

change time when day crosses over

On Bearable, I might just be missing it but I usually stay awake past midnight, and logging anything after midnight bleeds into the next day instead of being part of the same day. It’s be nice if you could set the time when the day changes so the log is more accurate (ie the day switches over at 3am instead of midnight)

Thank you for your consideration :)

25 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 11 March 2021 by user Isaac

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  • 11 March 2021 Isaac suggested this task

  • 25 March 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    Something like this is further up the suggestion chain, but yeah. As someone who not only is usually a night owl, but also has EXTREMELY variable sleep times, I really need the ability to decide when my day actually ends/begins. Preferably in the middle of my sleep period, whatever that ends up being.

    Which is why I think Bearable tracking the times you sleep/wake up is just as important as tracking how long you sleep. That way, it can (maybe) automatically put that division between those sleep hours.

    Otherwise, having a quick little query at the top saying “Today started at…” and click the timestamp (defaulted to midnight) to change it as you see fit.

    Maybe if you’re on a previous day and still editing, it can keep on letting you keep your entries as “for this day” even if you’re doing stuff at 1am, 3am, etc. And it won’t count those as for the next day, until you click on the actual next day. And it can accordingly slide the default “Today started at…” value to shortly after your last entry for the previous day.

    Example: the last entry you put for Monday, while you were on the Monday screen, was 2:30 am. Then you later click on the new Tuesday entry which appeared at midnight, but its “Day started at…” will be set to 2:31am. Or maybe it can assume a half-hour buffer, like 3:00 am.

    It’s complicated though, for the good devs to figure out the best way to go about this kind of stuff. But us night owls DEFINITELY have a hard time trying to work around the midnight-centric standard. I keep having to log my night medicines at 11:59 pm the previous day, so it can count toward the sleep I get, even though I may not ACTUALLY take them until 4am and I go to bed at 9am. Cuz then otherwise I’m STARTING my day with sleeping pills and it’s like uh, that doesn’t feel right. ^^;;

    I prefer it for my day to end when I go to bed (or to stay more technical, a few hours after I go to bed), and for my morning to start when I wake up, even if that’s 5pm.

    31 March 2021
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    This would be huge for me! I love bearable, but it does NOT work with my schedule!

    I work graveyard shift, and my shift starts at midnight. On work days, I take meds before I go to work, at like 11:30 PM. On my days off, I sleep in a little, like most people. If I put accurate times, bearable says I take 2x my meds on some days and 0x on others, just because one is slightly before midnight and one is slightly after.

    My current workaround is to mark it as the correct time (it is important to know the exact time), but move it to the previous day if I take meds after midnight, but this is really not ideal.

    And that’s just for meds! Sleep, work hours (if I go in early), food, mood averages, and all kinds of other things are affected by the day shifting at the wrong time.

    19 February 2022
  • 22 November 2024