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  • 16 February 2021 Will Coley suggested this task

  • 24 February 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    I like how Medisafe has a Status Report feature where you can check off what to include and generate a document for others to look at (usually doctors, but it could have other uses too!)

    26 March 2021
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    I like that. It would help my family know more about me in a way that doesn’t seem to work when I try to explain things. Being able to omit certain things is important too, of course.

    31 March 2021
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    i like this. i don’t know how much it is possible but some sort of ‘friend’ feature where we can add family members and share certain info with them, like mood or certain symptoms would be really cool and could also potentially open bearable up to being incredibly useful on a day to day basis in that moment. for example, if i were having a meltdown or recovering from one, and i shared that symptom or those mood stats with my family members who also use bearable, it would be easier for them to see/understand i need space and patience or a quiet environment.

    i know there are apps out there that do this and this is their sole focus. also not sure this would be possible with bearable and i’m sure it would be a lot of work, but it would be a really cool feature to have.

    18 May 2021
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    I agree! Being able to either send a snapshot report for a time period, or have a partner in “view only mode” (maybe with the ability to make comments though?) Would be an excellent feature. The snapshot report would be helpful for taking the data from a certain period to your doctor. As long as you could toggle off the things that maybe don’t need to be shared. Fitbit does a health report with the last month’s stats, which is at least a little closer to helpful.

    15 February 2022
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    When I have meltdowns (asd) I become non-verbal about how I’m doing. I can log things into the app well enough, but it’s hard to get help from my parents processing how things are going without sitting down with them and opening the app up on my phone. Plus, one of my parents struggles with ADHD, so I lose their ability to process things if I wait until I can talk. Installing the app on their phone would give me the assurance they can see my updates when they are able to take it in, and not have to wait until I can talk about it.

    12 October 2023