

personalised Day start/end time

It would be nice if you could define the days end to e.g. 4:00 o’clock so you can finish tracking the day after midnight and still count it to the previous date.

25 votes

Tagged as Suggestion

Suggested 09 May 2021 by user Verzweiflung

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  • 09 May 2021 Verzweiflung suggested this task

  • 12 May 2021 James @Bearable approved this task

  • avatar

    Log events based on a person’s day rather than a 24-hour clock.

    e.g. If I sleep at 2am, then the contents of my day include those up until 2am. If I go to bed at 5am, then the events before 5am are still part of the previous day; my new day begins after I wake up, whether that’s at 8am or 4pm.

    • Alicson
    27 October 2021
  • avatar

    This is currently the biggest flaw I see in what is otherwise an amazingly flexible tool!

    06 December 2021
  • avatar

    This could be flexible and relate to your sleep and wake up times, as in before you have noted down in Apple health that you went to bed the previous day is still running, four times such as a.m. p.m. relate relatively to the time you got up

    03 December 2022
  • avatar

    As well as being able to customize the time blocks for symptom recording!
