

Sandbox Mode - Allow users to create their own tracking methods and templates.

I was just looking through the ~300 ish suggestions for features. To me, it seems to make a lot of sense for the devs to work on creating the infrastructure for users to create their own methods of tracking. That way, you can track whatever you want instead of lobbying for your idea for months or years and hoping it gains steam and the devs implement it.

So, for this idea, in the app, you could hit “track new” and then select what kind of method you’d like to use. Maybe you could choose from a simple yes/no for the day or time period, a numeric value or duration, a rating scale like 1-10 or 1-5, key words, etc. You could also combine them, like if you want to track your workouts you could enter a duration, then a rating for intensity or satisfaction, etc. The devs could still make templates for us, to make it easy as pie for the average user. So, for example, a ‘template’ would be like the current Bowel Movement section where it already has a sliding scale, a quality, and an amount. That’s just three ways of logging something combined into one section or ‘template’ - in this case is titled “bowel movements” but it could be titled Menstrual Cycle (to borrow one of the top suggestions at the moment).

If the devs created the infrastructure for us to let our imaginations run wild, the possibilities would be endless. Plus, the devs would have more time to focus on more complicated things the average user can’t or doesn’t want to do - like improving the ways Insights works. The average user probably doesn’t have a degree in data science or analytics, but we can probably figure out how to select Duration and Quality to create our own Sleep Tracking template. Another example would be integrations - the devs could spend more time working on integrations with other services (something users cannot do themselves).

TL;DR: Devs create ways for us to create our own ways of tracking literally anything instead of the devs addressing our specific feature requests one-by-one.

69 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 01 May 2021 by user Will

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  • 01 May 2021 Will suggested this task

  • 02 May 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    I love this idea. It would offer a lot of flexibility for the users and more time for the devs to focus on the more important/complicated stuff, so it’s kind of a win-win.

    I wonder if it would play nice with the Insights though, as I don’t know how that works under the hood 🤔

    05 May 2021
  • avatar

    Great idea! I’d love to see more dev work on Insights since that’s the piece I can’t do myself. I think custom tracked items could still power Insights if the template lets you specify if the thing you are tracking is an input (like factors or meds) or output (like symptoms or moods).

    24 May 2021
  • avatar

    i like this a lot

    06 June 2021
  • avatar

    Amazing idea! Love it!

    26 July 2021
  • avatar

    Yes please! I had the same thought ; but this lays it out perfectly as to what I was wanting!

    19 August 2021
  • avatar

    I agree. Right now I have “factors” that I wish I could rate. And I don’t know how to think of custom trackers vs those....

    25 November 2022
  • avatar

    This makes a lot of sense. And would simultaneously meet a lot of the various suggestions offered by users. I’d love this!

    28 November 2022
  • avatar

    I would pay a lot of money for a tracking app with this capability.

    01 May 2023