

Sorting options.

When looking for a factor, or a supplement, etc. on my lists, it would be really helpful to have some different ways of sorting, i.e. alphabetical, most often logged, recently logged, usually logged at this time.

I find I spend a lot of time searching through all my items since I have long, long lists of factors, feelings, and supplements.

26 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 28 March 2021 by user Will

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  • 28 March 2021 Will suggested this task

  • 31 March 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    I have the same problem - All my lists are too long.

    It’s impossible to quickly mark something. I sorted them in groups were it’s possible. But it’s not really faster because most of the groups I need every day. Maybe I could sort them every month myself by most often logged - but this is much work and would make finding everything else very difficult.

    I would like two automatically filled groups at the top of everything else: “most often logged” and “recently logged”. (Containing copies of the entries)

    All lists should be alphabetically sorted (maybe user selectable).

    And I need a search feature for everything. Entering a unusual symptom today means searching in a long list and sometimes not logging it because I don’t have time for it. Would be better to just type a few letters instead.

    21 May 2021
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    the cons of this are that i wouldn’t want my ‘most recently logged’ or ‘most often logged’ symptoms to trigger me to log them just because i see the symptom on the list more often. i try to only log symptoms when i start to notice them bothering me and then move upward from there based on intensity. i’m concerned that seeing certain symptoms more often will cause me to log those symptoms more often as i’m reading it and thinking ‘yeah, i kinda do have a headache’ even though it’s not at a point that’s bothersome enough to say i have a mild headache. i think this issue can be easily solved by switching from the mild/moderate/severe ratings to a 1-10 rating scale because then, even if i only notice it when prompted to pay attention, i could mark it at a 1 and then keep an eye on it throughout the day.

    on the flip side, i can see what you’re saying. having some way to access the items that you log the most can be important. maybe it would be useful to have a drop-down list at the top of ‘recently used’ symptoms etc. so that we can choose to use it or not. i think this will be even more helpful as we move closer to timestamp tracking symptoms rather than using overall scores for large blocks of time.

    or perhaps the option in the edit menu for symptoms to mark some of them as ‘favorites’ so that we can use a quick access drop-down menu at the top with all of those favorited symptoms. from there, if you get headaches very often, you can favorite headaches and then it’s easier to track headaches and also you’re more likely to track the changes in your headache as it gets better/worse, which would theoretically improve insights, or at least give you more data on how your symptoms progress for use with a doctor or from a medical standpoint.

    as is, i do not like the idea of automatically alpha sorting all of the lists. i have already put a lot of work into editing my lists and moving things around so that the most common symptoms of each category are at the top of those categories and are easily accessible. i’m also worried this would cause things like the ‘moods’ to be alpha sorted, but i would rather have them sorted out by positive vs. negative moods so it’s easier to find the right moods based on my ratings.

    a search feature would be very helpful! there were some people who suggested a ‘type to log’ option where you can click on a specific area and type in all of your symptoms or moods and it will automatically log them. alternatively some sort of search option to take us to that symptom so we can manually input the information would also be fine. some of my lists are quite lengthy as well and that would be super helpful.

    21 May 2021
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    I want to be able to sort the moods the save way I can the weather factors. I’ve added a few moods that are more accurate for how I feel than the ones that were already there, but I’d like to be able to sort them into negative, neutral, and positive feelings so I’m not hunting through a bunch of positive emotions to find the negative one I’m feeling when I feel like crap, or conversely have to contemplate through all the negative ones when I’m actually feeling good.

    15 September 2021
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    I’d like to be able to choose the sort type for each section/category and be able to choose from manual, alphabetically, most recent etc. E.g when you click on add/edit -> edit (order).

    15 September 2021
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    Alphabetical would be amazing

    28 November 2023
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    I was just manually alphabetizing my lists (what a pain!) and I debated breaking them down by feelings too, just like you mentioned. I think having sub-categories in this area would be such a huge help, and then being able to filter/sort within the categories would be so nice. This is actually exactly what I came here to suggest, so I’m glad people are already talking about it, even if it’s been a while.

    28 December 2024
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    I came here to add this suggestion, so I’m glad that it was already suggested!

    As others have said, having the ability to put moods into categories and then sort/alphabetize within the categories would be so helpful. Similar sorting options within each section would be so nice. I’ve been spending my morning manually alphabetizing everything and it’s such a pain.

    28 December 2024