

Add "Time elapsed since last dose" to medications

This will let users see at a glance the last time they took medication. This is incredibly helpful for pain meds. I find Doing the math difficult whn on opiates and it is nice when i can glance at an app and see it has been over 4 hours, then i know i can take it again. This would be a huge benfit in getting people to fully adopt the app. Right now i am using bearable for symptoms and round for meds. I’d like to have it all in one app

16 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 23 April 2021 by user Max Stroud

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  • 23 April 2021 Max Stroud suggested this task

  • 28 April 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    I’d find this useful as well, though for a different reason: to see if there are correlations between sympt9ms and how long ago I took a particular med. People can metabolize meds at different speeds so it can be hard to know when some meds’ effects wear off. For example, someone with ADHD might want to track how their focus correlates to how long ago they took their meds to see if worsened focus at a specific time might be due to the effect of their med wearing off. Or someone tracking allergy meds’ effective duration.

    By the way Max, for your use case, have you tried timer caps? They’re medicine bottles with timers on the lid that start a countdown whenever you place the lid back on the bottle after opening it. I use them for ALL my meds as it’s the only way I can reliably remember when I last took stuff.

    17 April 2024