

New Layout Design

So I really love this app, but I do think the current design is a little “clunky.” My suggestion is that the home page be more of like how the timeline is with an overview of what was recorded that day or prior, and then break out the actual tracking bits onto different pages, grouping similar things together like tracking medication and dietary things on one page/tab, mood and mental health things on another etc. Just to make it a cleaner interface and easier to make new entries or just view notes and such without it just being all crammed together on one page. It’s more of just a visual thing.

7 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 06 March 2021 by user Sam

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  • 06 March 2021 Sam suggested this task

  • 11 March 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    I agree, but I think also it would be cool to have options for which views you prefer, since this can get complicated it would be helpful to have a wizard that guides you through the set-up process to design things how you like them.

    That way you can choose your homepage to be a calendar, timeline, or logging view, and then choose whether to split the different logging groups or keep them all on one page for people who like to log everything at once (but maybe add a scroll-to-top and collapse-all buttons to simplify things).

    You could probably also have an option to split the categories into their own full page views, so for Meds you can see its logging AND its calendar/timeline on the homepage but hide all the other things like Factors etc in the calendar/timeline, until you go to a dropdown menu or something where you can look at a Total view or pick a different logging category/group of categories to be shown together.

    26 March 2021
  • avatar

    Just in the interest of sharing both sides for the team to consider, I would find having everything split up into separate pages extremely annoying and cumbersome. The app is already slow as it is—I really don’t want to spend any extra time tapping around between different pages. I like being able to input everything in one place.

    12 April 2021
  • avatar

    I had a thought about making a second page for non-daily entries, like the significant events or if you don’t have daily bowel movements. But with the ability to move the sections to the page you want just like how you can change the order on the page. That way you can keep the things you use most on the first page and don’t have to go back and forth to much. But if it gets this big maybe even sub pages for entries and insights would be good. That way you can split up your entrie pages and have diffrent pages for insights focus on either mood or factor or symptom. and you can still get from ‘home’ with one tab to ‘insights’. And in my case symptoms would be my first page in insights cause that is my main focus.

    And hopefully there will be web acces or something so if you want you can even disregard some insights because you only look at them on a big screen. That might then also make the app less slow?

    26 April 2021