

Bowel Movements charts/insights

Be able to see a graph of how many bowel movements per day and have bowel movements included in factors - i.e. how a certain medication affects how many bowel movements you have/how normal/abnormal your movements are

45 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 27 April 2021 by user Rose Reade

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  • 27 April 2021 Rose Reade suggested this task

  • 28 April 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    Helpful for those with IBS, not sure why we’re tracking it other wise. Forgive me if I’m missing something - Natasha Morrison

    15 October 2021
  • avatar

    Yes, I think this is what you’re getting at but I’d like to also include any other factors I mark in the bowel section such as a little or a lot.

    12 November 2021
  • avatar

    Insights for other bowel factors

    I can’t find how to get insights on the descriptors i use for each BM. Didn’t realize this was going to happen so I’m now going back and logging each descriptor (aka a little vs a lot etc) as a symptom. Would love for literally anything you input in this app to be able to be compared with literally any other input.

    • Anna Foster
    14 December 2021
  • avatar

    Yes, please allow Bowel factors to be used in insights. I didn’t realise it wasn’t possible, and I now have several months of tracking data that can’t be used. Maybe this is a silly question, or I’m missing something, but I’m not sure why factors are included if they can’t be used for insights? I can’t even seem to search for the factors using the search function.

    21 June 2022
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    Yes! Trying to figure out how “normal” my BM is and the app helps a lot BUT adding the factor in insight would be so so so useful!! Following on Beanz’s comment, I’m literally in the same situation right now

    25 January
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    Same as others: now I have weeks of data that serves for nothing.

    Why is bowl movement tracking offerrd of you cannot do anything with it later?

    28 June