

Weighted symptoms

Some symptoms are much more serious and cause for concern than others. I would like to see a setting where, when you create the symptom, you can set how many points it adds to your symptom score. For example seasonal allergies is not as serious as the flu but when entering one or the other they each count as a symptom score of 1 and the days look the same in recap, when in fact you were feeling much worse on the day you had the flu. I hope this makes sense

39 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 02 May 2021 by user A Mitchell

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  • 02 May 2021 A Mitchell suggested this task

  • 02 May 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    Came to suggest the same thing. I recently discovered a supplement that is helping my depressions a lot (serious) but giving me an upset stomach (no big deal). Those symptoms are treated equally in the app but one is worth far less than the other.

    09 June 2021
  • avatar

    I’m so surprised this isn’t higher up! there’s so many suggestions to go through to decide to vote on, I suppose, but this would be such a major improvement in the usefulness of symptom score.

    20 July 2021
  • avatar

    Couldn’t agree more.

    21 July 2021
  • avatar

    ABSOLUTELY this. For example, my spine injury pain level is much more of a concern than my migraines. I’d like to track them both as they are both important, but one definitely impacts my life more than the other and I’d love to be able to visualize that data. Thanks for putting it into words so well!

    15 August 2021
  • avatar

    This would be very helpful as some symptoms aren’t even bad exactly. Like menstruation itself shouldn’t count towards if I’m having a bad symptom day but menstrual cramps should. Also having a lot of very minor symptoms should not make it look like a worse day than one with a couple serious symptoms.

    07 February 2022
  • avatar

    Maybe this is better described as “quality of life” weight/toggle/scale? So basically, some symptoms you want to track because it’s important to be able to describe the whole picture to a medical practitioner, but only a few symptoms are what really affect your quality of life in a day. Pain vs discomfort, for example. Or a minor nuisance (like I stated having sneezing fits a couple times a day, or tinnitus at night) vs I had a dull pain in my back all day (moderate on the pain scale) but it prevented me from doing my daily activities.

    16 March 2022
  • avatar

    Agreed and like Josh D’s suggestion about further specifying the scale or quality of life weight/impact. Feel like the minor symptoms could just be tagged as such so there’s less emphasis on their score. That way you could also filter mild symptoms or side effects from more concerning ones.

    02 February 2023
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    Yes!!!! If I vomit all day, that is a billion times worse than having “unbearable” dry skin!!

    22 November 2024