Suggestions :speech_balloon: Prescription Refill Reminders Reminders for when medications need to be refilled. 122 votes Tagged as Suggestion Suggested 22 February 2021 by user Daria McCarty
Sign in to comment and vote. Sign in by email 22 February 2021 Daria McCarty suggested this task 24 February 2021 James @Bearable approved this task Beanz This would be great! 12 March 2021 Mariah Palumbo This would b awesome! I’m using Medisafe to track my medications rn because they have this feature. 18 March 2022 Rose Salazar Mariah Palumbo: This would b awesome! … Me too! I can almost replace Medisafe, but not quite. 21 August 2022 Johanna This is a great idea!! 04 October 2022 Natalie Mariah Palumbo: This would b awesome! … Same! Love Medisafe but would be awesome if I could get all of those options in one place. 29 March 2023 Alexandra Katharina Is there any update upon this issue? I am waiting for this approx. 1 year and it would be lovely to know if there is any hope this will be implemented before I am due to renew my annual premium subscription. 07 April 2023