

Add a section for urinary symptoms

Include color of urine, pain, burning, odor,urgency, stress etc. Incontinence with stress, sneezing, urgency. Fluid intake, type

107 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 28 February 2021 by user Linda Snook

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  • 28 February 2021 Linda Snook suggested this task

  • 05 March 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    Frequent urination is part of my anxiety symptoms. Having something exactly like the poo tracker, but for pee would be perfect.

    14 May 2021
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    I have IC/PBS and it causes me brutal urgency and frequency. I would love to track my urine just as we have bowel movements. There is a large community out there who would love this app if it included this feature.

    06 June 2021
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    This would be so helpful!! (In addition to all the other ways the app is helpful lol)

    21 July 2021
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    This feature would be so helpful! I would very much like to track fluid output with the ability to note frequency/color/smell/amount/pain/urgency or just a section for notes.

    25 July 2021
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    Bladder movements as well as bowel movements

    A way to track the number of times we void our bladders would be very helpful to those with overactive bladders.

    -Kate Blagdon

    17 November 2021
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    I totally agree with this. I am trying to track my food sensitivities which affect how often I urinate. If I eat the wrong food then I can be urinating every 45 minutes to an hour for 24 hours a day . But with other Foods I can have 2 to 4 hours of peace between each time I urinate. So, being able to track how specific fojods affect how long between each time I urinate is important to me. Besides tracking the number of times each day that I urinate I would also like a timestamp on each time I urinate, much like the bowel movement function does. And, similar to the bowel movement function, it would be helpful to specify other conditions . For example, being able to say whether or not the urine comes out free flowing or feels kind of restricted . Also being able to note the urgency and to be able to specify the time between each point. This is the main use I would currently have for this app. So, as of right now, this app is useless for me. I currently use the Android mySymptoms app. It is not great but it is the best I found so far for being able to set up and track symptoms as well as being able to specify various custom conditions and specifics.

    07 January 2022
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    Yes! I need this to track bladder conditions. My doctor has requested a “bladder journal”, so something exactly like the bowel movement section would be perfect. Currently manually tracking through notes, but it’s not as easy to view correlations to other systems etc.

    25 March 2022
  • avatar

    Yes, this would be excellent. Especially since many people suffer from underhydration. You can tell a lot about your water intake and overall health by the state of your urine. It seems like something that ought to be attached to the stool section.

    19 May 2022
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    Absolutely. Right now my urgency and frequency are the only things I can’t track with Bearable. This feature would make it truly comprehensive for me. Tracking volume would be nice too.

    20 June 2022
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    I’d love to be able to track my urinations throughout the day, similar to the bowel movement section. Urgency level out of 5, and amount (ml) would be really helpful to track my bladder issues.

    • Ivy
    21 June 2022
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    Came here to suggest a urine tracker just like the BM one. I just got diagnosed with IC.

    22 June 2022
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    Yes, agree with all above! Basically the bowel movement section but for bladder. Urine color & frequency is used to help monitor hydration levels so I have to record it and if it were here too it would be so much quicker and more likely I’d remember. (Then, if there was a way to make the app show fluid intake vs urine frequency that would be great info for your kidneys & hydration too.)

    05 July 2022
  • avatar

    I definitely want this! I was surprised to see it was not there already.

    13 August 2022
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    Im working with a Dietitian who is asking me to track my urine color and frequency. Would love to have this added similar to the stool section.

    21 December 2022
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    I have pelvic floor dysfunction which causes painful burning and UTI-like symptoms. This would be very helpful!

    03 January 2023
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    Came here to request this feature! It would be incredibly helpful.

    27 March 2023
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    I thought this would be an option and that’s why I got the app. Is it being considered or is it going to be on there soon hopefully?

    25 April 2023
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    Please! One of the things I came here to request

    21 December 2023
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    This one would be huge for me

    29 December 2023
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    Yes would love this! Agree with it needing to be with like bowel movement section. I think it would be cool if the slider function was for how full your bladder was/how much you peed - the equivalent of the poop type slider.

    09 July 2024