

visualize safe time between OTC med doses

Tell Bearable how often it’s safe to take as-need medications, and then there is a color change or other visual once the mandatory waiting period has passed and it’s safe to take again. I have multiple OTCs that have different maximum doses, and I forget and have to look at the bottle every time, and then do the math. Ex: I can take acetaminophen every six hours. If i take it at 8:30am, at 2:30pm the label would turn green as a visual signal that yes, I can take it it again if I’m in pain.

35 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 08 February 2021 by user Jasmine Heyward

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  • 08 February 2021 Jasmine Heyward suggested this task

  • 13 February 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    I love this!!

    20 June 2021
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    Duplicating apps so I can see time elapsed between doses, and amount taken in past 24 hours.

    The green or red box as OG posted :” I can take acetaminophen every six hours. If i take it at 8:30am, at 2:30pm the label would turn green as a visual signal that yes, I can take it it again if I’m in pain.” Also the maximum paracetamol ( or acetaminophen) you can take in a 24 hours is 4000mg (4g) so if that kind of calculation could contribute to a green or red button.

    Hope I’m making sense I’m in a lot of pain in the middle of a night shift.

    11 July 2022
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    This would be super helpful!

    29 October 2023
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    Even if it wasn’t native (i.e. you type in “acetaminophen” and the system already knows the dosage limits and time between doses), just being able to add it yourself would be helpful. With the self-add feature, people could also use it for any time elapse dependent rx medications

    14 July 2024
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    OMG I would love this. It would be so helpful to just look and see, can I take another yet? without having to do the math each time.

    19 July 2024