

Nap time adds to sleep total for the day

For example I may sleep 5hrs during the night and then take a 2hr nap during the day. Insights ignores the fact that the nap brings my sleep total to 7hrs and still lists my sleep as 5hrs even though I am now feeling better rested. This confuses my symptom scores as many are congruent with the amount/quality of sleep I get.

32 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 02 May 2021 by user A Mitchell

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  • 02 May 2021 A Mitchell suggested this task

  • 02 May 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

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    It would be helpful if sleep was visualised as a bar chart or stacked area chart. Then you could stack nap periods on top.

    20 November 2021
  • avatar

    As a narcoleptic who has tried out a biphasic sleep schedule (which is exactly like OP’s scenario: I sleep 4-6 hours at night then 1-3 hours during the day when I start getting drowsy, for a healthy total of usually ~6-8 hours of sleep) I would love this feature to exist. Biphasic sleeping- especially in semesters where I can arrange my class/work schedule to accommodate it- has helped my narcolepsy symptoms IMMENSELY, but I would love to be able to account for this/track it in the app for quantitative data instead of just my personal hunches

    23 November 2022