Under consideration


Base factor mood correlation on difference from norm not absolute value

The section in Insights “This factor makes you feel” tells me that every single factor makes me feel “tired” because that is the mood I log every single day. 😅 It would be more useful if this list was based on the difference from the norm (sorry, don’t know the statistics/data science term for this), not just the absolute number of which mood comes up the most.

For instance, if I’ve logged being tired 100 times for Factor A, B, and C, being happy 80 times for A, and being happy 10 times for B and C, then the primary mood A makes me is happy, not tired, even though I logged tired 20 more times than happy for A. The relative difference from B and C is most meaningful to glean insights from.

111 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 12 April 2021 by user Zoe Gillenwater

Moved into Under consideration 18 April 2021

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  • 12 April 2021 Zoe Gillenwater suggested this task

  • 18 April 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    I think this is a good idea.

    But it might be innaccurate if it took your all time average - how many days back should it take for this “norm” average you’re proposing?

    18 April 2021
  • 18 April 2021 James @Bearable moved this task into Under consideration

  • avatar

    I like this idea! James, maybe the range could be custom? Like 10 days, 30 days, 90 days etc. Just starting with multiple choice first, probably, then if users gel with it, adding custom ranges.

    24 April 2021
  • avatar

    30 days would probably be a good average

    18 May 2021
  • avatar

    Yea this is a good idea. Could also allow the user to tap to switch between the current method and this method. As well as choosing the time frame to base norms of off.

    I’m a huge fan of giving users more ways to play with our data.

    04 June 2021
  • avatar

    I like the custom time range option! I refine my tracking periodically, so I’d probably go back to when I last made changes.

    23 June 2021
  • avatar

    Many mental health assessments generally base data on 2 weeks, 30 days, and 6 months. For a major depressive episode, the symptoms have to be present for at least 2 consecutive weeks and be a marked change from previous functioning. Anxious symptoms have to be present for at least 6 months (on average) to qualify for generalized anxiety.

    05 December 2021
  • avatar

    This would be great! I currently barely use Insights at all because of this. My mood is stable at 5-6 all the time, and has been for years now. And for all the time I’ve been using Bearable (over a year, maybe two). So basically every factor Insight shows me the same thing.

    08 July 2022