a color they associate with a 6, is an ok score. Agreed for energy as well. .

    28 February 2021
  • avatar

    Having a way to customize the mood color/icon would be good, too. I use it primarily to track my bipolar symptoms and moods and before using this app, I used a 10 point scale with 5 being stable (which is where I want to be) and less than that being progressively more depressed and higher than that being more manic. The faces and colors on Bearable make it look like 6 and below are bad and 10 is amazing, which makes perfect sense for the majority of people with a normal range of moods but less helpful if your mood can get too high. If I’m at a 10, I need an icon with crazy eyes, lol! It probably wouldn’t be helpful for everyone, but if I could change the colors or change/remove the icons (or both) to personalize my mood scale, that would be incredibly useful.

    15 March 2021
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    i would also agree with this. i’m autistic and have alexithymia. it’s very difficult for me to recognize my moods or what i’m feeling, even when i’m actively trying to understand or log the information. as such, i have a “baseline” mood, where i’m content and everything is fine, and then everything is a deviation from that baseline, either up (positively) or down (negatively) - it would be really helpful to be able to adjust it so that my baseline mood rating (5) doesn’t appear to be negative.

    in using the app right now i’ve sort of adjusted it so that my ‘baseline’ is like a 7, so that visually it will make sense when looking at my graphs, and so that bearable doesn’t use a lower number in the insights and interpret that as me being in a not so great mood.

    not sure what the solution is, but this is a good point and it would be helpful to be able to customize it.

    18 May 2021
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    I have adjusted my usage like withadventure and use 7 as my baseline, which works, but it does lessen my ability to track my higher moods because the top end of my mood scale is compressed down to 2 numbers and the low end is made up of 1-6. It just skews the reporting a bit. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s still 100% the best app for tracking my moods AND symptoms AND everything else, though.

    19 May 2021