

Symtoms Correlated To Actual Foods

Symtoms Correlated To Actual Foods Right now it’s correlated only to tags in the diet section. But if trying to identify an allergy we can see which actual food in the log is the cause. This feature is essential for a symptom and mood tracking app

54 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 03 March 2021 by user Rob M

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  • 03 March 2021 Rob M suggested this task

  • 05 March 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    If this can only work for foods added as favorites that would already be awesome.

    13 March 2021
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    Food items themselves listed as factors. This would help users identify both intolerances and allergies to foods.

    15 March 2021
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    I was looking for this feature, as it seems (to me) so obvious. Lots of mental symptoms correlate to food intake, and so can things like joint pains eg.

    24 April 2021
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    Show factors and foods for 48hrs prior to allergic symptoms.

    I am currently trying to figure out what I am allergic to and it wouöd be really helpful to see the effect it had on factors and food 48h before the symptom appears. So that insights doesn’t show only the effect on the next days, but alos the effect on the last 2 days. If you add this feature it would be the perfect allergy tracking app.

    -Julia Levnaic

    01 November 2021
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    Eoghan were trying to follow up on this request. We’re ONLY asking that’s foods correlate to symptom. This is no different than “food factors” but food factors is redundant. Take the tag data from foods entered and allow it to correlate to symptom data. We’re not asking for nutritional data. Nothing to do with macronutrients. Just what your app was designed to do. Correlation with symptom scores.

    Please please add this feature. It’s been in request for over 2 years!

    08 February 2023