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  • 29 March 2021 Eliana Ruby suggested this task

  • 31 March 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    Yes! I was tracking on paper for months before I found Bearable, and I could use that data too if this was an option, but it’s far too much work to enter it day by day as-is.

    20 July 2021
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    I would love this as well. I use a few other tracking websites, apps, devices, etc which I would love to be able to process that data and get it into bearable for the correlations features.

    I wonder if the challenge is that it’s easy to bugger things up in the csv formatting and then the app either has to be programmed to check the data and reject it either line by line or the entire document. Otherwise it might just straight up break. Heck even if the data is the right format you might enter an extra digit somewhere and it might mess with correlations and

    Perhaps there is another format/method which would be more robust or easier for Bearable’s software to verify? What if Bearable could “export” your “format” Where format is your items, data needed for that item and limits. ie Mood need date/time (in a specific format), integer rating 1-10, text delineated by.... etc etc This “format” file can then be fed to a web interface along with the csv you propose to import. The website process the CSV with respect to your format file and highlights any issues. ie error: Mood rating of >10, Factor X missing pre/am/mid/pm, etc etc If no issues are found it asks you if you want to confirm pushing the data to Bearable. Else you edit your CSV file based on the report the website spits out.

    Ultimately a Bearable API is probably the correct want to do this but it takes development and not a lot of people can code to take advantage of that. :/

    15 September 2021
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    Plus one. I’ve a lot of historical tracking data and would be totally willing to match export format to be able to have all my data in one place.

    05 December 2021
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    This is essential. I stopped using Bearable for a while trying another app. For ages, I’ve wanted to switch back to Bearable, but the huge gap in the data has made that impractical. Tbh, if I hadn’t just accidentally renewed my annual subscription last month, I’d have exported my data from Bearable and moved to a system that allows me to import past data and integrate with other other apps. I really want to use Bearable for the insights and the adorable bear mascot, but at this point, I’ll probably just end up dumping everything from everywhere into a spreadsheet and building my own system for showing correlations.

    08 February 2024
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    What alternative have you switched to, @Molly?

    12 February 2024