

Landscape view please!

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra and I was wondering if you would include the ability to use Landscape View in all parts of the app. When I journal or text novels I normally do so in landscape view. It’s easier on my hands, I am able to write full sentences when using my stylus, my thoughts flow better, and I tend to make less mistakes that way. I am able to force landscape view if I have two applications open using the split screen mode. Other then that it won’t go into landscape for me. I don’t prefer to do that since it greatly reduces what I can see on-screen.

I want to thank you for your time, attention, and consideration to my suggestion above. I don’t know about anyone else but it would help me out GREATLY!! I Thank you in advance. I appreciate your team and the work y’all are doing to make mental health care easier on us patients and our psych teams.. Y’all deserve HUGGEE rewards..

4 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 13 April 2021 by user baabyrat PJ Dennis