

Include more than just pills in meds/supplements

Many of my meds are not taken in pill form—eye drops, nasal sprays, creams, etc. I like to keep them in meds because that’s what they are, so it helps me mentally keep track and stay organized, but there’s not always a clear way to indicate dosage for these. For instance, for a cream, I put the dosage as “1 smear,” which is kind of silly because you can’t possibly do half a smear or 2 smears—either I put some on or I didn’t put some on. Maybe these type of meds could be binary yes/no or something?

13 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 12 April 2021 by user Zoe Gillenwater

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  • 12 April 2021 Zoe Gillenwater suggested this task

  • 18 April 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    when i have topical creams or anything like that i just look at what the dosage is that i’m supposed to be applying (1 gram, etc) by weight (since it’s included in the dosage information) and still track it that way with a timestamp because sometimes it has to be applied more than once a day. or for eyedrops just 1/2/3 drops per eye, for sprays 1/2/3 sprays or sometimes i’ll track the active ingredient as 50 mcg. for creams i’ll track the weight of how much i’m supposed to apply. like a dime sized amount is 1-2 grams, etc depending on the medication. takes a lot of looking up different information to do this though.

    i do wish there were a way to schedule medications you’re supposed to take and to mark yes or no on whether or not you took the medication at that time. potentially this could end up being a dual purpose thing like for your creams if you wanted to just mark yes or no on whether or not it was used, and keeps the options open for timestamps for those who need them.

    sometimes i miss a dose of a medication and i want to be able to track that there was a missed dose there that was scheduled so i can track any symptom changes that might have been caused by just a minor mistake in missing a medication.

    05 May 2021
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    One thing I forgot to add to my initial suggestion—this matters to me because non-pill medications and treatments have a specific body part they are applied to rather than the whole body like pills always are, and right now I can’t indicate the body part and dosage per part. For instance, if I put 4 drops in my left eye and only 1 in my right eye, how do I log this, as 1, 4, or 5 drops? None are quite right. If I put cream on a patch of eczema on my forehead on one day and on my arm another day, I can’t capture this difference when I log that cream. I can add extra notes or split symptoms or meds by body parts, but this is messy and cumbersome and dilutes my insights.

    28 May 2021
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    I made my own factors category for no pharmalogic remedies and creams. I do so many other things to manage my symptoms other than taking my meds

    12 July 2021